64. Margarett

The taxi they wore continued to speed up to the place they wanted to visit. Tara can't stand still with everything she wants to do. The girl occasionally looked in the small mirror to see her face, then looked out again. The hating woman who was with him didn't even hesitate to let out a rough sigh because she was tired of seeing Tara's childish behavior. Testing my patience.

"Can't you just sit still?"

"I can't, Auntie. I don't like standing still and my body will move on its own even when I don't want to move." Tara laughed at his bad-sounding confession.

"But… What's your name, Aunt? I didn't know your name and just kept calling Aunt. Is that polite?"

"Then after knowing my name you will call only by name? it's more disrespectful."