66. Threat

The taxi stops right in front of a famous restaurant. Tara and Margarett got out and started walking into the restaurant. This time not wearing any disguise. Tara looks relaxed by showing her face, and also Margarett looks wary of the people in the restaurant.

"It's okay, Auntie. I'm used to eating here with my manager and everyone won't bother."

Hearing Tara's story, who seemed fine, made Margarett breathe calmly. For some reason, the first time they met, Margarett always remembered. He was just afraid that Tara's life would be known by many people just because she was the way she was. it turns out that the privacy of a public figure really must be hidden.

Tara took a seat at the very end that exposed the street outside the restaurant. He had pre-ordered and was just waiting. "Is the uncomfortable Aunt going with me?" asked Tara who saw the look on Margarett's face as if she was holding something back.