71. Second Plan

Aldrick could only watch the girl leave. All the girl's words seemed to make him realize that what he was doing was wrong. He should not interfere with the girl's meeting with everyone, even with Nizam.

The fist tightened as his eyes accidentally met the eyes of another person who was smiling contemptuously at him. His teeth chattered in anger. Of all people, why meet that jerk? Even wearing very revealing clothes.

"You are good at all ways of flirting, Litara," he growled remembering how the hands intertwined with passionate caresses and glares at each other.

Aldrick hit the steering wheel so unable to stand the overwhelming emotion. The pain in his hand was not felt by his feelings that were also being swayed. Aldrick didn't know what he was doing, but he felt very angry. It's all because the guy brings there.