84. Dinner

Aldrick. The man slowly opened his eyes after having had enough of his rest. He looked around and saw that it wasn't his room. Ah, this is Tara's room.

Aldrick continued to wake up and rubbed his face. Starting to move from his bed to an empty room. Laura doesn't know where to go.

Aldrick got up after removing the blanket that wrapped his body. Maybe it was Tara's doing because before they had slept without a blanket. Gosh... The girl is so cute.

Aldrick started. Looked for Tara downstairs and the girl was sitting on the barstool waiting for the waitress to prepare the food. Ah, he slept all day? How strange. Aldrick is not used to sleeping long, especially during the day.

Aldrick cleared his throat to alert Tara to his whereabouts, but the girl only glanced at him and returned to busy watching the waiters cook. Making Aldrick then come closer and see too.

"Why not help?" asked Aldrick in his raspy, waking voice.

"They didn't let me help."