90. Beach

Tara nodded slowly and freed herself from Aldrick's arms. He adjusted his breathing to return to normal with Rosalie still looking worried. Meanwhile, Aldrick then gave Tara drinking water.

"Are you relieved?"

Tara nodded after closing the bottle of water she had been drinking. He looked at Rosalie and nodded slowly. As if to say that he was okay. Rosalie sighed and patted Tara on the shoulder lightly.

"Tell me if something's bothering you, but calm yourself first."

Tara nodded again. He looked at Aldrick. "May I sit in the back with Rosalie?"

Aldrick nodded slowly. "Calm yourself," Aldrick ordered.

Tara nodded. After that, he joined Rosalie sitting in the back. It made Rosalie relieved to be able to take care of Tara with all her heart and as best she could. Rosalie even hugged Tara tightly so she wouldn't hurt her again. Rosalie didn't want to see Tara like that again. It hurt him.