100. Not A Seductress

Aldrick opened his eyes after hearing the voice of Tara who was nearby. The smile returned to welcome Tara's presence in front of her. "You're trying to test my patience, hm?"

Tara moves away. Passing Aldrick who was still in the doorway with tara who then sat down in front of the mirror. Started to apply a facial with Aldrick who turned around and stood watching Tara's activity from the doorway.

Tara ignored him. The woman continued to carry out her activities without being bothered in the slightest by the presence of Aldrick behind her. Meanwhile, Aldrick just kept smiling and looking at Tara through the reflection of the mirror there. He had no intention of interfering with Tara's activities, so Tara shouldn't be bothered by his presence either. The woman looked beautiful in many ways and Aldrick again admired her silently.