104. Xander's Disturbance

Just getting out of the taxi, Rosalie had to be surprised by Xander's presence not far from the back of the taxi. Rosalie took a deep breath after trying to ignore it and focused more on leaving immediately. 

"Why do beautiful women always behave badly."

Xander's words made Rosalie stop in her tracks. He turned his head, looking at the man who could be said to be handsome and who was looking at him on the motorbike casually. Rosalie closed her eyes holding back all her emotions and sighed in resignation. What exactly is Xander's wish? At times he had returned to follow Rosalie even without Rosalie's knowledge. Gosh… That idiot guy is annoying.

Never moving from his position, Xander immediately got off his motorbike and approached Rosalie. He glanced briefly at a building that could be said to be simple.

"So this is where you live?"