107. Seine River

Rosalie rolled her eyes at Xander's words. He immediately checked by kissing the parts of his body. It does smell, but not with the smell of time-dimensional garbage. Gosh… Xander does have a cheeky mouth like Tara. The baby just came home and another baby has arrived. It seemed like Rosalie's life had to be faced with two grown-up babies. Irritating.

"Let's go back and take a shower. You don't have a job, do you? Come with me then," said Xander who pushed Rosalie's shoulder to quickly walk to her room.

"Where are you going? Don't mess with me."

Xander smacked the back of Rosalie's head, causing the girl to groan and turn to Xander for a moment. "Your mind never looks at people positively? From the start always avoided me with harsh words."