142. Repeat The Story

"I go first."

The man nodded with a faint smile. After that, Tara got into the car with two people who would drive her back. She'd been here a few hours talking to him for a long time, now it was evening and she had to go back. He was also quite tired today and wanted to rest in peace soon.

The man kept his eyes fixed on the car that was slowly driving away from this area. He returned a faint smile and went inside with his men who also followed. The meeting with Litara is over and now it's time to enjoy her life's path. Ignore everything he doesn't like and do whatever he wants. Easy isn't it?

The car continued to drive through the streets in the afternoon. Delivering a calm atmosphere that is created by itself as well as to the wind that blows caressing whatever is there. A beautiful day to enjoy a relaxing time in sunny weather.

"Put me down on the street later. I want to stop by somewhere first."

"Okay, Miss."