Rules Governing the Mansion

After many sleepless nights, trying very hard to make a decision on who to roll with, Camala finally made a choice to stick with Dieago and see where things goes,at least the money she would get from him would be enough to pay off the debt she owes Lugard.So after dressing up in a short sexy black gown which exposed her back,she put on a big jacket which measured same length with her gown,she picked up her small purse which had Dieago's card in it,she wore a black hill shoe, after making sure Tracy was asleep in the store room she made her way out of the empty house as her friend Flora was out on another date,she boarded a cab to City Hill as indicated on the card.

When the cab arrived at City Hill,for some unknown reason,the driver refused to drive in,so Camala had to hop out and continue her journey on foot, walking to the big gate she pressed the bell button to have the security come to her aid,a fat man in his forties on black and white uniform came to check who's at the gate.

"How may I be of help to you young lady?", The man asked with scrutinizing eyes already on Camala.

"I want to see Dieago"Came Camala's calm reply.

"Is it on business issues or..?".

"Business", Camala cut in.

"How am I sure of that?",The man said looking at Camala like something despicable.

"Here,I got his card", Camala replied ignoring the look this man was throwing at her and handed to him Dieago's card.

"Yes.., this his is card",the man said with a mischievous look.

"May I go in now?", Camala questioned already getting impatient and pissed at the same time.

"Nope, not until you tell me how you got the boss's card,who sent you?,are you a spy?".The man questioned with a suspicious look on his face.

"He gave it to me", Camala sneered.

"The boss don't give anyone is card, not more of a slut,so I presume you are a spy".

"Arrrgghh stupid!!", Camala snarled in her head."You see sir,I don't know what you are talking about,I really need to see ya boss,so if you would let me in.....".

"You're under arrest young lady, boys emergency case, send two guards down to the gate",The security gate man spoke into his phone while pointing his gun at Camala.

"Okay...,I give up,am leaving", Camala said turning to take her leave but it was already too late.

"Young lady, I'd advise you don't take anymore steps if you don't wanna get hurt,ya hands above ya head",he ordered.

"F**k!!", Camala snarled as she did as told,the security guard went through her purse and came upon her gun, and after some minutes a car drove in full speed to the gate with two security guards in it and the driver, Camala was handcuff and took into City Hill, Camala would have been amazed by the new surrounding if only she wasn't held like a prisoner in the car,I mean the last time she was here,she was blindfolded, this place was another city in New York,I mean it's just too big to be referred to as an estate,the drive was already taking minutes even when the car was on full speed.

The car drove into a big compound and finally came to an halt in front of a big mansion that looked more like a palace.Camala was roughly pushed out of the car and into the mansion which was more heavily guarded than out in the city.She was lead through the big corridor and she saw different guards mounted at different doorsteps,and also some workers minding their business as they concentrated on their job,the once who walked pass them didn't bother to raise up their head to see who it was being held captive they had their head hung low like as if raising them up would cost them their lives.

The door to Dieago's study which Camala found familiar was pushed open by the guards guarding it,while Camala was roughly pushed in.Dieago was sitted behind his big desk passing orders to two officials from one of his tycoon father's companies.

"Boss the intruder", One of the guard holding Camala captive announced to have Dieago raise up his head to see who it was,his two personal guards Michael and Oliver who stood behind guarding him couldn't help but stare at Camala in dismay.

"This meeting is over", Dieago said dismissing the officials who hastily exit the room,he has been working on unlocking Lugard's real identity this past weeks,he wondered what Clara had with people from the under world.

"Can my hands be freed now!?"Camala snarled.

"Free her immediately"Dieago ordered and his guards jumped into action.

"My purse plzz"Camala glared at the guard that has been rough handling her some minutes back.

"Give her, her items and leave", Dieago ordered and the guards did as they were told.

"Am here for business", Camala taking a sit opposite Dieago.

"You changed ya mind!!?", Dieago questioned with a wide grin on his face.

"Yeah, only for the money".

"One step at a time they say", Dieago smirked.

"What's that suppose to mean?".

"Nothing, first you would have to sign some papers", Dieago said pushing some papers with a pen in it to Camala.

"Okay..."Camala said getting suspicious, but she signed the papers anyways without going through it I mean who cares right?, when we talking about cash.

"Here's ya credit card, fully loaded as promised", Dieago smirked.

"How much is in here?", Camala questioned scrutinizing the card in her hands.

"More than you could ask for", Dieago replied.

"Have got some rules concerning this deal", Camala informed.

"What rules?", Dieago questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Just one, don't get involved in my personal life or business",

"Akward... but that's fine with me,so you resume tomorrow as my personal maid".

"Maid!!?", Michael and Oliver exclaimed in unison but immediately regretted their action.

"Maid!?", Camala questioned in doubts .

"Yes, what were you expecting?", Dieago questioned love all innocent.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now", Camala said excusing herself.

"Not so quick,I got some rules too".

"Spill.."Camala sneered.

"You've got to move in here with me".


"Yes you see, it's part of the deal, it's mostly for security reasons", Dieago lied.

"I don't get it", Camala said looking bemused.

"You see,am the CEO of different companies,and I got a lot of enemies", Dieago explained.

"What does that got to do with me?".

"It's the reason my guards arrested you".

"What the f**k!!,you think am a spy?".

"Nope, but you could become one,if you keep going in and out of this premises".

"What am I still doing here?", Camala screamed only in her head,"I got a friend out there".

"She can move into one of the apartment in the estate if she pleases".

"I got a job at the club where I work", Camala pointed out.

"I'd double ya pay".

"Okay, it's a deal then".

"Michael show her to the butler,he knows what to do with her", Dieago ordered looking all bossy.

"I thought somebody said this guy was in live with me?", Camala found herself asking that stupid question only to herself,she finally arrived in a big kitchen with worker's in it doing different Jobs, some cooking, some doing the dishes others moping the floor,man this place is more of the description of a Palace"No wonder he's always acting like a prince,too many positions for one person", Camala thought aloud in her head.

"Me Anthony, the new maid has arrived", Michael announced and a man in his late seventies who has been supervising the workers turned towards him and Camala, little gossiping had spark up between some of the workers,who glanced at Camala.

"Welcome my dear",Mr Anthony greeted with a polite smile which exposed some of his missing tooth's while Michael took his leave.

"Thanks sir,am Camala", Camala introduced herself with an outstretched hand.

"Nice meeting you, Camala",Mr Anthony replied leaving Camala's hand hanging in the air."Follow me"he ordered leading the way out of the kitchen taking Camala on tour around the mansion.

"How hard could it be?", Camala questioned herself in her head, after showing Camala around the mansion where you could easily get lost if one is not carefull Mr Anthony finally showed Camala to her room upstairs.

"This is ya room", The butler announced pushing open the door to one of the big room in the west wing of the mansion just three doors away from the boss's room.

"I thought I'd be staying in the workers loudge, outside like every other worker?".

"No you wouldn't orders from the boss"the butler Mr Anthony replied with a voice deviod of emotion, Camala could tell already he wasn't a chatter box as he only gave simple straight replies to her questions, and from the look of it he must have been working with Dieago for a long time now.


"Here is a note containing the rules that governs this mansion,I would advise you go through it now, and ask questions where necessary",the butler said handing to Camala a little note which Camala opened to read.

*Do not make a single noise around the boss.

*Do not speak unless you are asked to.

*You are not allowed to look at the boss's face even when speaking to him.

*You do not speak to the boss except you are asked to.

*You are not to leave the mansion without permission from the boss or the butler.

*You do not speak to anyone outside the mansion about the mansion and it's households.

*You must not go anywhere near the boss except on his permission.

*You must always be at your best behavior, disobedient to these law will lead to serving of Punishments.

"Bull shit, palace rules!?", Camala screamed in her head."No body told me I was signing in to get imprisoned and work as a slave here", Camala spoke out as she couldn't take in the rubbish she just read from the book.

"And unfortunately, there is no going back after signing the papers",The butler added the finishing touch.

"I should have known better, that bastard couldn't be trusted", Camala snarled in her thoughts.

"I would now escort you out of the mansion, report to me when you resume work tomorrow, you would find me in the kitchen",The butler said leading the way out of Camala's new luxurious room which was ten times better than the apartment she shared with Flora,which she didn't get to appreciate as she still couldn't digest the so called rules of the mansion.

"So how did the visit to....., whatever is his name go?",Flora questioned with anxiety as she handed over a mug of chocolate tea to Camala.

"Bad", came Camala's reply.

"What do you mean by bad!?, don't tell me you screwed things up",Flora questioned with hints of disappointment in her voice.

"I would have been celebrating by now if I screwed things up".

"So.. what happened?".

"I got the job of a prisoner,all thanks to you", Camala replied Sarcastically.

"I don't understand whatever it is you are saying",Flora blurted out in confusion.

"That bastard set me up".

"Plzz, explain",Flora said reluctantly dropping her mug of tea on the occasional table closest to her couch,and Camala narrated her ordeal.

"You mean I get to Leave in an estate!?",Flora exclaimed in excitement.

"Are you excited,or you forgot the part of me being a prisoner", Camala glared dagger's at her friend.

"No..., not excited, just only for the estate apartment".

"Great!!", Camala exclaimed with a roll of eyeballs.

"It's worth the pay girl,chill after all it's only for the main time", Flora reassured with a wide smile.

"All those Clara bull shit, maybe he has been pretending all this while,he couldn't get me,so he decided to set me up with a deal", Camala snarled exaggerating.

"Babe you are just exaggerating,try looking at the better side",Flora advised.

"The new apartment right?", Camala questioned Sarcastically.

"No..., not that".

"What then?".

"Freedom babe".

"From who exactly?".

"LUGARD",Flora spelled out.

"I better go in and rest, tomorrow is sure going to be a bad day for me", Camala said yawning as she stood up stretching her bones and headed for the room.

"Try being a little optimistic some times, and not so pessimistic all the time",Flora sneered at her friend who was already heading to the room.

Author's Note:

Plz my lovely reader's, review and vote for my novel I really need ya votes to continue writing, so if you love the way the story is going don't forget to vote, and I'd upload more chapter's,much😍💖😍.