In a place far from the reach of mortals a place which can only be said to exist in myths it was a beautiful place with islands floating in the sky and wyverns and dragons could be seen flying about . Most eye catching of all was a single island floating in the centre of all the islands and a little higher than the others.It was a majestic island with water falls flowing down its side and mountain valleys and trees filled with violet and pink flowers and lush green forest ,it could be described in only one word a paradise. And in the centre of this paradise was a majestic palace which was both grand and elegant at the same time and the palace seem to exude an aura of majesty and a pressure which would make the inhabitants of this realm to subconsciously lower their heads and the cause of it is the person residing in the said palace, the ruler of this realm.
A gazebo made out crystal could be seen in the centre of an open courtyard with a beautiful streams running around it and lot of water lillies and lotus were standing with vigour like they were smiling which further enhanced the beauty of the place, and lots of spirits and fairies could be seen frolicking around as they were further making this place much more divine , In the centre of it all the crystal gazebo stood sparkling in rainbow colours due to the light reflecting of it creating the image of divine realm only heard or seen in myths .
Inside the gazebo a woman could be seen sitting on the floor holding a man in her arms
she could be seen caressing his face with affection and her touch was gentle to the point that she was treating him as someone so fragile a touch would hurt him ,the love she had for him could be felt from her whole being ,the way she looked at him with eyes full of love and longing. She gently brushed the strands of hair from his forehead and looked at his peaceful sleeping visage with love and care and asked him "Why do you keep on being selfless ,not valuing your own life ,even after thousands of years you haven't changed in the least bit"
Then she looked at him again ,while caressing his cheek she said "You might not know it but each time I saw you sacrificing your self for others I felt like killing myself , and I was devastated by the fact that I couldn't help you ,those people weren't even grateful for what you did but you still kept on doing it again and again for a thousand years"
At this point her eyes were filled with tears and she said with a smile "But this time you were different ,you were much more selfish and I was glad that you cherished your life more ,but you still sacrificed yourself for others but this time you did it for a woman" when she said those words the air around turned colder and the smile on her face was anything but scary .
"This time I won't let you continue this endless cycle of pain , I don't care if you hate me or resent me I'll beat you senseless until you understand" she said with a smile , suddenly the unconscious man shuddered a little for some unknown reason .
She inwardly thought 'He might think of me as a creep for watching him 24/7 *ahem I mean most of the time , and yes I didnt have any other intention at all , I did not want to see his body at all not in the slightest bit , it was all to ensure his safety' she reassured herself again gaining a bit of confidence.
At this moment she could feel that the man was showing signs of waking up she got both nervous and excited over the fact of talking to him for the first time.
In a blank barren space with no vegetation or any forms of life , not even dust or a single dirt could be found in this vast space only nothingness .
In the centre of this blank space you could see a man , most eye catching thing about him are his silver-white hair and his silver eyes which seem endless if you try peering into them . Currently Siegfried was thinking about who,what or where he was and while he was thinking about this he was assaulted by a splitting headache and finally remembered what happened to him and with a bitter smile he said "So I'm dead and this seems to be the afterlife, atleast I was able to save Ruby and I just hope she will live a happy life and forget about me" and while he was indulging in his depressing thoughts the surroundings seem to be suddenly covered by fog, Sieg was startled by this change and looked around and he saw a part of the fog was clearing up and it seemed to be showing some kind of vision ,it was like he was watching a movie but much more realistic.
In the vision he could see a tall man with long silver hair with perfectly sculpted face fighting against a dragon with a sword . The fight was very tough one, both were evenly matched and after some time the man killed the dragon and bathed in its blood and when he went back to his kingdom he was hailed as a hero . But the man never got arrogant even when the people worshipped him , he lived with the sole purpose of helping others . When people requested for his help he couldn't deny them as it was his character to help others. But alas due to this personality he sacrificed himself for others , by taking his own life so that the conflict in his kingdom maybe solved , he didn't think twice about ending his own life . And that was the end of a legend.
Siegfried who was watching this had a complicated expression because he could feel some familiarity with the man .While he was in his thoughts the black screen started to change and showed another vision , In this vision he could see yet another man who was similar to the silver haired man in the first vision but was more like a younger version of him.This man was a hero of an Empire and he had a compassionate personality. His character , moral code and personality were very similar if not exactly like the first man and he too lived for the people and when the need arised died for them.
The visions continued showing different people but all of them had similar appearances and mentality and all of them sacrificed themselves for others and finally after a long time, when the visions stopped Sieg felt sleepy and his vision darkened and he passed out .
After what felt like an eternity Sieg opened his eyes and what he saw before him mesmerized him .He saw a beautiful woman, no calling her beautiful is an insult because she could only be described in one word 'Goddess'. She was perfect in every way, her pale blue hair was done in a braid over her right shoulder and her blue eyes that seemed like it contained the oceans itself within it seemed like two precious jewels and her perfect face, even the goddess of beauty would have to give up and bow before her flawless face .
Sieg lowered his vision and looked towards her body which could only be described as bombshell *ahem beutiful figure.
Then Sieg noticed the woman was staring at him in a daze and situation was kinda awkward and this went on for a few minutes and finally Sieg decided to break the silence and he asked the first question that came to his mind
" Who are you ? "