
A deity familair!

The entire room was silent as Silver and the third Danite prince remained silent while gazing at each other, their eyes were calm and collected but the tension in the room has reached its peak already.

"Tell me, now you have openly rebelled against the Danite race, how do you plan to deal with the backlash?" The third Danite prince asked calmly with a look that made it seem like he was contemplating on what to do to Silver.

"Backlash? What backlash. The operation will continue as planned and the Danite race will have no choice but to keep cooperating, they won't dare go against me" Silver responded casually.


Only after hearing these words did the third Danite prince show hints of anger. He didn't take it to mind if Silver looked down on him, but speaking badly about his entire race was something the prince had no intention of tolerating.