
Can You Win?


The deity slashed forward and a powerful shockwave thatmade even space tremble rolled forward, consuming everything in its path as it moved. Many paled but no one below fled because the figure standing between them and the incoming shockwave was yet to flee!


Alex's eyes yanked open and black sparks exploded from them. He threw a hand forward and his black flames surged forward like eternal darkness, burning through space and time itself!


The shockwave slammed against Alex's black flames and was quickly reduced to nothing! Alex stood like an immovable mountain, gazing at the deity with scornful eyes. He was trying to understand something from this small exchange and he was happy he was right about it.

"You can't directly harm us, you can only influence things around you as a weapon but that will never be enough to kill me" Alex said calmly and the deity frowned.