

They were already leaving, on their way back to the empire. If Æ'l had waited a few more minutes before making his move, no one would have been able to get here on time. He would have been able to kill these people and leave as soon as possible.

That way they won't be able to catch up very soon since he can fly easily and they can't do so easily.

"High God… we finally meet again" Æ'l's voice was extremely calm for someone surrounded by the enemy forces.

Æ'l looked around and saw many terrified lesser deities here. He sighed as he couldn't kill everyone. If the battle with these big fishes starts, he won't be able to touch the others.

"We finally meet again but this will be the last time…." Lord Xi said as he gave the others the signal and they slowly began surrounded their target cutting off his path of escape

Æ'l acted like he wasn't aware of their intentions and primarily focused his gaze on the lone figure by his left.