A Week To Prepare (2)

It was a normal day like any other at the academy, but in one of the rooms of one of the Veritas class cadets there were five people arguing amongst themselves.

"It's very beautiful." Alice said with a bracelet in her hand.

"It's just a prototype." Said Quagmire.

"What materials did you use?" Asked Samuel, curious.

Quagmire pointed to the bracelet in Alice's hand and began to explain.

"The cables are made of copper with a flexible and reinforced rubber coating, while the outside of the bracelet is made of silver with an alloy mixture." The boy explained.

He continued talking for another 2 minutes of what materials were used and what processes they went through before they were lined up into the final product, which in this case was Vermillion. It's been over two weeks since he finished the first prototype of the Vermillion, this Vermillion that he showed his friends was a much more detailed and improved version than the first existing version, featuring better electricity conduction and other additions that were beneficial to the device.

"It looks a bit like your bracelet, Alice." Commented Mary, who was looking at Alice's arm.

Alice had a bracelet with some ornaments similar to the look of the bracelet Quagmire had made, however that bracelet was not a technological invention and it was just a gift from someone she couldn't remember, yet it was something extremely important to the girl.

"It really looks like it." Alice glanced at the bracelet and then started to stare at Quagmire strangely.

The situation remained that way for a few minutes, until Quagmire got up from the chair he was sitting in and took the bracelet from Alice's hand. He waved his hand a few times, gesturing for his friends to follow him to somewhere, and continued walking down the halls until he came to an empty practice room.

Entering the room, Quagmire quickly took the bracelet out of his pocket, putting it on his own arm, at the same moment he did so, an automatic locking mechanism closed at the bottom of the bracelet, bringing the two ends together and transforming it in a perfect circle.

The boy then asked his friends to back off and moved on, getting close to the training dolls, there he pulled a small rope on the right corner of the bracelet and pressed the triangular button made of black quartz.

"What's he doing?" Mary asked the others.

No one had time to respond to the girl when the black triangle-shaped button glowed eerily, illuminating the boy's arm, who instantly put his arm in a vertical line as he screamed.

''Discharge! ''The boy screamed relatively loudly, while the glow of the bracelet spread in a way that encompassed most of the room at an extremely fast speed. The glow generated a voracious electrical charge that hurled the training dummies a medium distance due to the shock of repulsion.

Quagmire looked back as he shook his head at the friends coming towards him, which meant that wasn't the only thing the bracelet had to offer. At the same moment, the boy positioned himself with one foot in front and the other behind so that he wouldn't be pushed, and pressed again on the black button of the bracelet as he screamed once more.

"Quick Fire!" He screamed again, raising a weapon-shaped hand with two fingers pointed in the direction of a single training dummy.

The bracelet revealed a small compartment with two holes in front of it, where the glow that had previously spread across the room accumulated on the bracelet, firing something that resembled a bullet made of condensed energy, and which was able to achieve speed even more impressive than the 'Discharge'.

The shot finally hit the training dummy, hitting him with a high impact that caused a slight repulsion sending the dummy back a little, it was also visible that the shot had caused some light burns in the dummy which now had some tears in the fabric.

"Amazing." Olivia said, marveling at the skill of the bracelet Quagmire had created.

"I had a few other ideas, but I decided to simplify everything." Said Quagmire as he walked towards the group.

Everyone was looking at the bracelet that had stopped glowing the instant Quagmire pulled the little string, presumably disabling the device's system.

"So what do you think?" Asked Quagmire, waiting for his friends' opinion.

"This is much more useful and powerful than a mere prototype!" Alice exclaimed.

"Well, I've worked on projects way bigger than this one, so maybe my vision of cutting edge technology is different from yours." Quagmire replied openly.

The four tried to understand what he meant about having worked on bigger projects and about the discrepancy in the vision of cutting-edge technology between them and him. However, they gave up midway and just focused their attention on the device the boy had tested a few seconds ago in front of them.

The bracelet didn't even get scratched after firing two extremely powerful charges, whatever Quagmire had done to that bracelet was something out of the ordinary for sure.

"The feeling of being able to create... it's so magnificent." muttered the boy.

Quagmire spoke these words in a strange tone, it was as if he had been deprived of doing something he loved for a long time, his eyes lit up as he looked at the bracelet on his arm.

''I think that's all for today, I still need to make some changes to the bracelet.''

The 4 looked at Quagmire, they were sure that with this device the veritas classroom had nothing to worry about (at least not in the matter of Quagmire's invention).

"Good luck to you guys." Quagmire said as he looked at Mary and Alice.

The boy turned his back and left the room where the 4 watched his slender back hurriedly leave the room, until they disappeared for good.

"Good luck to you too." Mary said with relative delay, for the first time with a smile on her face. A sudden interest in the boy surged through her.