The Secret King of the Outskirts

"Then, let's get the party started." Said Quagmire who was standing under a tree.

The shadow to his left wasted no time, turning the bright blue dagger toward Quagmire. He stepped forward just as his leader fired at the boy, however, Quagmire made no move as the bullet and dagger pierced his body.

''You got the wrong one!'' He yelled, turning into a shimmering image that began to turn greenish until it disappeared in a small explosion of white particles.

"What the fuck?" Asked the shadow leader.

However, no one understood the situation enough to answer it, as all members looked to the leader for orders or at least hints of the opponent they faced.

When the woman went to open her mouth again, Quagmire, no, three Quagmires suddenly appeared on either side she was unprotected, which surprised the woman. Anyway, she demonstrated her reason for being the representative of that highly recognized group of assassins in society, by easily dodging the three attacks as if they were nothing while firing 3 shots that blew up the 3 fake Quagmire.

"Your effort is futile." A voice came from somewhere, and none of the shadows could recognize the source.

"Dodge!" The group leader yelled, alerting the others of a huge chunk of construction falling on them.

They jumped prematurely, hurting themselves in the process, only to have the wreckage turn out to be just another one of the boy's elusive tricks. The assassins were very upset about the situation, as they had not been told in advance that the boy had such ability.

''SHOW UP, YOU SON OF A BITCH!'' The man holding the dagger yelled, he looked very angry.

"Right." Said a voice that came from behind the man, suddenly.

The shadow holding the dagger wasted no time, using his heightened senses he attacked immediately upon hearing the voice at his back, aiming for the target's jugular and kneeling at the same time to block the boy's chance of evasion. However, the young man smiled as he received the attacks with open arms, looking sadistically at the man's face.

"He's right behind you." The boy said as he disappeared into thin air with an explosion of false particles.

At the same moment the illusion disappeared, the man was gripped tightly from behind, the dagger arm being pulled into the lower spine and forced to a point where the muscle was not supposed to act.

"AHHHH!" The man screamed in pain and surprise.

The shadow leader fired in the boy's direction just as the man's arm snapped unusually, Quagmire wasted no time kicking the man's calf as he threw him into the path of the bullet.

"No!" The woman screamed as the bullet she fired pierced the chest of one of her subordinates.

"This is more fun than I remembered." Said Quagmire with a smile that made the assassins shiver as he disappeared into the darkness.

"Then let's get back to our little game!" The voice again sounded strangely distant, like an announcer narrating a football match.

''Cutting edge technology created by himself, sadistic and extremely versed in martial arts...'' Said the leader of the shadows ''You! You are Twisted!''

''You got the obvious right... As a reward, you won't be next.'' The boy said, as dozens of fake Quagmire jumped towards a shadow.

The shadow that was the target of the attack, threw itself backwards while making a vertical movement with its sword, in fact, it was an extremely long weapon and still had a technology that gave it a red glow that probably referred to its increase in temperature.

The instant the sword came into contact with the boys' bodies, all the Quagmires were cut and turned to dust, proving to be false. The real Quagmire didn't miss this opening and appeared behind the man, who tried to fight back, still dumbfounded.

He attacked with a sideways vertical cut. Quagmire narrowly dodged, taking a small step to the side that tilted his body slightly, making the sword scrape his body and lightly burning his shirt and lab coat.

"Fuck you man, that was my favorite outfit!" The boy exclaimed angrily.

The man wasted no time and attacked Quagmire once more, this time with the support of bullets fired by their leader and the other 2 survivors, who drew their weapons and leapt at Quagmire in unison.

It was evident that Quagmire was cornered, but he didn't seem to mind as he just stood there, just lifting the arm that his wristwatch was on, slightly. The bullets and shadow attacks hit the boy together, causing a massive impact that knocked over several leaves, blocking everyone's view, including Quagmire himself.

The shadows thought that even if they hadn't killed him, they would at least have hurt him enough to take advantage from here on out. But their hope was dashed when small electrical cracks were seen coming from the direction where Quagmire was standing, the boy was intact and in front of him was a blue colored oval that gave some shocks here and there.

"Nice try." Said Quagmire. He was really impressed with the team's coordination.

"Unfortunately for you, I've already fought people with infinitely better teamwork," He gave a small smile. "And obviously they're not alive to tell the story."

''This time, give me everything you got.''

The shield that protected him disappeared the moment he said it, he was clearly playing with them. No, to be more exact, Quagmire was just playing with what he considered 'disposable toys', it was as if the fear he had shown in the last few days had never existed.

''Attack! It's our only chance.'' The shadow that had the brooch exclaimed, as she pulled a small lock from her weapon.

Apparently that lock limited the maximum firepower capacity of the weapon, because at the same moment the woman took it out, the weapon transformed, now having a relatively longer barrel and a greenish color in the circle that appeared to be the main source of the fired bullets.

''Remove the limiters, I give you permission.''

Quagmire watched it all intrigued, having put a hand to his chin as he leaned in curiously at the technologies that were just 'scrap' in his eyes, but were still extremely developed for a bunch of assassins he'd never heard the name of.

''Attack to kill!'' The woman said, as she fired a barrage of bullets that made a sound similar to a cannon.

The other assassins had also taken the limiters off their weapons, transforming them into brand new and better equipment. They no longer cared about maintaining secrecy, as they made noise that was spreading through the academy at an alarming level of volume, as seen when several lights around the institution began to light up in search of the source of the previous sound.

The attacks were once again all repelled by the blue shield, which suddenly appeared from the boy's wristwatch (which apparently wasn't just a decoration). Quagmire took advantage while the 3 assassins who used melee weapons recovered, and advanced towards them dodging another barrage of bullets coming towards him, jumping from all the bullets as if he were in the movie 'The Matrix' he had seen as a child. .

''We drew a lot of attention, so let's end things here.'' Quagmire looked the leader of the assassins straight in the eye, which made her shiver as she felt her soul being sucked out.

The woman once again fired another hail of bullets, but was unable to keep upright for fear of the glare Quagmire gave her, dropping to her knees on the platform she was leaning against.

"N-no, you fucking monster!" She yelled, like she was trying to chase away a haunting.

Quagmire found this wonderful entertainment, giving laughs that reverberated throughout the academy in an instant, and because of that and the noise of battle, more and more lights were seen being turned on.

The 3 shadows facing Quagmire rushed towards him as they considered it a distraction, but Quagmire easily deflected the sword from the man in front of him, taking the sword out of his hand and pushing it to the opposite side of the body, while twisting the arm of the man in an unnatural way.

"AAAGH" The man screamed, because his arm bone was protruding from his elbow.

The other 2 assassins kept advancing, and Quagmire decided he would have fun with their own gear. He strode fearlessly towards the 2, using the man's longsword to deflect the shadow's dagger attack to his left and knocking him to the side, which destabilized the assassin and made him fall.

Quagmire didn't miss the chance and stuck the sword, which was extremely hot, in the chest of the shadow that had no chance to scream when he fell on the institution's lawn, having some spasms while he was already dead.

''What the fuck?'' The last shadow with its fighting ability intact was terrified, he and his team had the misfortune to find the worst opponent in the world.

The shadow knew there was no escape from Quagmire, when the boy just played with them all the time and showed complete control of the situation. Quagmire's bloodthirsty gaze turned his attention to the shadow, which shivered and attempted an attack in its last effort.

Quagmire easily dodged the attack, crouching and then rising quickly, while grabbing the shadow's elbow as he landed a powerful kick to his face and forced his arm, twisting it similarly as the other times.

The assassin didn't even have a chance to scream when Quagmire grabbed his head and spun his neck, making a loud snap as the shadow's neck was bent in the opposite direction.

Quagmire turned his gaze to the shadow leader as he walked peacefully towards her. The woman felt chills all over her body, she had never been so afraid in her life, not even of the bastards of the Great Noble Houses she had known.

On the way to where she was standing, the boy kicked the incapacitated man, knocking him to the lawn and killing him on impact. He stopped to watch the pool of blood forming around the broken parts of the assassin's body.

It didn't last long, as Quagmire heard voices and footsteps near the dormitory facilities where his room was. He had to hurry, so he started running towards the woman who was motionless.

Moving closer to her, he smoothed the woman's black mask as he removed the accessory with his bare hands, revealing the extremely beautiful face of a girl not much older than him, with red eyes and dark brown hair.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not going to kill you." He said in a sympathetic voice.

Quagmire touched the strands of the woman's hair, letting the soft strands run through his fingers, he began to stroke her head in an awkward way as he smirked at the woman.

"Tell your boss next time it will be him," He said, as he kept the smile on his face.

"And remember, if I ever see you again near me or those close to me, you and everyone you love will die."

The woman nodded quickly when Quagmire stopped smoothing her hair and handed her mask back.


She didn't think twice, quickly grabbing her weapon and running in the opposite direction to the footsteps coming from the academy. Quagmire just stood there, waiting for the woman to disappear from his sight once and for all.

He then looked at his watch, pulling the pin and pressing a small button while saying 'Display'. A holographic screen emerged from a secret compartment that revealed itself from inside the clock, there Quagmire was able to see a small dot moving in the direction the woman was going.

'That was too easy.' He thought, as he returned to his room to play dumb. This would certainly generate repercussions in the coming weeks, and perhaps security would be tightened along with a possible announcement of a postponement of the competition event, which would be rescheduled for a later date.

"If it's a war you want, it's a war you will have." He thought as he lay grim-faced on his bed, thinking about the next steps in his plan.