The Future Is Here

"This year's contestants are coming up with much more impressive ideas than the previous contest." A bearded and somewhat chubby man commented disdainfully.

"Certainly." A woman with beautiful red hair that flowed down on her arms answered him.

Professor Ana and the teachers met some time ago in the meeting room to rest during the competition break, some of them, like the bearded(and potbellied) man, also met to talk about the new students at the academy, these students, who were being called the greatest geniuses in the history of the Republic.

"That girl from the Katran family is certainly talented, but the other contestants are also very skilled." Said a man in the far left corner of the room.

''So far the competition is going well,'' The fat man took a long drink from the wineglass he was carrying in his right hand, ''The only problem is the room with a Landra representative, a total incompetence of the person responsible for the class, if I may say so. ''

Everyone in the room fell silent and quickly directed their gazes fixedly in the direction of Professor Ana. The woman was unfazed, just pretending that nothing was happening around her.

"The boy is brilliant, your prejudices slow you down a lot in that realization." Ana rose, lightly toasting the wineglass she held with the fat man's cup.

''If you didn't have such a worldview, you certainly would have realized it sooner. I bitterly regret not having noticed the boy's talent beforehand, but now I will do everything in my power to help him.'' The woman turned the glass down her throat in just a second, putting the glass down with a thud on the table that the teachers were gathered.

"Enjoy his show, I guarantee your 'evolved' brains will look mediocre around the boy." Ana completed as she headed for the exit of the room.

''And don't tell me I didn't let you know later. Have a good time and bye." Professor Ana said while smiling, leaving everyone in the room a little curious and certainly interested in what would come next.


''Ladies and gentlemen, we are once again back to the mechanical competition!''

People didn't cheer as much as the previous times, keeping a face that indicated disgust and complete contempt for the main representative of the Veritas Class.

''As you know, after the two amazing presentations made by the Classes Multi and Clay, we will now have the last presentations made by the representatives of Classes Veritas and Sodio!'' The woman who had taken the place of the previous presenter completely ignored the audience's disinterest, being constantly informed that the lower city audience continued to rise higher and higher as the time passed by.

''A round of applause for Quagmire, one of the representatives of the Veritas class! ' The woman said, pointing in a direction of the room, where Quagmire finally appeared.

"Do you have anything to comment on your class or what you're presenting today?" She pointed the microphone in Quagmire's direction.

The boy put his left hand over the woman's hands and pushed the microphone away as he shook his head from side to side.

"Actions say more than a boring formal speech," the Landra boy said decisively as he placed the tiara-shaped object on his head, completely ignoring the conventional hostile glares directed at him.

A person in the stands cleared his throat at that moment, thinking he was superior with his chest puffed out and his nose pointing up. A failed attempt to distract Quagmire, who cared about nothing but his 'beautiful' creations.

"Well, I'll start with a simple introduction," Quagmire said, looking directly into the eyes of the pretty girl who narrated the events to the spectators.

"You'd probably ask me what these things do, so see for yourself." The boy said pulling a small spare pin from the bracelet he wore, and quickly pressing the black triangle in the middle of the device.

The bracelet began to make a slight shrill sound, generating small electrical waves around it that were conducted through the device by wires that glowed a very pretty purple color. All the people who had not paid the slightest attention to the Landra boy before, now were immersed in that device attached to Quagmire's wrist, it was as if it was some kind of strange hypnosis that attracted them.

While everyone else had their eyes locked on the Vermillion, Mary was intently watching the Dumpsters that were filled with the little bluish-colored robots that resembled a diamond fragment the size of a small coin. She had no idea what the purpose of those things was or how they worked, but she knew it certainly wasn't trivial, given that the containers shook violently as if they were going to break any minute.

"Fast fire!" The boy yelled and all the energy moving through the bracelet, hastily coalesced into a single point and shot off at a deafening speed, surprising everyone in place.

In an instant, the bracelet lost its flashy shine, while the projectile that had been fired by the device was on its way to hit the poor contest host. The woman didn't even have time to scream in fear, just accepting that it would tear her to shreds, however the result was different than expected, as a huge black and blue wall appeared in front of the girl, defending her.

''Why are you so serious? I thought I would be a mere joke," Quagmire said, exchanging glances with the crowd of people around him and then returning his gaze to the Dumpsters.

The containers had been ripped to pieces by the little robots, it was like instant magic, no one in the arena or outside the academy had understood what had just happened.

"If you don't understand, these are micro robots powered by brain impulses," Quagmire said as he pointed to the tiara and the bluish-colored things.

''And the bracelet is a device of high voltage and electromagnetic field generation, simple and basic things.''

''That's kind of cool. Like, it's really freaking cool as hell." The host said in a shaky voice, as she adjusted herself so she didn't sound scared.

''But could you explain them? The creations look amazing!''

"I don't have a lot of patience to explain this…" The boy replied, exchanging quick glances with the stands and then heaving a long sigh at the sight of Mary and the others with glowing eyes towards him.

''Right, I'll explain it.''

Quagmire removed the tiara from his head as he responded, causing all the little robots to fall violently to the ground and generate a loud noise that frightened many people around the room.

''The micro-robots, or as I affectionately call them, Iro are a relatively simple creation,'' Quagmire said, putting the tiara on his head once more, ''They may be small, but it's thanks to their size that they are capable of being so fast, after all they were designed with the intention of having greater versatility and flexibility.''

Quagmire then began to move towards the audience and the small robots followed his path, forming a large staircase that took him to the top of the Arena.

''They have a pretty high strength too, having been made of metal with basalt and reinforced steel. As for their ability to form these structures and objects, the Iros are completely dependent on the connection made between them through electromagnetic connectors that I created by myself.''

During the time when Quagmire was explaining to the excited audience and the audience numbers were increasing to a historic level, the robots took him to the ground again to form various shapes, such as houses, a huge arm and even a well-known statue in the Republic.

''They can move, build and adapt to different situations, they can also avoid catastrophic damage as well as perhaps providing help to people. Their only problem is the functioning of the device that allows them to do such, the neural transmitter, or as the appearance indicates a mere bandana or tiara.''

''Finally, regarding the functioning and process of mind reading, it is quite simple compared to what is expected. This little thing here connects to your skull and starts receiving all brain stimuli, basically what I mean is that anything is possible as long as you want to.'

The boy ended up saying this, and the little robots clustered around him as they simulated ocean waves or who knew what that was. Quagmire didn't bother to explain the bracelet, just pointing to the screen behind him and saying that 'it was just a child's toy'.

"Well, thanks for your scientific presentation, Mr. Quagmire!" The woman yelled into the microphone, reaching out a hand toward Quagmire.

''I appreciate the opportunity, it's an honor to be in front of so many people and such a beautiful young woman like you.' Quagmire spoke, shaking the presenter's hand and smiling.

And in this way the mirian competition finally came to an end for the Veritas Class, and as a consequence the everyday (not so normal) life of Quagmire would have come to an end as well.

However, unlike normal, he wasn't upset about it and just smiled as he left the Arena.

''Another part of the plan completed.''

"Now you know who you're going to have to deal with." The boy muttered under his breath.