Chapter 06 - The Milims


Albert asked with suprised face

"answer, Milim!"

albert looked at the member of felix race, the cat and said

"its better to not answer to be honest, im staying in a hotel close by, lets go there first, it'll be safer"

the 'cat' looked at him, Albert ,who had removed his helmet and was looking at him with a kind expression made the cat feel safe, the cat replied

"you seem ok, we can go there, i really need to find out what is the Milim thinking, coming to a human city, and one bad as this one"


Lena looked around, the city was very colorful, and cheerful, very noise too it didn't look to be a 'bad' city, but Lena understood what the cat meant

Albert looked at Lena and asked

"and you?"

"if you are ok with me, i'd like to go with you too"

'what the fuck is this girl talking, the milim is with you, retard!'

the cat tought after hearing her answer, of course, no one knew what he was thinking

"lets go then"

they moved trought the streets fairly quickly, Albert had his guard up the whole time, same to Lena who was feeling Enchants all over the city, and the cat who was resting at her right shoulder pretty confortable

after about 20 minutes walking in the direction of the castle, they reached the hotel, a very large hotel with many windows, about 200 of them on the edge of the first layer of this ringed builted city

"this sure is a big hotel"

Lena said while looking at the hight of this hotel, wich was almost touching the glass roof

the cat said in a nonchalantly manner

"i've been here before, the food here is delicious"

"lets enter"

after Albert said this, they entered the building, and took something that looked like a elevator, the only thing is, after Albert placed his hand on the wall, the ground started to glow and elevated them to the room

'amazing, this means the only way to go to a room is to have acess to it'

they stopped in front of a blank wall

"did it break?"

the wall then divided itself ni the middle and openned like a door showing the room, wich they, then entered

'such amazing thing, so complex too'

Lena did not understood how the enchants functioned to make the wall or the elevator thing work, but she could feel a large number of enchants being used together to make it work

'i guess spellcraft is extreamly important in daily activities'

upon look at the room they could see, there was a large bed, a desk, and by the right side of the front door, a entrance to something that looked like the bathroom, she realised it was quite a large room, since everything in this place was big, and looked to be expensive too, almost everything was covered by something that looked like gold

'i guess knights are pretty rich'

the cat tought in a mocking manner for some reason while jumping from Lena shoulder to the bed

"this place is not bad, you sure have a lot of money, knight"

"we can talk here, about the-"

when he was about to continue te conversation, he noticed Lena with her hand in the air, as if saying to him to stop, she took a piece of paper and something that looked like a stick of wood with burned tip, and drew an eye, since she was not sure the writing would be the same, since, she saw some words in places that looked like stores that she could not read

Albert instantly realised what she meant, and snaped his fingers, at the moment of the snap, grey sparks came from his fingers and created a shock wave and made something like a field around the room

'what did he did?'

'wow this knight is smart'

"we can talk now, everything inside the field is safe, no one from outside can hear nor see anything inside"

"wow u think so fast"

"thats a knight for you i guess"

"you felt something Lena"

"yes, there are 4 places with enchants direct at us, and 1 coming from outside the window, i think they're watching your moves"

Albert replied while going go the bathroom, and talking with them from there

"i guessed that was the case, im glad you are here"

"anyway, Milim, what are you doing in a human city, do you wanna die or something? i've met someone of your kind before"

the cat said in a very arrogant tone while looking at the hair of Lena again

"A-albert, what is this Milim he is talking about?"

albert who took off his plate armor and sited on a chair wearing only his chainmail on top of a short and a shirt

"they are very hard to see, almost legend like beings, they are beings that look like humans, but very small, they are beings of light with 4 wings and very good affinity to enchants, the current Spellmaster wich is the only one alive, is the queen of them,so they are quite special"

'small, and light? is he talking about Eda? did she followed me?'

"why dont you answer Milim!? i can smell you, i know you are there!"

"if she trully is there, i understand why she is not showing. her kind was hunted for so long, no wonder she doesnt trust us"

"they were hunted? why?

'im sure they are talking about Eda'

"Remember that i said they have good affinity with enchants? apparently some idiot eated a Milim, and his Enchant capacity increased so much he became a Deviant, since then they were hunted"

*..we are something called 'ingredient'..*

'so that what she meant, i see"

she recalled what Eda told her in the woods, she took a deep breath and screamed from the top of her lungs, wich made Albert and the cat jump

"what th-"

"human, what the fuck is wrong with you"



while sitting on her hair, the cat and Albert could see the figure of a small human, with her hands on her ears, trembling from the scream

"i-it truly is a Milim"

"i knew it was one, you cant fool me"

"why did you screamd so loud Lena, my ears hurt"

"i knew you wouldn't appear, and i wasn't sure, so i just tried, and you were actually here, i cant believe"

"im sorry, i was curious about you"

"and you followed me in a human city? sigh"

Lena was quite angry, the cat was looking at her, seeing a Milim was the quite a sight, since it was normal to see one.

"so you followed this human here? you are quite dumb for a Milim"

"hey cat! watch your tongue you are talking to the only aprendice of the Spellmaster Kara! show some respect"

"who is that now? do i look like a care to your mommy you fly"

"what.. did you call me?"

"she is the aprendice of Kara, unbelievable"

"who is that, Albert?"

"the spellmaster Kara the strongest spellcrafter in the world, and also the queen of the Milims"

"Wow the fly has some big mommy i see, and she was cought by a human yelling, pathetic"


Eda had a very red face now, she was very angry at the cat

"why you have to talk to her like that?"

"i do what i want knight, and is her fault to be caught in the first place"

Eda looked as if she was gonna cry

"ah.. you dont need to cry fly, im just playing with you"

"i have a name you know! im Eda!"

"im Niko, from the Felix guard of the north gate of Dryhawk"

'felix guard?'

"so it wasn't a myth that there were a mystical guard too"

"mystical guard?"

Lena asked Albert with a confused face

"its a legend that every city is protected by different species, we humans never know if its true because they usually dont like to show themselfs to humans, like Eda"

"i see"

"i passed by the crazy girl and felt a very strong scent of nature coming from her, i kept her under surveilance, but she was attacked by some guys, killed one and was about to kill the others, i knew she was different, but i didnt knew the actual Milim was with her, until i got close, i used some enchants to try to see trought invisibility but i couldn't see her"


"you can see trough invisibility?"

"of course, my kind is really good with infiltration and detection of spy's"

"i see"

'did he actually called me crazy?'

"to think the crazy girl, had a milim with her, i tought it was wierd when she fought 1v5 and won"


Albert stared at Lena with a surprised face, he could not believe she had fought against 5 people and won, its not a easy thing to do

"yeah, she killed 1 and scared the others, the guy in the dark was the creepiest one, and she blocked those darts that dont do noise easily with her sword, swordsmans are trully different"

"Hmpf, Lena is more amazing then that you have no idea, she killed 4 humans in the woods that attacked her too"

"nobody asked you fly"

Eda looked like she was gonna cry, Lena changed the subject at this point

"anyway, cat, do y-"

"who are you calling cat, my name is Niko"

"ah right, im sorry, Niko, do you know by any chance who is this Butcher they talk about?"

"butcher, who is that?"

Albert asked with serious face

"its a name i read in the diary, it said, 'all meat must be selled and delivered to the butcher'"


Albert was thinking a lot about that name

"I dont know that name, but i've seen people delivering humans in bags in a building in the third level"

"humans in bags? why didnt you contact the guards"

"we dont involve in humans affairs, nor humans involve in ours, thats how the felix guard opperate, knight"

"... i understand."

'he does? they're kidnaping people, how can he be so calm about it?'

"Thank you, for the help! now i know for sure, you were the ones who contact us, right?"


"oh you are pretty smart, i like that human, you have my praise"

"i see.. since they dont get involved in humans business they contact people who does, despite this sharp tongue you guys are nice"

Eda said with a proud expression

"at least we dont get caught as easily as you did, fly"

"you- give me back my compliment"

"you mean the one in the trash over there?"


"ahem! so.. do you know the building?"

Albert let out a fake cough and changed the subject

"i do, but im not helping you guys"

"why not? are you not part of the mythical guard? you should help us too"

Lena said with a serious face

"it's a human problem, why would i help you guys, i've done my job finding the Milim, i'll contact the Leader and he will contact your queen"


Eda screamed in panic

"please dont, master will come here, 100%! she'll grab me out of here for sure, please dont tell them im here"

'The Queen will come here? can she do that? i tought Queens had a lot of responsibilities can she move that freely?'

Lena was pondering about what she just heard

Albert added

"hm..yes.. the Queen would probably do that, for sure"

"has she done something like that in the past?"

"she had, she invaded the city of Vrishkar, because her son was being take as a hostage during a meeting with the nobles,that day the world learned not to mess with a spellmaster, she killed all the terrorist in seconds, it was a terrifying incident, everyone who was at the meeting said it was the most horrible thing they ever seeing in their life, the Queen even stated that messing with her loved ones is to mess with death itself, so i have no doubt she would invade this city to Miss Eda here"

"are you serious Knight? c-can she do that?"

the Niko looked to be worried

"yes! she had done that in the past"

"fuck.. do i have to keep quiet that you are trully are a troublesome fly, really!"


Eda was on the front of Niko, with both hands together, and both eyes closed.

Niko moved his head to the right and said

"fine, but i'll keep my eyes on you,fly , i dont want this city to get destroyed just because you wanted adventure"

"to be fair, if wasn't for you, no one would know im here, you are the one who ruined it"

"you annoying fly"


"they're unbelievable friendly now"

'I wonder if he will help us now, he says he knows where the 'meat' is delivered, it would be of great help'

"i know what you are thinking Lena, you are not invading the place"

"hm.. im..not"

"i'll enter the place alone, no need for none of you to follow"

"you're gonna invade the place alone, knight? there are at least 100 bad guys inside, thats what i could count"

"he will be alright, he has a lot of energy, and his body is firm"

"is such a honor to be analised by a Milim"

Eda blushed and had a faint smile

'should i go too? i dont know if i can, this worked so far, maybe i can be of help'

"your [in] still says you want to move Lena, please dont, altought you have such an amazing singularity, you should not push your luck that far"

"singularity? is that why you looked straight to me crazy girl?"

"my name is Lena, Niko"

Niko's ear droped and he said

"sorry.. L-Lena"

"i would never imagine you had such a singularity Lena, i was really surprised when i heard that"

Eda said while moving to her left shoulder and sitting there

"what is your singular..L-Lena?"

Niko asked while jumping in her right shoulder

"i can feel the usage of enchants, i didn't knew it was a singularity until Albert said to me it was a singularity"

"you can what?!"

Niko said in a stupefied manner

"i told you"

Eda let out a shot laught toward Niko

"its very usefull, you'll be someone really strong Lena, but this doesn't make you invencible, you need more training"

"what the hell are you talking about ,knight? that alone makes her an extreme anti-enger swordsman, she's probably scarier than some guardians"

Niko yelled at Albert

"i'am aware of such things, but she lacks experience,again, strong but not invencible."

"you say this because you haven't seen her fighting yet, she dodged 4 ranged enchants and blocked the darts of the dark rogue fairly easy"

"you fought a dark rogue too?"

Albert asked Lena who was quiet just listening to their talks

"i wouldn't say 'fought', if you are talking about the man coverd in dark, i just block some of his shots"

"yeah yeah, from her blind spot, while she attacked other guy"

Albert was surprised, no, he was also, stupefied.

"ok, you might be ok"

'is that dark guy that strong?'

"what was that guy so dark anyway? same with the alley you were fighting earlier Albert, why it was so dark?"

"oh you dont know?"

"Lena doesn't know a lot of things..human, plase explain to her"

"i see, as you wish Miss Eda"

Albert did a short bow to Eda and added

"as you know Lena, there are singularities, wich is unique to each person, special powers if you wish to call that, there are many, at leas 1 each 100 beings have them, it is not that rare, but not that commom either, but is unique, the chance of someone with the same singularity than yours is close if not zero. however, there is something called Irregularity, its the same thing as Singularities and the same rate too, 1 each 100 possess, but, its not unique, for exemple the dark rogue, is a user of the dark irregularity, wich is pretty common."

"so thats why it was so dark there, irregularities, i see"

"the dark one is the most common one L-Lena, see"

The white cat start to be surrunded with darkness to a point that he was ajust a ball of darkness, and the cat was no longer visible

to Lena who had the Niko on her shoulder it looked as if darkness was on her shoulder

"its a nice trick for a streetcat"

Eda clapped her hands together emiting a small spark, the dark started to faint slowly, and Niko's body started to appear again

"what? can flies break the irregularities?"

"i heard about this, the Milims are quite effective against irregularities, the prince of Milims was of great importance during the 1st war because of that, it was said that only beings with singularities had a chance against him."

"I didn't knew this"

Niko said this while looking to his paw, wich was visible again, Lena looked at him that was on her shoulder, and asked

"can you make others dark too? it would be very helpfull while we attack, since it has no work on Albert"

"Albert? now that i think about it, your name is familiar, are you the Flame Knight?"

Niko jumped on the lap of Albert, who was sitting in the chair, and stared at him.

"Yes, thats how people usually call me"

"oh..than you can take that whole building alone, can you not?"

"Saddly no, because there are too mutch things involved, they have rogues and slaves, that butcher guy must be dangereous too, i dont have good experiences with guys with titles"

"flame knight? i've heard of that name too"

"do you know him too, Eda?"

"hm.. if im not mistaken, it was the nickname given by a knight who stopped the great beast Narjiru from destroying the city of Lumus, the beast had a dense darkness around it, made the whole city dive in complete darkness, they could not see anything, from within the darkness, it was said a knight appered with flame in his eyes, killed the beast and burned its eggs, releasing the city from the darkness, it was talked a lot in my village, so its a well known name"

"you're making me blush, miss Eda"

"she's right ..nya.. ahem.. anyway, you should be strong enough to deal with the bad guys alone"

Niko said as he jumped off Albert's lap



'did he just..?'

all 3 of them were looking at Niko who was walking towards the door

"all leave now, i gotta eat something im starving here, i'll be close, fly"

he jumped on the door handle and openned the door, he then stepped onto the 'elevator' like thing, the door started to close as he waved at them, the elevator started to move, and the door closed shut. wierd silence remained as they stared at the door

Lena broke the silence

"He said nya"