Chapter 09 - Greater Gods

Albert steped back inside the restaurant after a few seconds outside, the big mans were unconsious floating in a gas-like rope behind him

"It wasn't as bad as i initially thought, they were way too weak"

He said that while looking to the old man and Lena who had her hand on the scabbard and a very sharp gaze on her face as she replied him

"well, you did burned the ground, so it was bad"

"oh did i? again.. i apologize sir"

the old man had his eyes wide opened as he said

"are you a knight sir? is ok, is just a little burn that your friend here quickly stopped"

Albert looked at Lena who had a very faint smile on her face

"i see, indeed i'am a knight, my name is Albert Vinscent, from the knighthood of Filamore"

"oh a Knight of Filamore, its a honour to have you here"

the old man bowed as the man with the gold tie nervously said

"F-filamore? fuck!"

Albert looked to the man with the gold tie as he swore

"The only reason you were not beaten up too is because the malice in you is lower that the one in them, but you too will be taken to the guards"

"who do you think i am, knight? im Verain Eclair, from the Golden Family! you think you talking to some punk, knight? my family will know about your behavior!"

"hm..Mr. Verain, i dont know if you are brave or fool? just in case.. forgive me.. may i tell you in case of you not knowing, the order of knights of Filamore have the approval of King Valor to behave how we please. Altough the Eclair family is a branch of the Golden Family, neither of them is above the royal family!"


"by your reaction i guess you already knew, in that case, please, come with me to the guard post"

the man with the gold tie looked to both sides, nervously

"may i tell you that, to out run a knight you need to be a master assassin or have a greater movement singularity"

Albert said as his eyes glowed orange

the man with the gold tie looked at him as his legs started to go weak

".. and you don't have any of those"


Albert turned his head and looked back to Lena and said

"Please wait me here, i'll deliver this three to the guards and return to eat our meal"

"ok, be fast so it doesn't get cold"

Albert turned back at the entrance again and left with them, the old man came to Lena and said

"oh dear swordsman, thank you for you guys help. its amazing to see such a young girl being a swordsman. thanks for the help again"

"it was nothing, sir"

Lena said as she walked back to the table, the old man had a small smile on his face as he entered the place where the good smells were coming from, It was the kitchen. Lena sitted back on the table and asked Eda

"Eda, why was Albert's eyes glowing orange just now?"

"hm.. i'm not sure"

"it was probably the [Knight's presence] enchant"

Lena looked to the windows, where Niko's voice came from and asked

"What is that Niko?"

"it's a Enchant the weakens those who wants to run if they have the intention to do so"

'weakens? what is that suposed to mean?'

"ah, i thought it was something like this, i felt the prensence of GOR and VEL together"

"GOR and VEL?"

"Enchant language. since she said GOR and VEL i guess its the runes of the blood god and the war god together. if you are weaker then the caster and you have the will to run, the blood god will freeze you with fear and the war god will weaken you, that is why the saying 'escaping from a knight is impossible' exist."

Lena could barely understand what Niko just said

'Blood God? War God? there are even Gods here?'

"Yes yes, thats right, but Vel was stronger there, so i guess he held the enchant strenght a little bit"

"your species is something really interesting, you can feel the runes of the gods. not bad fly"

"who you're calling fly, street cat"

"wow there.. don't get offended so easily"

"sorry for the wait"

the woman with blond hair arrived with two big trays with four plates and three cups in each,she twisted both of her hands as if to make the trays spin, as she did that the plates and cups started to floated and placed themselves in a circle ish format on the table

"i heard some commotion outside, and im not seeing your armored friend, was he the cause? grand'pa said he dealt with the scumbags, i thank you for that too, swordsman"

"it was nothing, Albert was the one who did all the work"

"ah, that's his name, by the way my name is Aurora"

"nice to meet you Aurora, i'm Lena"

"nice to meet you Lena, where did mister knight go?"

"he left to take the three mans to the guard post, he'll be back soon"

"the guard post.. as if a bastartd like that could stay there, no way he will be locked there"

'he did seemed rich, he might buy his exit out of that'

"i guess the Golden family has a lot of influency"

"tsk, it does!"

She seemed irritated by the name 'Golden Family'

"Aurora! can you come here"

the old man was calling her

"on my way grand'pa! oh by the way enjoy the extra service, its on us"

"oh i was wondering why there were so many plates"

"hehe thanks for the help again"

Aurora gave a short bow as she left the table with a tiny smile on her face

a small silence remained as Lena was alone again, she heard the voice of Niko by her side, wich surprised her a little bit, since he was still invisible.

"Oh, the smell is wonderful, this is their main dish, i think"

Eda, who could see that Niko was starting to get hungry too, asked Lena

"it smells so good too, can..can i eat a bit too, i never eated human food"

"i dont know exactly what this is, but if you guys wanna eat, go foward, just let a bit for me and Albert please"

'well, they can eat it right? both of them are the size of my hand, no way they can eat too much'

a few minutes later

'heavens.. i was so wrong'

out of the 8 plates only 3 remained, the Glintleaf, the warriors plate and the big meat Lena had ordered, the extra 5 were all empty

"how.. no, even better.. where does all of this go, you both are so tiny"

"purh, im so..fu-ull"

Niko said as if he was about to pass out, Lena still, could not see them, but she felt the table tremble as Niko laid down, after eat so much. she also could sense her head heavy, as Eda was also laying there

"this was the best meal of my life..i can..die in peace "

Niko said as he Burped, he sounded happy

"human food is so good, i did not expected to be so good"

Eda also let out a short burp that she quickly covered with her hand

'urgh, the smell of their burp is so strong, they eated a lot. where did all of that food went? in such tiny body?'

as she was thinking that, she heard the noise of heavy metal entering the place, she turned around and saw Albert walking in

"hey, how did it go?"

Albert sitted on the chair in the other side of the table, facing Lena and removed his helmet

"that Verain guy is very famous, the guard post barely had courage to take him as prisioner, i'll have to check him later, i have a feeling he'll be gone by the time i return"

"that's unfortunate"

"yeah, it is"

Albert looked down at the table and notice several plates piled up

" asked for more?"

he gulped a little as he got worried about the bill

"they said it was a extra, for the help"

he was relieved

"i see"

he looked again to the pile of empty plates

"y-you eated all of this?"

"hm.. how can i say this.."

"i ate two plates, Albert"

"i ate the other three, knight! burp"

"hm.. did they..."

Lena had not words to say, so she just nodded her head.


'yeah, i know'

"my meal still here at least"

"i thought in eating it, but it has such a strong smell to it, i couldn't"

"Well, thank you for sparing mine Niko, very kind of you"

Albert said as he took a bite of the meat in his plate


Albert raised his eyebrows as the smell fo the burp reached him, he then swinged his right hand in the air in front of him as to get rid of the smell and said

"how about your glintleaft Lena? have you tried?"

"i eat about three of them, there still eight in the bowl, as you said they're quite strong, my tongue still tingling"

"you can put them in a space pocket if you'd like to eat that later. they'll last longer in there"

"good to know, i think i'll do that"

"hey knight, was that glow in your eyes the 'knight's presence'?"

"oh you know about the presence?"

Albert said as he looked towards the window where Niko's voice was coming from, and giggled a little bit

"that was not the presence"

he took another bite of his meal

"was not? then what did you use? the fly said you were using VEL enchant"

"yes yes, i felt the presence of Gods runes coming from your eyes, and who are you calling "fly", stinky cat?!"

"i see, Milims can understand wich rune is being used, very educative"

he took another bite of his meal

"or perhaps.. its because you are the aprendice of the Spellmaster, makes more sense that way"


he had finished his meal and said

"it wasn't the Knight's presence, it was 'champions gaze'"

"you can use that?!"

Niko said in a very loud voice, that made Aurora who was on the door look at their table, Lena who made eye contact with her put on a awkward smile in response to the wierd scream, Albert said

"well, knowing who i'am, is that really a big surprise?

"champions gaze, where did i heard that before?"

Eda was thinking trying to remember

"i mean, it makes sense, but did you really used such a thing on a simple noble?"

After hearing Niko's reply Albert looked at Lena and said

"well, something you learn at the coliseum: 'if it has a hostile [IN] it deserves to be crushed'"

Ironically, Albert had a twisted smile in his face that did not suited him, as if he was hiding a violent persona. it made Lena think something about him while looking at his smile

'I guess he really is like fire, it can protect you from the cold but can also burn'

"such a evil smile you have there, knight"


Albert awkwardly changed his expression after hearing Niko's comment

"oh, im sorry i just remembered some old saying from my training time"

he putted the helmet on, and stood up

"should we go?"

Lena asked while taking her sword from the other chair and placing on her waist

"yes, i needed to see if mister Verain is still locked up, and since we all finished we can go"

he placed three silver coins and five bronze coins on the table and started to walk toward the entrance

'3 silver coins and 5 bronze? i think i might have payed more than i should in that meal i had yesterday, i lost some money there'

as they were leaving, Aurora was at the front door and said

"hi, again mister Albert, i hope you enjoyed your meal"

"oh hello, yes it was really good, thanks for extras too"

"its the minimum we could do after you taking care of the idiots bothering my grandfather, who could not be here for now, as he was a bit tired, and is resting right now. he asked me to say thanks for the help one more time"

she said that with a wide smile on her face

"it was a pleasure and would do it again if a see it happening again, im going to the guard post right now, to make sure the noble stays in prison for a while."

"its very kind of you, thanks for your help, sir Albert"

Albert gave her a short bow and waved her as he walked past her and left the restaurant, as Lena was about to pass by Aurora, she heard her voice wishpering to her

"please avoid bringing animals to the restaurant next time miss Lena"

'she knew?'


Lena let ou a awkward smile again, as she waved at Aurora, who gave a short bow and entered the restaurant

"how did she knew?!"

Niko was talking in a low voice from Albert's shoulders, of course, he was still invisible.

"probably because of your scream"

"i agree"

"really just one word is enough to notice a cat invisible? i dont think so, it could be a person"

"That is true, maybe it was a guess"

Lena looked at the streets as they moved, she noticed the colorful runes in the street shops, the childs playing with a ball that floated irregularly in the air, a little girl blowing a bubble blower and a balloon-like smoke taking the shape of a frong coming out of it and floating around the girl before it faintly dissapears in the happy laugh the little girl giving

'its a wierd contrast, sometimes it looks like a dream and sometimes it looks like a different word, is it just the difference this place has?'

"by the way, Lena"


"i've notice something about you and im not sure if is ok to say"

"please do, Albert"

"hm.. i know you're new in swordstyle, but you dont seem to know extensions of basics, by the way you put yourself in dangereous situations"

"what do you mean by extension?"

" seem to know about enchants, but you dont know about [in],[force] or [aura] right?"

'wait, force and aura? what are those?!'


"i'll take your silence as a yes..sigh.. you should take better care of yourself you might have a very good singularity but thats all of it, you lack experience and knowledge.."

'it hurts but he's right'

"i understand, i'll take better care of myself from now on, thanks for the warning"

Lena could not see, but under his helmet that was a faint smile on his face

"why did you start thinking about this all of sudden?"

"when i was finishing with the big guys i looked back and saw your fiercy gaze on mister Verain, and the thought just came to mind, to be honest with you, you seem overconfident for no aparental reason. i think it only works so well to you because of Marvin, it makes me worry about you, but again, i respect your decision of helping me"

"thank you i guess"

"crazy girl, you dont know what force is? have you been living in a cavern or something?"


Lena flinched after hearing Niko calling her crazy girl again

"i guess you could say that"


"instead of judging, you should teach her, stinky cat"

"i do what i want fly"

"force is a type of enchantment Lena, its a human enchantment actually"


Lena twisted her head in confusion and asked Eda

"what do you mean by that?"

"hm.. how do i say this"

"you dont even know enchantment language, have you learn any spellcraft crazy girl?"

Lena's eyes closed a little bit as she was starting to get annoyed by Niko's coment

"i have not! 'living in a cave' remember"


"dont pay attention to the cat, Lena"

"what do you mean by human enchant?"

"hm, the basic of spell craft reads.."

"oh gods, i'll have to take a class from a fly"

Niko said in a very low voice as he sitted in the right shoulder of Albert, as he was still invisible and his voice was low, no one but Albert heard what he just said

"there are 8 runes of Vel, 8 runes of Gor, 8 runes of Sil, 8 runes of Mog, 8 runes of Kil, 8 runes of Cos , the curruent 6 greater gods of the world, they are responsible about the world in many forms:

Vel or Velin, the godess of war is responsible for the conflits, reather that is on nature or mankind, therefore her runes are used to stabilish zones of conflit, as she can deny some effects so is often used to lowdown the potency of some enchants.

Gor or Gormeus, the god of blood is responsible for the instincts and feelings, so his runes are used to hide somethings or expose something, can also be used to attribute sensations to objects or attacks.

Sil or Silkin, the godess of life is responsible for the flow of life and death, almost only used by healers and clerics.."

Albert added to Eda's explanation

"not only them, the Mementos also worship Silkin"

"ah yes yes, also true"


Lena asked in confusion and Eda replied

"yes, they are almost all composed by fallen clerics or healers, we named them necromancers"

"i see, please continue"

"Alright, Mog or Mogreus the god of darkness , responsible for the destiny of all beings, his runes are forbiden by the crown to be used, since most of them can kill people.

Kil or Kilin the godess of nature responsible for the flow of events on nature itself, her runes are used for protection and channeling of elements

lastly.. Cos or Coslyn the god of gravity, responsible of the laws of the world, his runes are difficult to use because of the massive are of effect and potency, usually you can only use his if you mix with a lot of Vel runes on the enchant"

"i understand"

"That was a very good explanation of spellcraft miss Eda, thank your for the lesson"

as Albert thanked Eda he noticed a slime-like-liquid on his right shoulder

'is he sleeping?'

"what about the force"

"i explained to you the runes of gods, but there is 6 runes made by ancients spellcrafters, they're named force, the force runes, consist in 6 enhancements, that can vary in effects and attributes"

"i understand, so that is [force], what about [In] and [aura]?"

"In is the behaviour of your [in]ternal energy, i cant use it, but its said that the In reading is what makes the Knights so scary"

"yeah, we can see intentions and feelings, at higher level some of us can even read minds"

Lena was a bit surprised by Albert's reply

'read minds, is he serious?'

Eda continued

"..and aura is just this [In] manifested fisicaly, i never saw anyone using it, since is extremly rare, its said that the aura is strong as the owner [in] and the colour vary too"

Albert added

"and till this day, the only users of aura were the guardians, we dont know exactly how aruas manifest, but normally only swordmasters also known as guardians use them"

"i see"

they reached the guard outpost