Snake Woman

Clara sat huddled in front of the door, she hoped that a security guard or anyone would pass by and help her out of the room, moreover Clara had a phobia of darkness and in the room there were no lights at all. Only rely on the dim light from outside that penetrates the window.

Daaak... There was the sound of something falling.

"What's that?!" Clara muttered, her eyes roaming the dark room. She started shaking and panicking.

Pssssstttt.... There was a hissing sound that broke the silence, Clara started to feel goosebumps.

"Ma... Maybe just a rat" she muttered, she tried to think positively to get rid of the fear.

Psssttt... The hissing sound was heard again and getting louder.

Clara dragged herself to the corner near the door "Wh... Who!" snapped Clara. "Clara... you idiot! Obviously in this room there is only you" she cursed to herself.

The atmosphere returned to silence, Clara dissolved into silence. She's throat began to feel thirsty from screaming all this time. In the midst of her daydream, Clara's eyes suddenly saw a shadow moving and spinning, although it was dim but the image could be caught clearly.

It was true that Clara hadn't seen it clearly yet, but the sight was quite shocking and made her heart skip a beat. Clara didn't dare to move, she just glanced at the faint black shadow and moved from side to side.

"Ma... Maybe... That... The tree's shadow from outside!" Clara muttered again, trying to hold back her fear even though she was starting to feel awkward.

"Don't you want Clara's revenge... Psst..." suddenly heard a woman's soft voice accompanied by a hiss.

"That voice... Who's talking!" Clara snapped while looking for the person who just spoke. Or maybe it was all just a hallucination from dehydration.

"I will help you get your revenge... Psssttt..." the woman said again.

No... This time Clara didn't hear wrong, it wasn't a hallucination. And now the voice seemed to be to her left, but Clara couldn't see what kind of creature was talking such strange things.

"Who are you! Go, don't bother me!" she snapped, even though he didn't see the creature but at least Clara was sure it heard and understood what she was saying.

"Blood... Give me a drop of your blood. Then I will avenge those who have hurt you... Psst" the woman's voice began to sound hoarse and heavy.

"What do you mean! If you dare to appear here, I... I'm not afraid!" Clara said, pounding. Hah! Stupid Clara! Why did you even ask her to appear! What if she really shows up?" she muttered to herself.

Again, the sound of something falling made Clara's heart jolt in surprise, this time louder. Clara didn't know what had fallen just now, but then there was a sound like a soft object being dragged across the floor.

Clara stood fingering the doorknob and then tried to open the door before the creature actually appeared in front of her. But even though she tried, the door still wouldn't open, as the creature drew closer and closer to her.

"She's kidding right? She really won't show up right?!" Clara began to tremble.

Clara's eyes caught a black shadow moving snaking toward her, the creature's height was almost as tall as the room. Clara widened her eyes, her breath stopping for a moment when she saw the creature's eyes shining in her direction.

"Please...Please..." Clara said with trembling lips, her strength starting to weaken as she knocked on the door. And... The monstrous creature drew near to him.

The figure of a beautiful woman without clothes, her hair flowing long and covering the parts of her body that are not covered by a single thread. There is a mustika stone on her forehead, the woman's body from the waist down is in the shape of a snake with green and gold scales.

"Pssttt..... Don't be afraid Clara. Give me a drop of your blood, then we will unite. After this no one will dare to hurt you" she said in a terrible voice. Now not only her eyes were shining, but also her long forked fangs and tongue.

Clara shrieked. Her legs had lost the strength to support her body. "Go! I beg you to go..." Clara said trembling with fear.

But... Suddenly Clara felt something soft, but rough skin wrapped around her leg. Clara was unable to speak anymore because her mouth was shaking, she was shivering and didn't dare move.

The thing that was wrapped around her legs moved up to her hips, Clara's breath was getting tighter when she found out that it was the snake woman's tail wrapped around her.

Slowly the snake woman's tail dragged and lifted Clara's body to get closer to her. Even though Clara wasn't strong anymore, the poor girl tried not to lose consciousness.

"No... please don't hurt me" Clara said quietly, trembling with tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

The figure of a woman with fangs, a forked tongue, half of her face was scaly and shiny. The lens was vertical, staring intently into Clara's eyes.

"Why are you afraid Clara? All this time I was by your side, it's just that you never paid attention to it. Psst... And your form will also be like this if we unite later... Psst" said the snake woman without moving her lips at all.

"No! I don't want to merge with a monstrous creature like you!" Clara answered with emotion.

The snake woman didn't accept Clara's answer, she wrapped herself around Clara's slender body more tightly and made Clara moan in pain and tightness.

"You're the holder of the red mustika. Psst... You can't deny your destiny Clara, your blood contains the blood of a demon snake"

"No! Bullshit!" Clara snapped trying to rebel with all her might.

"Haasssttt...." the snake woman growled angrily. His mouth opened revealing fangs that were getting bigger and longer. Her green eyes shone blood red.

"You are bound by a covenant! And now it's time for me to collect your great-grandmother's debt! You will replace her Psssttt!"