Entering The Clan

-What is the name of the third realm?

Well, in fact, the name of the realm was of much less value than the knowledge of how it works, but it was still important and interesting to know the name of it.

-The third realm is called the Qi Amalgamation realm. It is called like that because you will unite your old Qi with a new, more profound one and fuse them at the end of the realm.

Like in the previous realms, the name harshly explains what this realm is about.

After Alrick explained the first three realms to Connor, the boy tried to ask some in-depth questions, like are there other cultivation paths? Why do we cultivate in such exact steps? And so on. But the only answer he got was that Dao works in mysterious ways, and Alrick didn't know how. With questions, time passed, and Alrick and Connor were becoming closer and closer.

They were riding for ten days already at the moment.

In the middle of the night, Connor was waked up by Alric's voice.

-Hey, kid, take a look.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the carriage door was open, and Alrick was standing outside. Half-asleep, Connor walked out of the carriage and noticed that a red-haired man was looking in some direction. When Connor looked in the same direction, he perfectly understood the reason why he was woken up in the middle of the night.

A giant sea of light unfolded in front of Connor's eyes. He saw a city that was larger than any town he had seen in his entire life!

It was the capital of this island, grand, enormous, and beautiful. Even at this time of the day, Connor could see an uncountable amount of people walking the streets. Walls surrounded the capital like a serpent, and inside the circle, the city was divided by streets into three sectors. In each of the three sectors stood three majestic towers piercing through the sky. They were differently colored, differently built, but all of them shared one similarity. The peak of those towers couldn't be seen from the earth. Although there was night, and the sky was clear, clouds somehow gathered around the towers, closing the view for ordinary people.


Connor was amazed by what he had seen. For the first time, he appreciated the beauty of this world.

-Good view, isn't it?

Alrick said this with a smile on his face.


A young boy couldn't stop looking at the enormous city. It was just too beautiful!

-Don't be fooled by looks of it, the capital is not as good inside as outside.

Connor suddenly remembered that he was in the medieval-like world and said with an understanding face.

-I will remember it.

Alrick sardonically smiled.

-Good kid.

After two enjoyed the looks of the capital, they returned to the carriage and waited until they were finally in front of the gates. The gates perfectly fit with the walls of the city. If the Aros gates could only handle two rows of the carriages, the capital gates could easily handle a row of ten carriages! Right from the entrance, the city screamed that he was the center of the entire empire, majestic!

-Wait here, I need to talk with the guard.

Alrick got out of the carriage and walked towards one of the many checkpoints the capital had. Connor could see through the window that Alrick was talking to an old man in a blue uniform. After some time, a red-haired man showed a paper, after which he finally returned.

-We can enter now.

After that being said, the carriage proceeded inside the city. Soon after they passed the gates, a vast street was present to them. This street started at the gates and ended right in the capital's center. It was so vast that it could contain a row of fifteen carriages.

Actually, that wasn't quite logical. Why does the traffic capacity of the main street be larger than the traffic capacity of the gates? If the traffic were too intense, it would create problems for commercial caravans, this wasn't a good thing obviously.

After some time carriage had stopped, and Alrick told Connor to get out of it. The carriage was rented, so they had to return it after using it. Coachman said thanks, wished good cultivation to them and brought the carriage into the building that highly resembled one from the Aros.

-Let's go. We are almost there.

A red-haired man turned right and entered the side street, after some walking, they encountered a group of people in hoods.

-We greet you, Sir Alrick.

Those people were actually looking for Alrick. It relieved the tension in Connor's mind.

-Good night.

People in the hoods glanced at Alrick and then turned their vision to Connor.

-Who is this kid?

-He's with me, don't worry.

Alrick replied calmly.

-Okay, then let's go.

The red-haired man started to walk and signed Connor to walk after him. After crossing many streets, Connor found himself looking at one of those majestic towers.

-We're in front of the Jarvinen tower, child. You will live here.

Connor was stunned. What? This tower belonged to the Jarvinen clan? Is he going to live here? This was all too sudden!

After initial confusion, he returned to reality and walked to the courtyard through the black door in the wall. High walls surrounded the courtyard, and the young boy could only see the tower from the street. To his amazement, the courtyard wasn't beautiful or even good-looking in contrast to the tower. Some of its parts looked abandoned, and just the main road which led to the tower looked somewhat appropriate.

-What happened here?

Connor asked with confusion.

-I will tell you everything later. Right now, we need to give you a room and register you in the clan. So let's enter the tower.

A group of people proceeded inside and saw a vast empty hall with a registry. Alrick walked to it and talked to the young woman sitting inside.

-I need to register a new clan member and assign a room to him.

-Of course, one moment.

The girl pulled out some documents from the drawers and placed them in front of Alrick. In the document were many graphs, but Connor couldn't see them from his position.

-Come here, kid.

Alrick said that after he inspected the document with a look.


-Your name from today will be Connor Jarvinen.


That certainly wasn't the thing he expected. He didn't tell Alrick his surname in the beginning, and now he got a new one? Connor didn't think that he belonged to the Jarvinen clan, subconsciously he still was Connor Witt from Earth, and the fact that his surname was replaced didn't please him, but as always, he decided not to speak about it.

-How old are you?

This question was asked by a girl in the registry office, not Alrick, but wait, really, how old he was? He didn't know the age of this body.

-I don't know...

-Let's say he's five years old for now.

A girl from the registry didn't want to waste time on it, so she quickly proceeded to the next question.

-Cultivation level?

"Oh, I guess that is one of the main graphs," thought Connor.

-Stage four of Body Refining realm.

The girl's eyes inside the registry office widened. The eyes of the group which brought Connor and Alrick here also widened.

-Excuse me, stage four of the Body Refining realm?!

The girl in the registry couldn't believe what she had heard.


Connor already understood that his cultivation stage was quite high for a kid of his age, so he wasn't shocked because of the reaction of the people around him, but it was still quite uncomfortable.


This time, Alrick was quite irritated because he wanted to get this done as fast as possible.

-Get back to work, Alva

The girl's name was Alva? Better remember it.

-Oh yes, my apologies.

Alva quickly regained focus.

-Your natural element?

Oh, another word that Connor didn't understand, finally!

-Sorry, what?

Instead of Alva, Alrick was the one who answered Connor's question.

-Element of your Qi, it's a fire in your case.

"What? Element of Qi? The hell is that? And why do I have fire element?"

-What is it?

-I'll you later.


Once again, Alrick said that he will explain everything later and they proceeded with registration.

After some insignificant questions, everything was finally done and Connor Witt became a Connor Jarvinen. When he fully realize that, he got a sudden feeling of nostalgia and loss. Change of name reminded him that he wasn't from that world and at the same time, he understand that he will slowly become a real dweller of this world, of course, right now he was still far from that, but, with enough time, the process of becoming one seemed quite inevitable in Connor's mind.

This thought upsets Connor, he was a stranger in this world after all. But it wasn't the place and time to think about it.

-I'll show you your room, come after me child.