Heavenly Dao Revelation

White majestic lightning swirled in the sky like snakes, waiting for their moment to attack! The sky was about to strike with its extremely deadly blow! But the young scientist was also ready! He created many layers of hexagonal barriers above the sphere. He could only pray for the success of his idea! The purple Qi sphere above his head was squeezed to its limit, and his glowing eyes gazed defiantly at the sky.

"Watch out, child!" Alrick shouted from afar.

Like a pistol shot, the words of the red-haired man marked the beginning of the struggle between man and heaven. Lightning, like a wild beast, descended from heaven to earth, tearing everything in its path! Even the wind retreated before the onslaught of the energy of the laws of this world!

Conor felt unprecedented pressure. Lightning crashed into his sphere with terrible force! He felt how the power of the heavenly tribulation pressed him into the floor. His legs could barely cope with the pressure! Gritting his teeth, he poured all his energy into the barriers above him! The Qi ball was like a thin sheet that separated the heavenly anger and the little child, he had no idea how long the heavenly punishment would last, but he could not afford to give up!

The remnants of white lightning raged and destroyed everything in the area. The fact that the tower still hadn't collapsed could be considered a miracle! Connor fought back with all his might.

Abruptly, all the Qi in the area began to pull towards the sky and very quickly concentrated in the raging clouds! Something terrible was approaching!

-This is the last blow of the heavenly tribulation. If you withstand it, you will pass!

Alrick shouted as loud as he could.

Upon hearing this, Connor, who was already on the verge of despair, gathered all his strength and poured them into the barriers above him. He was already so close, and he was not going to lose! At this moment, his whole body, mind, and energy concentrated on supplying Qi to the barriers, just to make them even a little stronger!


Conor screamed with a shining frenzy in his eyes.

As if responding to a provocation, the sky formed a figure of a white dragon woven from lightning. He emitted an animal roar that the whole city heard. The white and enormous lighting dragon rushed through space into Conor with tremendous speed! Only a small part of the moment divides the barrier and the heavenly beast from showdown!

The fearsome lightning dragon collided with a purple sphere, thunder echoed throughout the area! The tower trembled and vibrated. If someone hovered in the sky near it, he would see how the tower turned into a bright beacon! The light atop it was so bright that no one could look directly! The thunder was so loud that the sound waves made the ancient structure shake! Alrick had to retreat into the depths of the tower so as not to get hurt. The collision was so fierce and cruel that it was even scary to approach!

At this fateful moment, the winner was determined.

Gradually, after the end of the collision, the bright glow faded away, and the sound died down. When Alrick finally saw what had happened, he was shocked to the core!

Above the sphere were many small and damaged layers of hexagons, on which the remnants of lightning still danced. It only meant one thing, the heavenly tribulation has been blocked! By a small child! It was a direct insult to heaven and heavenly Dao!

But it was far from the end. The most interesting part was just beginning.

Even though the lightning was blocked, the Qi that made it up was still in the atmosphere! The energy of the heavenly tribulation was extremely valuable, and Conor definitely did not want to pass up the chance to study something so mystical and incomprehensible!

Unquestioningly obeying his will, the barriers over the sphere dissipated, and the ball of violet energy began to actively suck in all the Qi in the area, not excluding even the Qi of the heavenly tribulation!

"I will study the Dao and use it as I wish!" Conor exclaimed maniacally in his head.

It is worth noting that the Qi of the heavenly tribulation was attracted to the sphere noticeably slower than any other. Conor made a mental note to study this issue in the future, although he was not completely sure whether he would be able to do this soon or not since he could not create this energy artificially.

Slowly, all of the heavenly tribulation energy gathered around the sphere. It looked stunning. The Qi of the heavenly tribulation formed an outline around the sphere and enveloped it. Another interesting observation was that the sphere could not pull the heavenly Qi completely inward, and therefore a ring was formed around. The power of the violet sphere was not enough.

The moment the purple sphere absorbed the last drop of the Qi of heavenly tribulation, the unexpected happened. Ribbons woven of white light began to descend from heaven slowly. While descending to the ground, these ribbons began to slowly and gracefully fly around Conor as if dancing. The lines began to weave into a single, intricate, and complex pattern in a beautiful dance. Slowly the ribbons formed a strange symbol that hovered peacefully in front of Conor.

"Is this the Dao revelation?" Connor thought.

As if in response to his unvoiced suspicions, Alrick, who had just approached, said

-This is a revelation of the Heavenly Dao. Accept it, and then you will be able to shape your soul.

Conor nodded to Alrick and was about to absorb this strange symbol when suddenly he felt the Qi of the heavenly tribulation trying to escape from his sphere.

"What ?! Does it still want to attack !?" Conor panicked in his heart.

But moments later, he calmed down and noticed that the energy of the heavenly tribulation did not try to attack him. It was attracted to the symbol that levitated in front of Conor.

This realization surprised Conor at the first moment, although after thinking about it a little more, he realized that both the symbol and the energy had the same source, so it was not as surprising as it seemed at first glance.

But Conor was faced with a dilemma, let the celestial Qi be attracted or try to contain it and study it in the future?

"It won't evaporate, right? If something goes wrong, I can bring it back. I hope I can ..." Conor thought a little dejectedly

After a bit of thought, he finally decided to do it.

"It is much more interesting and important to look at the interaction of the two phenomena that came from the Heavenly Dao. This is probably the only way to look at something like that."

With these thoughts, he released the Qi of the heavenly tribulation and allowed the energy to fly towards the symbol.

But what happened next did not fit in with Conor's expectations.

As if controlled by something, Qi was divided into thin white ribbons, the same of which the symbol consists! Moreover, the hovering revelation of the heavenly Dao began to absorb these ribbons! The symbol began to grow. Many lines that seemed to be cut off stretched out and formed more complex patterns!

Gradually, the symbol finished absorbing the energy and expanded almost two times! But this was not the main thing. The main thing was that there were no lines in it that would not have been completed! Each ribbon flowed smoothly into the other, forming a perfect loop. If it were possible to walk along these lines, then a person would never be able to reach the end because the whole structure formed a circle!

Alrick looked at it all with wide eyes in disbelief.

-What's happening?! The heavenly revelation has absorbed the energy of the tribulation ?! What?!

While the red-haired man was in shock, Conor slowly pondered what had happened.

- Didn't it happen before?

Conor asked in a calm voice.

-No, never! Your tribulation was already several times fiercer and more challenging than that of ordinary cultivators! Moreover, I have never seen that someone would dare to take the Qi energy from the heavens!

Under normal circumstances, Conor would have asked many questions, but now he was worried about another, much more critical thought. He still could not understand one thing, what were the intentions of the laws of this world? Were there any such intentions? What was the meaning behind all these heavenly tribulations and revelations, and was there any?

-I think I understood.

Conor said in an even voice.

-What did you understand?

Alrick immediately became interested.

-The Heavenly Dao does not try to destroy those who follow the path of cultivation. It tries to select the most capable.

The red-haired man's eyes widened once more.
