Catching sweet suckers.

I dreamt of a tear in reality. A path to the unknown vastness of multiverse.

There, in the midst of the gap between reality and unreality, in the myriad of geometrical impossibilities and deluge of colours unseen, I slept, at peace.

But somewhere, in me, a bug nagged.

A desire, bloomed in a time before the dream.


I want power.

A world where I can gain that power.

My eyes shot open, to a blue sky, nary a cloud in sight.

The cool of the morning, and a sun ready to beat down on me, rising up from the east.

Instinctively, I patted down my sides, and found the portal gun, pressed hard into my ribs, bruising.

I turned on the ground, raising dust, as a cactus came into view.

"Akhu!" I coughed, watching the terrain.

A desert.

I'm in a desert.

But where? In what world?

I racked my brains, trying to remember the code I had typed in.

It was one based on Rick's old memories, from back when he was still in wonder of the multiverse, in his exploration phase.

I had used one his old algorithms to get to this world.


A world algorithm.


A specific world algorithm.

Where I can gain some powers.

Now I remember.

"I am in a world of superheroes!"

But the question remained.

Which one?

I pushed off the ground, with aching limbs and stood up, stumbling to my feet.

Scanning the horizon, I noticed something in the distance.

A small shack, with neon pink lights.

A diner.

Finally. I am starving.

Dusting my clothes clean, I noticed I had lost my jacket in the citadel. Along with all my money.

But what I hadn't lost was the memory device with Rick's downloaded brain, a device I decided to call the Spindle.

Finding it in my pajama pocket, I pulled it out only to find out that it had bent and broken during the fall.

Well, I can always repair it later, and I have retained enough of Rick's memories to get me started with a lab and some funds. A lab, I could assemble, in time.

But not without funds.

"Well, I'll figure something out." I said, optimistically, hiding the portal gun below my shirt and walked over.

The door to the diner chimed as I entered, and all eyes turned to me, dusty, in frayed pajamas and a spotty shirt.

"Welcome! Have a sea-"

Then even more so, as the waitress noticed the gun handle peeking from my pants.

Her eyes went wide in fear, as she stepped back, glancing at the manager for help.

Realizing what was happening, I immediately moved to defuse the situation.

"Uh lady,..look." I said, pulling out the portal gun, and raising it high.

"It's a toy. Just a toy. I'm not here to rob you, okay. I just want something to eat is all!" I assured.

Looking at the high tech flat head, lit up with bulbs, she calmed down, and pointed me to a seat.

"Almost scared me there cowboy," the manager said, laughing, "I was of half a mind to just shoot you dead where you stood!"

"Thank goodness, you didn't then!" I reciprocated, tapping the counter.

"But I'm mighty starving right about now. How about you get me some breakfast as consolation?"

"Sure, if you're up to pay." He answered.

"Of course. Wouldn't have it any other way." I lied. I was penniless.

"Alright. One breakfast plate coming right up." He said, walking into the back, as I glanced around, taking count for a sucker, until I spotted him.

Sitting in the corner by the window, a very familiar looking japanese guy, chatting with man in just his underwear.

Yup. Now I know which world I'm in.

I was in the world of the Heroes tv show.

And I've just got me my sucker.

I got up from my seat and walked over, putting my arm around the suited japanese man.

"Scoot over buddy. I think it's time we talk." I said, pushing him over to the side as I plopped down.

"" The japanese man tried to speak when the underwear man interjected.

"Excuse me." He said, authoritatively, "The seats taken. Buzz off."

"Oh the seats taken alright. I'm sitting in it now, aren't I?" I rebutted, "And who robbed you blind bud? No actually lemme guess...a blonde girl, with a rockin' personality. Amirite?"

His face turned to shock as he glared suspicious at me.

"Have you been following me? Is this...are you with the guy, with the horn rimmed glasses? What even is your deal? You people just show up out of nowh-" he went off at me.

"Now hold your horses. I didn't say any of that. And I'm not with the horn rimmed guy. I'm kind of like you guys, you know what I mean?" I hinted.

"You min you hav supa abilities?" The japanese man cried out.

"Jeez, man lower your voice. Do you want to announce it over a fucking speaker?!" I chided him.

"So you hav supa abilities?" He asked again, this time whispering.

"Why yes, I do. That's how I know you are Hiro Nakamura, master of space and time," I said, as his eyes lit up with childish wonder, while I turned to the underwear man, "and you are future president, Peter Petrelli." I said, purposefully, incorrect, just to fuck with him.

"Nathan Petrelli." He corrected, miffed.

"Ah of course, Nathan Petrelli. Sorry bout that. It's just your brother, Peter, he overshadows you in history so much it's hard to remember where your achievements end and his start. No offense." I said, again teasing him.

"None taken." He said, intrigued, "So you're from the future?"

"Uh yeah. A future. Not the. Many timelines exist around here. This I suspect is just one of them." I explained, lying as naturally as I breathed.

"So here, do I become president?" He asked.

"For a time, yes. You unite the people after the great collapse. That bomb that blows up New York soon, I bet. Boosts your ratings straight up to sky high. And then of course, the thing happens and well, let's just say, it doesn't end well." I laughed awkwardly.

"Wait bomb? And what thing?" Nathan asked, panicked.

"I think you're better off not knowing about that. Time paradoxes and such, y'know. Not like you'll be able to stop it even if you tried. Not yet at least. When the time comes, I'll inform you though, so no need to worry." I assured.

"Is zat why you are here, uh mista....?" Hiro asked.

"Jay. Jay Walker. Category 2 scientist and amateur time travel enthusiast. Nice to meet you!" I lied, making shit up as I extended them a handshake each.

"Jaywalker? Really?" Nathan said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I know how that sounds. It's not what you think. It's pronounced Jayi." I explained, just as my plate arrived.

"And how do you know us?" Nathan asked.

"From the history books and the living catalogue made by others in the time traveler community." I said, nonchalantly, stuffing my mouth woth fresh cooked bacon.


And besides, it's not as if I could tell them that they were character from a tv show I watched.

That'd put them in a cycle of existential dread that I'm not so sure they'd break out of. And I can't have that, now can I?

After all, they are my ticket to some shiny new superpowers~

"By the way, what year is this?" I asked.

"2006." Hiro answered.

"Cool. Cool. I am kinda shaky on the timeline so..." I shrugged.

"So about that bomb, what is it? And when does it happen?" Nathan asked, sneaking impatient glances towards the door.

"I told you, have patience. Everything will be revealed when the time is right. And it's not like you really care? None of your family will die in the explosion."

At my words, Nathan breathed a sigh of relief before regaining his composure.

"Fine then. Tell me when you're ready."

"Sure. But I'll need a favor." I said.

Nathan sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Ask away."

"Could you maybe spot me some money. In the future everything works on credit, so I didn't bring any money. Even time travelers gotta eat." I requested.

"Sure. When my men get here, you can come along. I'll pay you at the hotel."

"Thanks a bunch!" I replied, patting his hand.

As we finished our food, men in suits entered the diner, carrying a fresh suit, sizing up everyone in the diner.

"Thanks." Nathan said, taking the suit, before pointing to Hiro and me, "I'll go change. Take them to the car in the meantime."

He got dressed and covered our tabs, as we boarded the car, back to Las Vegas.

Arriving at the Lindermann Hotel, I suggested we split up, and go our own separate ways, as Nathan had security issues to discuss with the staff, that led to his underdressed status, and we were escorted to rooms he had booked for us.

Before he left for his meeting, he stopped and pulled me aside, taking out a check book from his pocket.

"How much do you need?" he asked.

"Well, as you can see, I don't have any ID here and it'll be weeks before the bombing happens. Also, I am still a scientist, so having a lab would be-"

"Just...tell me a number." He interjected, annoyed.

"350k, would be nice." I said gingerly.

Nathan sighed, as he signed me a check for 400k.

"You better earn that keep." He warned.

"Oh you betcha!" I replied, "And since you gave me a tip, I'll do the same. When you ask for funds, go big or go home. He won't refuse any amount smaller than 50 mil."

"Thanks." He said, walking away as I made off with my bounty.

Today was a good day. And I was in Vegas with 400k in my pocket. What could go wrong?