QnA #4

Hello everyone. welcome back to the weekly QnA, where we discuss the direction we would all like the story to go, and you huys offer your opinions on how you feel about the story and it's progress while clear up any doubts.

So let's go!

How was this week of chapters?

How was the latest chapter?

Was the freedom fight done well?

Any improvements you can think of on the fight scene or dialogue?

Did Cham Syndulla appear out of character?

I mean he was existentially depressed and hopeless when MC came to him, but still.

Where do you guys want the next chapter to go?

1. Finishing the Ryloth arc and entering the senate.

2. Mortis and the force gods arc with the borth of Starkiller.

3. Straight to chancellor and the Galactic peace summit with the heartbreak chapter.


As many of you have figured out, Offee is gonna die at the end of the Star Wars storyline.

But, if enough of you want her to live and continue with the MC, I will add a good ending to her story in a very spoilery interlude.

Or if a HUGE lot of you want her to live, and continue from Star Wars with the MC, then we can discuss that too!

Or if there are any Ahsoka fans here who have other other opinions~

Do tell!

I always appreciate criticism!

And I'm open to new ideas.

Anyways, thanks to those guys who have given me some good ideas this week, vyncente for one. Whitestar Ivory for the second week in a row, and some others whose names I can't find in the comments directory.

And as always, thanks to all of you guys who have donated your powerstones to me this week.

We even broke my all time power stone record at a whopping 549 powerstones!

That was amazing. You guys were amazing!

You guys must have really loved chapter 44, huh?

That makes me happy! :-)

Thanks for reading guys.

Also congratulations to blazesavage for figuring out the plot lol.

And seeing as we haven't reached the powerstone goal of 100 for an extra chapter, I guess I don't have to post another chapter today?

That's ....neat!

See you guys in the comments.