One Above All.

"One Above All." I gasped theatrically, looking Stan Lee in the eyes.

One Above All. The true Monotheistic Supreme God of the Marvel Omniverse. Sole master of the cosmic overseer; The Living Tribunal. The One-Above-All is the supreme creator of all existence in the Marvel omniverse and is considered to be the most powerful character in Marvel.

Why he's here now though...

"It's an honour my good sir! What might have brought your esteemed self to my humble abode?"

He tilted his head and gave me a deadpan look before pointing his finger at Lady Death's mangled, dismembered corpse and a bright light flashed from it's tip, reviving her.

"Oh my." I turned to Lady Death and giggled embaressedly, "I must beg your pardon. You've caught me at a bad moment. I was just in the middle of some spring cleaning. Let me just get this trash out of here." I said, raising my fist.

"Wait nonono!" Lady Death cried as I brought it down, caving her skull in once more.

"Will you just stop it already? Why are you doing this?" One Above All sighed, as he revived her once more, before teleporting me to the side.

Immediately, I grabbed the reality anchor before someone got the bright idea to shut it off.

"Firstly, fuck off. You're omniscient. You know damn well why!" I answered, pissed at his intervention.

"Yes. But I want you to say it, my child." He replied, his serene, soft voice booming as if the world itself had whispered in my ears.

I scoffed.

"Fuck you. Why? So I can watch you do nothing as she kills my kids? So that the other two voices in my head can take over and trap me in this body forever? Hell no." My eyes widened in realization, as I immediately turned back to human. A simple solution to the Alien X problem.

I clapped, calming myself down.

"Alright. Back to the topic at hand, give me my knife back you thieving little cunt!"

"Are you sure this is how you want to talk to the creator of the multiverse?" One Above All furrowed his brows.

"No. This is how I talk to the deadbeat karen of a daddy who did nothing as he watched his daughter attempt to murder my children, but the moment I object to the blantant disregard of my children's lives, suddenly you decide that you've got your milk and cigs and step back into the universe you left to the dogs?

You couldn't be fucked to do anything when she put a curse on me but the minute I slap her around a bit, here you are swinging your micropenis for all to see, whiteknighting for a literal skeleton?

I am shocked. Shocked, I say. Well, not that shocked, given that you're mister trust-in-my-plan when in reality, you have no fucking plan do you? You're just addicted to making worlds, like an Advil addled OCD addict repeating the same goddamn universe again and again and again till your quivering bumhole burns out from pulling that much shit out of your ass!" He calmly.

"Are you done?" He asked calmly.

"Oh I'm just getting started buster. Don't you worry! After I grind her bony ass to dust-"

He sighed again, and swiped his hand at Lady Death.

"She will never target your children or you again. I've sealed her at the edge of the universe forever. Will that do?"

"Too little, too late." I huffed, crossing my arms, "Besides, why do you care about this? Aren't there infinite versions of Death in the multiverse?"

"Why do you want to revive your wife? Aren't there infinite versions of her in the multiverse?" He shot back with a soft smile.

"Touche." I said, "But let's not act like you care about Death anywhere near as much as I love my wife. What's the real reason?"

His smile brightened and he swiped his hand at a wall.

The wall suddenly disappeared and was instead replaced by a cloudy walkway leading into a dimension of light.

"Perhaps it is best that I show you. Come, walk with me."

He stepped onto the walkway among the clouds and gestured me to follow.

But I hesitated.

What if this is a trap?

He could-

"If I wanted to kill you, #_@_&--£&, I already would have. Come."

My eyes widened in shock and my heart began to race.

I rushed after him, circling around him.

"Wait! How do you know that? How do you know my real name?" I asked, as hope bloomed in my heart, "Do you also know the coordinates to my home reality?"

He just looked back at me with a serene smile.

"And if I do?" He asked.

"Please tell me. I'll do anything, pay any price. Money is no obje-"

Suddenly he turned and leveled a stern, unyielding gaze at me.

"No. It is something you must find yourself."

His gaze held such intensity and his voice such authority that I dared not question him further.

Not yet. But once I am out of here, maybe with the True Longinus....

"You'll see them again." He suddenly said interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I looked at him oddly.

"Your parents. Your little brother. Your world." He said, nonchalantly, "That is why you're so violent, isn't it? You're afraid of losing them. You're afraid that you'll never find your way back home again. That's why you're building a new family. So that they can fill that hole in your heart. Hence the overprotective, violent outbursts, the threats and torture...." He put his arm around my shoulder, in a comforting hug, as his form shifted into that of a young man my age.

"It's okay. I can't tell you the coordinates to your home world. But I can assure you of one thing. You'll see them again. I can assure you of that.

So let go of that fear, and live your life in the moment. Appreciate the present. The past is not going to run away. And don't look at everyone with those murderous eyes of yours. Not everyone is your enemy, son."

I shivered at his touch and his words....

Maybe....maybe he was right. Why am I being such a dick to everyone. For no reason?

I'm not weak. There's nothing I can't do.

There's no reason for me to act this way to the ones who pose me no threat and-


I caught myself.

He almost got to me.

I immediately, pushed him off, and slapped his arm away.

Is this another trap? What does he want?

Is he-

He flicked my forehead.

And as if the world itself aligned to reach me, it actually hurt, like the snap of a whip. A very teeny tiny one.

"Ouch!" I cried from the sting, glaring at One Above All.

"What did I just tell you? Not everything has to be a threat. I'm saying this for your own benefit, my child. You are a man, not a feral beast. Stop acting like one. No one's coming for you. Especially if you stop antagonizing people unnecessarily everywhere you go. Half the enemies you make are of your own creation."


"Was an exception, not the rule. An honest mistake on my part. I'm sorry."

"Wait what?" I exclaimed, surprised.

He's apologizing?

Just like that?

"Yes. Just like that. I am the One Above All, my child. The font of all the love and goodness in the multiverse. I am not your enemy. So trust me when I say this. It'll be okay. You will find your family again. You will revive your wife. You don't need to be scared anymore. Just let it go. Let the fear vanish away. Comfort the voice inside you that speak evil into your ears and tell it all is well. All will be well. There is no need to be scared." He made to grab me again, but I stepped back, keeping my distance.

To no avail of course.

The world shifted around me and I found his arm around my shoulders. Again.

I swear he's doing this just to annoy me.

"Listen here buddy. I don't want any of your hippie dippie bullshit, so cut it with that first year psych student bullshit. If I wanted therapy, I'd get it.

This is the multiverse. Everyone is a threat here. And the moment I slip up, I die. Because not everyone is a SCP 3812 entity like you. Some of us, are weak. And frail. And fear.... it's a necessary survival response."

"You make everything sounds so scientific and complicated. It really isn't so bad. And you know it yourself. Tell me if I was lying? Go on." He urged amused

And I..... couldn't.

I bit my lip in frustration.

He was correct about all of it.

But that doesn't mean he gets to be right!

If only out of pettiness!

He chuckled at my thoughts, gently patting my back.

How even-

Wasn't I just over there?

Oh dammit. He's a god. Of course he can warp reality without me noticing.

But I would be lying if I said it didn't feel somewhat nice.

One of his anomalous effects? Maybe I'll study it later.

But for now....

I sighed defeatedly.

"I will....take your advice into consideration."

"Good. And know that I love you and want the best for you. Even if you're not my creation." He said.

I rolled my eyes at the Stan Lee lookalike.

"Corny much?"

"Saying what you truly feel isn't a sin, son." He smiled, "And sarcasm is overrated."

"I suppose." I shrugged, "Now where's that reason you stopped me from killing that bitch?"

He frowned at my language.

"What? I'm not going to change in a day! Cut me some slack. Now back to that reason, if you will? I don't have all day. I have a daughter to pick up from daycare."

"Of course." He nodded, and spread his arms, parting the clouds below us, revealing a world of throbbing pink and bruised red.

Blood, tissue, viscera and fungi everywhere.


"Is what happens when you kill Death. Life covers everything. And it spreads like a disease. No one is safe. No one free. Everything is consumed by the ever expanding force of life. Unchecked. Undefeated. This is the Cancerverse."


I should've figured, I guess.

But seriously.

"All love and good my ass. You're not here because you're just so nice. I know why you're really here.

You're afraid that with my portal tech, the Cancerverse would consume the rest of the multiverse. Am I right?" I scoffed.

"I can be two things at once, my child." He replied, neither confirming nor denying my claims.

"Suuuuurrreee...." I teased, smirking, "But I don't understand one thing. If it is such a problem, why don't you just destroy it?"

"The same reason I didn't destroy you, son. Because I-"

"Yes, yes. You are the embodiment of all the love and goodness and blah blah blah.

You and I both know you cosplay under the table as One Below All to deal with your less than acceptable projects. So what makes this so special. Or is it that you just don't want to break what you've made? Like some obsessive collector?"

He flinched a bit at that, and I smiled.

"Ohohoho! So you are addicted to making worlds. I thought I was just riffing on you but you really-"

He turned to me with an annoyed look and suddenly, I found myself back in the dining room, except the blood and gore had been cleaned up.

He floated in the air, a few fetr above the ground, glowing gold as he announced.

"My child! Now that you have journeyed to the truth, you know what you must do. Or in your case, not do. My purpose here has thus come to fruition. I must leave now! Be well, my child. And take my lessons to hea-"

I walked up to him and gave him a hug, something that surprised him.

Weird. He should have seen it coming?

I smiled, as he cleared his throat.

"Thanks. For telling me of the future. It helped. Though, next time, maybe tone down the hippie vibes. Makes you look like a dweeb."

"What even are you saying...." He sighed, shaking his head, as he disappeared in a flash of warm golden light, as a whisper reached my ears, lingering for but a moment.

"Goodbye. Fare well, child. A brighter future awaits you."

I smiled warmly and looked around, just as Star and Riley rushed in.

"Papa? Are you okay?" Star asked, rushing into my embrace, burrowing his head in my chest, "I heard noises. I felt cold...and then so warm!

I was scared.....the mean lady was flickering angrily..."

I kissed his forehead and patted his back, comfortingly, as Riley took the hint and jumped into the hug as well.

"It's okay, Star, Riley. Everything's just fine now. Papa is here. And the mean lady is gone. She will never hurt us again."


This is nice.

This is my family.

And I'm not scared anymore.


MC meets One Above All and has a heart to heart, if a bit forced.

Will the MC change into a better person?

Probably not!

But will he less violent?

That remains to be seen.

Next time, on ITCOTM!

Also, if you want to support me, buy me a cup of coffee or read ahead go to,