The deal.

"I'm not dead?" Jay-23 looked at himself in astonishment.

"No. You're not. I just absorbed the code from you." I replied.

He looked up at me, more curious than confused.

I sighed.

"Let's just say, the cognitohazard worked. Just not in the way you expected."

"So what happens now? Will you kill me?"

"Not quite. I'll give you a choice. But first I must ask. Do you still love Offee? After all she's done? Will you still love her no matter what?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"What sort of question is that?"

"The yes or no kind." I said, coldly.

"Yes, then. No matter what, I will love her till the end. I'm sure she did what she did for my sake."

"Hm, you're not entirely wrong there." I said, "So let me give you a choice. You can die here. I'll make it peaceful. I'll take care of your Offee and your kids like my own. They'll never feel your loss and will live happy, eternal lives. Or, if you so choose, I can wipe your memories of all this, take away your powers, set you up in a safe, modern world under my dominion. I'll change Offee to look more human, and I'll make sure that you both get to live out a quiet suburban life, age gracefully, grow old together and die peacefully in your sleep, together like soul mates after a long 150 years of life. Your souls will become one upon death so you two can forever be together. Your kids will grow up to live happy, long and disease free lives. You will lack for nothing and neither will the kids. The premium package."

"How is that even a choice?!" Jay-23 shouted.

"It's not a great choice but it's the only one you have." I replied using my divine power to calm him down.

He looked at me with suspicion.

"Why even give me this choice? Why not just do it without telling me? You have the power."

"I do. I have achieved what I set out to achieve here. I got what I wanted. Eternal life. Power beyond measure. Omniscience, if I am so inclined to use it. Omnipotence too. And as a bonus, I even have 3 cute yandere wives who love me, truly love me for me. And not to mention a looot of chicks I banged who are pregnant with my kids. Life is... Finally good. I'm happy. I don't have to be so paranoid, so on edge anymore. That last hug from Wanda reminded me of that.

My journey doesn't end here. It's just the beginning, but my dream has essentially been achieved. Once I ascend to a higher plane, it will be fulfilled. Even this campaign to conquer the omniverse matters not. It's just for optimal resource extraction and honestly, fun."

"If you're done bragging..."

"Yeah, yeah. My point is, I'm not afraid anymore. And I'm not heartless either. You should know that best. Do you remember Micah and Molly? The regret? The nightmares? The guilt?"

He hesitated for a moment, winced at the thought and nodded.

"All those things, all that needless evil we've done? Now we can undo it. I can undo it. Without altering history. And I will. Just as we planned."

"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones. But you have no bones to bury, immortal as you are. As I would have been." He said with a hint of bitterness, "It's understandable that you want a clean slate."

"Exactly. And as you know, charity begins at home. So while I could have just forced that life onto you, I want you to have the choice. A conscious, voluntary choice. Die for power for your dream, or live for love. The choice is yours."

He leaned back into his chair and ran a hand through his hair.

"Fuck. It's still not a choice. Either I keep my dignity and die on the path to my dream or live out a long mediocre life."

Finally, he sighed wistfully and gave in.

"You know when I first read Achilles, I thought he was an idiot for giving up a long life for glory, but standing here, on the same crossroads, I can only admire his guts. Guts I don't have."

"Very well then." I nodded, "It is decided then."

"Yes. I'll take that premium package."


"Hnnnn~ It's good to be back in my own body." Wanda stretched and did some calisthenics while Yue lay in my lap and lazily watched Jay-23 and Offee discuss my offer in the corner.

"For the record, I'm not happy with this whole thing. But I won't throw a tantrum." She added.

"It was the logical option." I replied.

"I know. It's just not easy losing a friend. And those big pillowy boobs of hers." Wanda sat down beside me, "I'm surprised you let her go."

"I'm not that horny." I protested.

"Say that when you're not molesting my butt." She smiled, but moved in closer.

"It's a very nice butt." I replied, "and I haven't had any action for two years."

"Hmm....I guess. I don't mind either way." Wanda said happily as she leaned her head onto my shoulder, looking at Offee and Jay-23 walking over.

"You done hashing out the details?" I asked.

"Yes." Offee replied, "We have some demands."

"Go on."

"Firstly, we want the lifespan increaned to 200 years."


"Secondly, we want to be in the top 2 percent of the wealthy. Millionaires at least with assets and businesses to match."

"No problemo." I waved my hand.

"And we want to keep some powers. Minor ones like telekinesis and thought parsing. Some physical enhancements."

"And my technopathy and genius level IQ. For me and the kids too." Jay-23 added.

"I'll just make them yours by blood, how about that?"

"That will do."

"Alright. Anything else?"

"Oh, I also want to visit Offee from time to time, so can you keep our friendship alive. Maybe make me family, like say, a twin brother's widow or something." Wanda added.

I gave her a questioning look but let it go.

"Done. You'll be the twin brother's widow who likes to go exploring. The fun aunt to the kids. Just make sure to not reveal anything too important."

"I won't." Wanda agreed.

"Now do you two have anything else?"

"No." Offee took charge, "And thank you, for sparing us."

"It's okay. It's the least I can do. I can still feel the traveler clone's love for you, now that he's a part of me. I want the best for you too. Good luck with your new life. And don't forget to gave fun. Cherish every moment, you only have so many. And most of all, remember to love each other."

"We will." Offee grabbed Jay-23's hand, as they each carried one of the kids in their other arm.

"Oh and one last thing, I'm taking that portal fluid canister from you. Along with that arm." I said as her arm turbed into a flesh and blood one.

"Goodbye." I waved and they disappeared forever, sent to a world my A.I. had just conquered and stored in a microverse for this purpose. Under my orders the A.I. silently put away the microverse in my store room.

"Well then, what's next on the agenda?" I clapped my hands and asked.

"Reviving our Offee. Unfreezing the kids from cryosleep. Making amends with Ahsoka. Testing out the new system. Adopting the children from Naruto. Setting up the anonymous suggestions box for clones. Sending out appropriate notices. Future omniversal domination plans. Sending Rudra back home. Returning home via Project Country Roads. Finishing Project Icarus, Sisyphus and Ascension-" The A.I rattled out

"The question was rhetorical in nature, computer, but thanks. And boy is that a lot on my plate."

"We could always start with a fun one." Yue suggested.

She had forgiven me surprisingly quickly once I became one with the traveler clone and now even doted on me like she did with him. Like a puppy but on steroids. It was cute.

Guess her overbearing love was not to be underestimated, she was genuinely crazy. But then again, she was trapped all alone in a dungeon for 300 years, so it's understandable.

"Well, I did finish creating a system soul candy recently, and the multiverse we just crushed has a lot of errant souls just lying about. Why don't we test these out on them?"

I could see Yue's ears perked up, twitching cutely. Now that she had grown into her 23 year old adult form, she was even cuter somehow. It was truly a mystery how that was possible.

"Wanna try it?" I asked, dangling the bottle over her head, knowing full well that the little vampire otaku wasn't going to say no.

"Un!" She nodded, "Let's go right now!"