After looking around for a while, Adrian decided to buy a couple packs.
Enraged battle ox ×4
Familiar knight ×2
Hitosu-me giant ×1
Polymerization ×1
Vampire lord ×2
Saggi the dark clown ×3
Cost down ×2
X Head cannon ×1
Y Dragon head ×1
XYZ Dragon Cannon ×1
White Dragon ritual ×1
Z Metal tank ×1 >
*Aww cool
@transfer to gold
@transfer to skill poiny
@transfer to stat point
@Save it
*I'll save it for now
*Yeah sure
Kuriboh ×1
Vorse raider ×1
Mirror force ×1
Winged dragon of the fortress ×1
Gate guardian ×1
Mystical space typhoon ×1
Great white ×1
Red eyes b. dragon ×1
Frontline base ×1
Gaia the dragon champion ×1
Left arm of the forbidden one ×1
Serpent night dragon ×1
Monster reborn ×1
Kagemusha of the blue flame ×1
Harpie's pet dragon ×1
Giant soldier of stone ×1
Thunder dragondark ×1
Buster blader ×1
Dark magician girl the dragon knight ×1
Petit moth ×1 >
Reward: 250 coins >
*I want to sell an enraged battle ox
Rewards: 1 UR card ticket, 500 coins, 200 xp>
Reward: 5 random cards >
*Heh I'll get 2 birds with 1 stone
Reward: 5 random cards, 500 coins>
"Hey Mr. Muto, can I buy some cards?" Adrian asked. "Sure, I don't see why not" the old man responded, "What are you interested in?" "I dunno, waddya got?" Adrian cheerfully responded. "Lets see, I got some packs, wanna try your luck?" Solomon asked.
"Hell why not," Adrian chuckled, as he looked at a pack, it was called LEGEND OF THE BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON. "Ah a good choice, you see Maxamillion Pegasus made 5 legendary beasts, and he put them in different packs based on the all and powerful Blue Eyes White Dragon, 4 of them have been found, but 1 still remains, and it is believed to be in a LEGEND OF THE BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON pack, do you think you can pull the final Blue eyes white dragon?" Solomon looked at Adrian puzzled. "Hell yeah I do" Adrian exclaimed.
"They cost 750 coins each." the old man told the young boy. Adrian gave Solomon 750 coins.