Story of a storE

After looking around for a while, Adrian decided to buy a couple packs.


Enraged battle ox ×4

Familiar knight ×2

Hitosu-me giant ×1

Polymerization ×1

Vampire lord ×2

Saggi the dark clown ×3

Cost down ×2

X Head cannon ×1

Y Dragon head ×1

XYZ Dragon Cannon ×1

White Dragon ritual ×1

Z Metal tank ×1 >

*Aww cool

@transfer to gold

@transfer to skill poiny

@transfer to stat point

@Save it

*I'll save it for now

*Yeah sure

Kuriboh ×1

Vorse raider ×1

Mirror force ×1

Winged dragon of the fortress ×1

Gate guardian ×1

Mystical space typhoon ×1

Great white ×1

Red eyes b. dragon ×1

Frontline base ×1

Gaia the dragon champion ×1

Left arm of the forbidden one ×1

Serpent night dragon ×1

Monster reborn ×1

Kagemusha of the blue flame ×1

Harpie's pet dragon ×1

Giant soldier of stone ×1

Thunder dragondark ×1

Buster blader ×1

Dark magician girl the dragon knight ×1

Petit moth ×1 >

Reward: 250 coins >

*I want to sell an enraged battle ox


Rewards: 1 UR card ticket, 500 coins, 200 xp>

Reward: 5 random cards >

*Heh I'll get 2 birds with 1 stone

Reward: 5 random cards, 500 coins>

"Hey Mr. Muto, can I buy some cards?" Adrian asked. "Sure, I don't see why not" the old man responded, "What are you interested in?" "I dunno, waddya got?" Adrian cheerfully responded. "Lets see, I got some packs, wanna try your luck?" Solomon asked.

"Hell why not," Adrian chuckled, as he looked at a pack, it was called LEGEND OF THE BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON. "Ah a good choice, you see Maxamillion Pegasus made 5 legendary beasts, and he put them in different packs based on the all and powerful Blue Eyes White Dragon, 4 of them have been found, but 1 still remains, and it is believed to be in a LEGEND OF THE BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON pack, do you think you can pull the final Blue eyes white dragon?" Solomon looked at Adrian puzzled. "Hell yeah I do" Adrian exclaimed.

"They cost 750 coins each." the old man told the young boy. Adrian gave Solomon 750 coins. Adrian grabbed the top pack Adrian grabbed the other pack and looked at them, shifting his eyes to the first, and then the second, and then the first again. He then put the first one back, and opened the other pack.