
Seto Kaiba

Lp: 4000

Hand: 5 cards


Yugi Muto

Lp: 4000

Hand: 5 cards


YUUUGGGIIIOOOHHH was the sound that happened, when the teenage boy transformed into the ancient egyptian Pharoah.

"Now Kaiba prepare yourself, because it's time to duel." The Pharoah stated, Kaiba didn't realize, because he was too oblivious, and instead responded with, "Brace yourself Yugi, you've never dueled, like this before. I summon the mighty 'Hitosu-me giant'." Uahh real monsters" The egyptian dude gasped, "It's my virtual simulator, it makes holograms of the monsters" Kaiba cleared up the confusion. "Wait so let me get this straight, instead of ending world hunger, you spent millions on holograms?" The Pharoah asked? "YES" Kaiba interjected. "Why?" Yami asked. "BECAUSE CARD GAMES ARE AWESOME" Kaiba shouted. "I see, so you -" YES" Kaiba interrupted. TURN END.

Yugi pondered a bit, "Ok then... Whatever it's my turn, I call on 'winged dragon guardian of the fortress', now attack with fireball attack." a blast of fire attacked the giant. TURN END.

Yugi Moto Lp. 4000>

It's Kaiba's turn, "I summon 'saggi the dark clown' and then use 'negative energy generator' to triple it's attack to 1800. Now 'saggi' attack his dragon with dark-light" TURN END

Yugi Moto Lp. 3600>

Yugi drew his card 'rrrg I cant use this' he thought to himself. "I will set a card" TURN END

Play moved over to kaiba again, "saggi' attack his facedown with 'dark-light', HAHAHAHAHA"


Adrian fell asleep, because the duel was getting boring, after his nap, this is what he awoke to.


Seto Kaiba

Lp. 3300

Hand: 5 cards

Field: Blue eyes white dragon ×2


Yugi Moto

Lp. 2900

Hand: 5 cards

Field: Empty


"I end my turn Yugi, how will you face off against 2 'Blue eyes whore dragons'?" "You'll just have to ask that again, after I activate 'super special awesome 3 turn stall spell, in 3D (swords of revealing light)" "DAMN YOUUUUUU YUGGGGIIII!!!!" Kaiba shouted. TURN END.

Kaiba's turn. "Since only the monsters on my

that were already on the field are affected by your swords, I summon 'Judge man'" TURN END.

"Well I summon the 'Dark magician" and have him attack your 'Judge man' with 'talk to the hand'."


Yugi Moto LP.2900>

"Heh, that didn't even phase me, NOW I draw, heheh guess who li'l Yugi, thats right its a 3rd 'blue eyes white dragon' and now he attacks ypur 'Dark magician'. so Yugi how do you think you'll survive my next turn?" TURN END "Now draw your last pathetic card Yugi."

Yugi Moto LP 2400>

Yugi's turn. "My pathetic grandpa's deck has no cards Kaiba, but it does contain this, the unstoppable 'EXODIA'." Yugi shot back " Brooo, you just took that out of your pocket, that's cheating" Kaiba anounced. Oh no he saw through my strategy, oh well. "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE I, AN EGYPTIAN PHAROAH OF CHEATING, I TRULY AM OFFENDED, and for that I'll personally give you an Exodia flavored ass whooping, Now Exodia OBLITERATE" "NOO AUAAG IT'S NOT POSSIBLE NO ONE HAS EVER SUMMONED EXODIA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH."

"Now Kaiba talk to the hand, eh where it? aha ctrl+shift+h to add cool egyptian vibes."