Chapter Nine

You have begun the trial of Draconis.

Multiple hallucinogenic substances detected.

Weakness in hallucinogenic substance #7 detected!

Proper antibodies to hallucinogenic substances have been identified and replicated!

Hallucinogen #7 exterminated!

Prioritizing extermination of hallucinogenic substances!

Hallucinogen #1 exterminated!

Hallucinogen #2 exterminated!

Hallucinogen #3 exterminated!

Hallucinogen #4 exterminated!

Hallucinogen #5 exterminated!

Hallucinogen #6 exterminated!

Hallucinogen #8 exterminated!

Congratulations! You have completed the Trial of Draconis. You have proven yourself worthy to share the blood of the first Dragon. Thus, you have learned the truth of the world. It is time for you to rise to ascension.

The Ancient Dragon, [UNLEARNED NAME], has seen your efforts and applauds you. He has granted you a soul companion. 

… Take care of him.


Vital signs approaching the safety limit! Please find a safe place and log out or you'll suffer permanent damage!

A gasp escaped from Edward's mouth as his eyes flung open. He shook himself up as he reached for the ceiling. He continued to gasp for breath as his lungs worked overtime to keep him alive. Somehow, after he had passed out his body stopped breathing. He was now paying the consequences. Edward felt sweat covering his skin like a blanket as his muscles ached in pain.

He felt like he had just gone through an intensive workout, and then refused to drink any water for three days. His throat was parched, his body was weak, and his heart was sending shockwaves of pain throughout his body.

"Gahh!" Edward yelled in pain. He tried to reach the edge of the table above him, but his position on the floor made that almost impossible. After a full minute of effort, he finally grasped onto the side of the table. With all of his strength, he attempted to pull himself to his knees, but he failed miserably as he fell to the floor once more.

When his shoulder hit the stone ground, he gasped out in pain once more.

'Gahhh, what's happening?' Edward wanted to ask, but his voice was too damaged to use. He tried to move his limbs again, this time for a different purpose. As a last resort, Edward opened his main menu and immediately logged out.

However, his pain didn't end simply because he logged out. As soon as Edward opened his eyes to the real world, he was met with the same level of agony he was suffering from just a moment ago. Edward gasped for breath once more as he groaned. His muscles felt as weak as they were in the game, greatly shocking Edward.

'I thought I was suffering from some status condition,' Edward assumed as he groaned once more. He tried to move his arms to help remove his helmet, but his biceps were too weak to pull his arm so close to his face, 'So it was a real-life thing? What happened?'

Luckily, his fingers eventually found his phone in his attempt to remove his helmet. As he knew it was impossible to remove his helmet on his own, he immediately opened his phone and began entering in his passcode. His fingers moved as slowly as a turtle's legs, but he eventually managed to find himself in his contact list.

There were many people here, including his close friends and family. However, Markus happened to have the last name: Anderson. This meant he was at the top of the list— the closest to his finger. He would've called his family, had they been closer to the top of the list, but his desperation removed any sort of luxury he could've been afforded.

He immediately called Markus. His phone only rang for a second or two before he heard Markus's voice from the other end.

"Edward! You got in! How have you been li-"

"Get over here!" Edward yelled, his throat straining from the effort. His voice sounded rough and coarse, 'Great. My voice even sounds like I haven't had water in days.'

Markus immediately went silent. A moment of silence passed before he suddenly hung up. If Edward had been anybody else, he might've been worried that Markus ignored him. However, he knew his friend too well. He would come.

Ten minutes of agonizing waiting later, Edward heard his front door open as Markus quickly rushed in. Markus was still wearing his pajamas— as he always wore when he was off work. Markus only needed to gaze at Edward's motel room for a moment before he saw Edward on the bed— helmet still placed on his head.

"Ma-Mar," Edward spoke, his voice even weaker than before. His stomach was beginning to growl at him in protest, but Edward didn't have the strength to resist.

"Holy shit," Markus muttered in worry. He immediately rushed over to Edward and slowly lifted the helmet from his head. Then, with eyes wide with worry and hesitation, he looked over Edward's body.

"Wa…ter," Edward spoke, his eyes dropping from the weight of his eyelashes. With every syllable, Edward's chest rose and fell like the waves of an ocean. Edward's body felt as frail as glass, but he knew exactly what he needed first. Markus looked into Edward's eyes and nodded, though Markus's expression was still covered in worry.

Markus grabbed a jug of water— the motel room's fridge didn't have a water dispenser— as well as a small glass. Then, after he filled the cup and placed it on the bedside table, he slowly lifted Edward to an upright position. As Markus's hands touched Edward's back, Edward felt another wave of pain pass through his body and groaned.

The pain was over quickly as Markus rested Edward against the bedrest. Then, with a careful hand, he slowly fed the water through Edward's lips. After a few sips, Edward's body felt revitalized to a superhuman degree. Edward's eyes widened as the pain assaulting every corner of his body disappeared. The achiness covering his muscles faded away like dirt on a windy morning. He looked down, then lifted his arm and clenched his fingers. His entire body still felt a little sore, but he wasn't as weak as a starved man anymore.

"Shit, that felt good," Edward muttered. His voice was still as coarse and dry as it was a moment ago, but he felt no pain speaking or using his throat. He looked to Markus and nodded, "Thanks, but can you get me some food, as well? My stomach feels like it's on fire."

"Sure, but… what the hell happened?" Markus asked. He stood up and sighed, "You look… different. What the hell happened to your lip?"

"Different?" Edward was confused. Did he mean the pale skin? That was gone by now.

"I thought it was just your sick complexion talking, but I'm right. Your hair and eyes have been darkened, Edward. What the hell have you been doing in the game?" Markus asked. Edward looked at his friend and narrowed his eyes, confused. Darkened? How?

Then, his eyes widened in realization. He pushed against the bed, attempting to get on his feet. As Markus realized his intentions he helped Edward to his feet. Then the two of them slowly shuffled to the bathroom. Edward was still too weak to walk, but he didn't feel any pain as Markus kept him upright.

As the two of them finally arrived in front of the mirror, Edward gazed at his reflection and gasped.

"That's my avatar."