Chapter Sixty-Seven

As Markus allocated his new stats, Edward directed Brandon to open the chest in the center of the room. He wasn't entirely sure if his brother's luck affected what was inside, but he didn't want to find out the hard way. So, Edward decided to play it safe and have him open every chest they stumbled upon for the foreseeable future.

As Edward stretched his hands into the chest's contents, Markus finally finished his task and walked up to Edward.

HP: 700

MP: 120

SP: 80

P: 4

A: 16

E: 140

W: 24

L: 1

"You decreased your Power by that much?" Edward gasped as he gazed at Markus's new stats. Markus nodded and folded his arms before turning his attention to Brandon, "I don't think I'll be using my sword as much anymore. I've kept enough to use my armor, but only just."

"You'll rely on your sacrifice skill?" Edward asked, impressed. Markus was willingly choosing the method of combat that would give him the most pain.

"I'll have to upgrade my regeneration skill a few times before it becomes viable, but yes," Markus nodded, "I intend to be a walking bundle of HP."

"Ha!" Edward laughed. He looked to his friend, now with a more serious expression, "Be careful while you're not logged in. Your new stats will transfer to your body on Earth after this. That crazy Endurance you have will make you completely impenetrable against almost everything. You might be unscathed even if you jumped off of a building."

"Wait, what? Like you? What about my appearance?" Markus asked. Edward wasn't sure if the man was excited or fearful over the prospect of having a sudden appearance change.

"Just your stats— half of them, anyway," Edward explained, "Unless you manage to find a Blood Origin, your appearance will stay the way it is. I just wanted to warn you in advance."

"...Have you told Brandon about that? With his luck, who knows what he's capable of now."

Edward looked toward his brother and a deep sense of guilt emerged within his chest. He looked down and shook his head.

"It was easy to explain to you, as you've already seen what ascension has done to me. But if I tell Brandon, I'll also have to show him my new appearance and abilities," Edward explained, "I don't know how heavy that will hit him."

"You can't keep it from him forever," Markus advised, "It'll be best you explain the situation before he ends up using his strength in ways you can't predict. He may accidentally hurt somebody."

Edward took a deep breath and nodded, "You're right. I don't think it would be best to tell him in the game, however. I think I'll invite him to meet up with me on Earth. That way, he'll believe me the moment he sees me."

"Guys, look!" Brandon smiled. He pulled out three items and placed them on the ground just in front of the chest. Edward stepped forward to get a better look. 

The first item was a pair of plate gauntlets made out of a glass-like blue sapphire that shined brightly in the light. The gauntlets were thick and heavy, yet seemed slick and lean.

Gauntlets of the Velociraptor

+11% attack speed

The second item was a thick metal breastplate made out of the same sapphire material as the gloves. It had a few straps to keep it close to a person's body, but it wasn't adorned with a leather tunic like most breastplate armors. Instead, it seemed to function in the same way a plate armor did— by fastening it over chain mail.

Plate of the Velociraptor

20 Defense

+11% resistance against ice magic 

-5% movement speed

The final item was a plate helmet, similar to the breastplate, only it functioned well as a mask, too. The helmet was shaped like an ordinary helmet, but there were engravings covering every inch of its blue surface. Most of the engravings depicted the velociraptors the group just fought, but there were also a few depictions of bones and human remains. It seemed to be part of a set with the breastplate, so it held similar stats, as well.

Helmet of the Velociraptor

+11% HP

"Give all of it to Markus," Edward smiled. Markus turned to Edward, surprised, before he looked back at the armor. His eyes widened in excitement as he dashed forward. Within moments, he had removed much of his armor and replaced it with the sapphire replacements.

Most of Markus's armor was now occupied by the sapphire plate. He only needed to replace his pauldrons, waist armor, and his greaves. Edward silently hoped that they would find another treasure chest to complete Markus's set, but he also wanted to find some equipment for Leila and Brandon, soon.

"Thank you," Markus smiled.

"You're the one that needed them the most. With that bulky Endurance, you'll be our most defensive person, now. You'll need armor that helps you. Besides, your recent armor has been demolished, so it's useless."

After the group left the room, Brandon led them across the rest of the floor. As Edward and the others searched for another treasure chest, they killed a total of six velociraptors in the process. He and Ikarus only needed one more kill to reach level fourteen, though everyone else needed two. Only when the group explored the final room, did they find the second treasure chest.

"I bet the number of treasure chests matches the floor number," Brandon reasoned as he and the others hid behind a corner. Edward peered over the edge and looked upon the enemies surrounding the treasure chest.

Frozen Skeleton Velociraptor

Lvl 16

HP: 390 | DMG: 66 | DEF: 94

Frozen Skeleton Velociraptor

Lvl 16

HP: 410 | DMG: 66 | DEF: 98

Frozen Skeleton Velociraptor

Lvl 16

HP: 375 | DMG: 69 | DEF: 91

Frozen Skeleton Velociraptor

Lvl 16

HP: 425 | DMG: 66 | DEF: 101

"You guys ready?" Edward asked with a smile. He looked to Markus, specifically, who desperately wanted to try his new armor. They all nodded. Even Ikarus nodded, as he now seemed to have a basic understanding of English.

Edward smiled, then clenched his fists. He turned around and charged into the room while followed by his companions.