Her Pleas, His Promise

As soon as Roseanne enters her chamber that evening, she collapses on the bed. Her muscles are aching and she is tired from the training. Polina is a strict trainer and her magic spell is hard to break. Roseanne tried everything she could to overcome the spell but it was of no use. Her head was not working and there really was no way to finish the race.

How did the other girls do it? She wonders. Roseanne asked a few of them and they simply said it took them a lot of training. They pitied her state and told her it will get better over time.

“Ugh!” She scowls. “Why did the Duke not tell me about this? Or did he mention it and I cannot recall it?”

Roseanne racks her brain to remember if Dmitri had mentioned it to her but her mind is blank. She is confused as to why he would hide something like this. Something is nagging in her mind as if she has forgotten something but what is it?