A Vow of Revenge (5)

Dmitri and Roseanne are staring at the girl in wonder. They stopped at a small tea shop nearby for snacks and found a table for themselves.

“She can eat a lot,” Dmitri remarks, feeling amused at the child who is on her fourth helping of Shepherd’s Pie. She single-handedly finished a three course dinner and the poor diner owner keeps on losing track of their orders. Cassandra devours all the food in front of her and is still hungry.

“Can I have more pie?” she requests.

“Another pir please!” Dmitri orders. The store owner groans in dismay and starts preparing another one. Roseanne slightly smiles at his generosity because if it was anyone else, Cassandra would have been beaten to death for daring to even ask for food.

Dmitri, on the other hand, has no qualms in feeding the glutton. Roseanne recalls how affectionate he was with the children at the training ground and feels a warm affection for him.

“Do you want juice as well?” he asks Cassandra.