After a long journey, Dmitri and Roseanne finally arrive in Helverium. They are traveling in plain clothes to disguise themselves. Dmitri is wearing his hat low to hide his eyes, clutching Roseanne’s hand in a protective manner.
“Leo and the others will not arrive here,” he tells her. “I had to send them back otherwise we will attract too much attention.”
“That is okay,” Roseanne replies. “I just need to find more information on this book.”
She is hiding her father’s book inside a bag and holds on to it tight. Unbeknownst to Dmitri, Roseanne has been reading the book while he was unconscious. After finding out the truth, she had read the things her father had written but not all of it was decipherable. She was only able to understand the wolfsbane recipe but the rest is a mystery to her.
What caught her attention was that Mikhael mentions Helverium in the book.