Sleeping Beauty

Tejeda fell back, limbs flailing into the air, desperate to hold onto the desk. Writhing, he fell flat. He didn’t even feel pain when his ass hit the floor. That was how numb he had become. The coolness inside the room felt quite refreshing after Nubilonia’s scorching heat.

A glance around the chamber showed him that no one was around. A relieved "ouch" escaped his lips. He carefully removed the suckers from his leg and stroked his kneecaps. They were sore as hell. His muscles needed some rubbing before they were able to hold his weight. Even his neck ached, as if he had been sleeping in an awkward position.

Fixed around his waist, a stasis band covered his belly. Why did they put something like that on him? No need for stasis for an hour or so, geez. He yanked it open and threw it on the floor.

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead!”

Of course, there was always someone watching everything, including his butt rubbing pain. “E00, how long have I been in the construct?”