Tejeda’s Antics

Shayla marched inside the Space Spoon with her arm wrapped around the dog. The little pooch pressed his snout to the side of her chest, happily wiggling his tail that periodically slapped her back. She huffed but didn’t have time for Tejeda’s antics.

“E00, fire up the engines. We’re leaving Aunald ASAP.”

“May I ask our destination?”

With her free hand, she reached for her pocket and unwrapped the crumbled piece of paper she had gotten from the clerk. "Larva 5."

“Where’s Tejeda?” Cato asked. She was standing in the far end of the corridor, looking over the hangar bay.

“It is he, Tejeda, the Doggo.” Shayla tilted her head toward the pet. Then she continued her march, strode past Cato, and headed straight for the Captain’s office.

She entered the room, shut the door, and placed the dog down. He misstepped, rolled over, and then got back up. A bark echoed throughout the ship, showing his dissatisfaction with walking on all fours.