Sunsetrise Part 1

Tejeda Hajar's POV

“Happy birthday, Shayla!” I invite her to sit on the blanket next to me with a pat.

It took me about a week to create a perfect replica of Genoria Prime inside Jackeye's world.

Once every two thousand years, Genoria Prime, a water planet with just a few stretches of land covered in sand, is perfectly aligned to get the ultimate romantic view. One of its suns sets while the other rises, a phenomenon called sunsetrise.

To recreate it from my memories inside Jackeye's virtual world involved a few setbacks. But that isn't important anymore.

Shayla takes one of the glasses of red wine and fixes her dark green eyes on me. “Whose body are you wearing now?”

“You know bodies are just meat suits for me.” I give a sly smirk, looking her over. “Well, they have a few perks, can’t lie about that.”


Shayla knows what I am implying. No need to hide my perverted side when I’m with her. She cuts me off as usual, though her gaze says otherwise.