4 Practical Skills and Visions

"We will now test your practical skills" Gyzyl sensei announced to the class.

My eyes widened. (I'm gonna have to review my skills again) I just sighed.

We went to a forest, maybe a mile or so from the school.

"This is the unnamed forest. The mountains beyond it, is where the dwarfs kingdom is.

Because dwarfs lives within the mountain, they didn't claim this forest and so, didn't give it a name.

No kingdom has been able to conquer it because a lot of monsters live in here. It is where survival of the fittest is the only rule"

One of my classmates raised their hands.

"Sir, why are we here? Isn't it to dangerous for us to be here?"

"Hahahah, are you scared?" he looked at her mockingly.

"N-no sir"

"It's fine, it's normal for low skilled students to be afraid of this forest. Specially those who only reached sword defender and magic student skills"


"This forest has about 10 partitions, we call it unnamed forest levels. From 9-0" he said as he ignored my classmate.

"9 to 0?" another student asked.

"The lowest level is 9 where sword holder with magic student skills can survive. The highest level was called 0 level, because no one has reached it yet.

Does anyone know how wide the forest is?"

A dwarf answered " It's shape is like the head of an axe when looked at on a map and as wide as the Kingdom of Poznaniye, but if you remove the mountains where my people live in, it will still be as big as the Kingdom of Yerkusi Kesy"

"So that means the forest itself is 3/4 as big as our kingdom?" other students re-confirmed what was said.

"Yes, which means it is more than 4000 by 2500 Millaire wide. When you look at the map, it would look like a head of an axe as said by miss Gül Öndüriji.

If we adapt the parts of an axe as a guide for the forest. The Poll will be where we are now, where the lowest levelled monsters are. While the Toe is where the mountains of the elves are located

The forest consist of walls up to it's center that is 40 to 80 humans high. If you fly and look above it, it would look like a spiral of walls.

It is like a dungeon, the deeper you get the stronger the monsters are, but in this forest as you follow the path and the closer you are to center, the stronger the opponents are.

You will have to walk around the whole forest, to find the entrance to level 8"

(If I'm not mistaken, Millaire is equal to Kilometers in my old world. So they based the levels on the number of walls)

"How far has adventurers reached?" another student asked, it was one of the lycanthropes

"That's a good question Mister Bök Söweşiji. They have only reached the entrance of level 7"

That made everyone fall into commotion, some called the adventurers coward some showed fear.

"Silence!" Gyzyl sensei shouted that made everyone stop and look back at him.

"Do you know your difference to Adventurers?" a lot shook their head.

"Adventurers do their job for money, they don't do it for glory nor nobility. They will not enter a situation that has a low possibility of survival"

(The adventurers and I will get along well then)

"Now, I ask you. Why are you in the school of

Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías"

"To acquire the necessary knowledge to reach higher level skills" Aý answered.

"Yes, that is one"

"To earn confidence to challenge ourselves" Asman said.

"Close but not quite"

"Then what?" most of the students said at the same time.

"It is to earn the knowledge and confidence to fight higher level monsters, to learn to gauge your enemies strength, and to know that retreat is not a sign of cowardice but tactical"

"Then the adventurers did the same" another Elf said.

"No miss Elbetde Işçi, they didn't"

"How is that?" she followed.

"The adventurers will not go further after a retreat, that will be their limit until they reach a higher level skill. But you guys will pursue higher skills just to reach deeper in the forest"

'I knew it' Al looked at me with admiration as if he knew what the instructor mean and was proud that I also knew it.

"The difference between you guys and the adventurers are your determination. The adventurers will NOT pursue higher level so that they can reach deeper. While you, the students of Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías will pursue higher level skills just to reach deeper into the forest.

And that is why you all were acknowledged by not only the school, but all the well known Knights and Magician.

It will only depend on you, whether you remain as only a person who studied at Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías or a student of Institoúto Spathioú kai Mageías"

who's reputation spread far and wide"

Most of us smiled while the others felt awkward and the only people who were not swayed by the instructors words was me and Al.

After that Gyzyl sensei instructed us to spread out, jut far enough for him to see us and started to fight monsters.

It made me realize that I'm really in another world. Monsters that look like monsters from some of the games I played, animes I've watched and mangas I've read was there. It was all mixed in, I might see all of them when I reach deeper in this forest.

But even though we've been fighting for hours now, we haven't found the entrance to level 8.

"Okay, that's enough we will now return to school" sensei announced.

"But we haven't found the entranced yet to level 8" some of them protest.

"I see that you were enticed by the idea of finding it but our only goal is to see your practical skills"

That made them fall into silence and realize it. I thought that he was patronizing me and was an imperious kind of person but he was just impartial. I have to admit that he is a great instructor.

I was still fighting a bear that is twice my height, with giant claws and fangs with eyes of a wolf and fur almost as hard as a chain mail. It was vexing that I can't kill it instantly because I can't let other students know my true skill. I looked around if anyone was still watching my fight, then used bisect, a sure kill that can't be defended upon. A stance that can only be used when you've reached Master swordsman. It is similar to a stance sever from the skill swordsman, the only difference is that sever can be dodged or blocked.

I did my best to make sure it looked the same as sever, but I didn't know that one knows what it truly is. Al was behind a tree looking at me, pleased.

I saw something opening in the wall, could that be the entrance to the 8th level? Then this Bear-Wolf Monster was the guard of the entrance.

"Adam!" he was waving at me as he called out to me.

"Yeah, coming" Al only smiled back.

(This is an opportunity for me to further my skill and master elements. But the only time I'm alone is at night) I thought of many ways for me to train in the unnamed forests level.

But the only option is at night, I will have to research a magic that can help me.

(The best element to study is Creation and Darkness) I knew it's going to be grueling task, but thank the Gods I have a long time to study. I have 6 years to reach saint but before that, I will need to master both elements so that I can make sure no one finds out about my future training in the forest.

(I will have to learn more about mastering elements, I have to see shishou)

I asked the principal for a few days to see shishou and he immediately gave me permission without even asking my reasons. But I think he already has an idea, I can't shake the feeling that this principal is more than what he is letting off.

I arrived at the shop at night.


"Mother" I immediately hug her as soon as she saw me.

"Master Pul, told us your coming" she hit me lightly on my shoulders "What were you even thinking? Your school year just started and you've already requested a school leave!"

"Sorry mother, it's just urgent. I need to speak with shishou"

"The court magician? Why?"

"It's nothing to be concerned about but I need to ask her as soon as possible" she looked a bit sad when she heard what I said.

"Is something the matter mother, do you not feel well" she only smiled.

"Ohh it's nothing, if it's important. I understand the school granting you permission"


"Father, where were you?" I hugged him.

"I was just finishing auditing the inventory. I'm glad to see you, your mother and I missed you so much. We're not used to you not coming home in the afternoon after a long training"

"Really! I also missed you guys, I'm not used to eating alone. But I promise I'll study hard and come back more capable"

"You idiot son. Who told you, you have to be capable, as long as your happy and safe. We are happy"

"I know father, but please remember that I'm not doing this in a whim. I'm doing this for the both of you" that softened the expression mother had and just hugged me again

"We know son and we don't plan on stopping you but please, please always be careful and consider me and your father whom are always waiting for you to come home"

(Now I understand, that's why mother looked sad earlier. She thought that I forgot about them, but I won't get tired reminding them that this is for them. And I'll do everything just to protect them) I was abandoned by my father and was beaten almost to death by my mom almost every single day. They are the first people who showed me how to be loved and be cherished, even if I end up losing my life for them, I will die happy.

The next day, I went to the castle and entered the main gate. The guards already knew me, so getting in was not a problem.

Before her admitting me to school, she announced to the whole kingdom that I'm one of his apprentices. It was a huge commotion that shishou took in a commoner as an apprentice, but good thing school year was already about to start that no one was able to take action on hindering my admission to the school.

Maybe that's why the humans in my class doesn't really talk to me much. I've only talked to demi humans this past few weeks, well except for Al of course.

I was inside a waiting room, it was really luxurious. (I guess I really am lucky to be shishous apprentice if I'm being treated like this)

After a while, the door opened and a knight stepped inside the waiting room.

"The Grand Court Magician would like to see you now, I will escort you to her room" I just nodded.

We climbed about two floors and then passed a few doors on the left of the staircase, we arrived in front of a room. The knight opened it and their I saw shishou pouring tea.

I bowed to the knight as I said thanks and he politely accepted it. He closed the door after me.

"So what made you come here Yalyn?" as she pushed the cup of tea towards me.

I sat down and reached out to the cup and took a sip.

"I need to ask something shishou" I sipped a bit more tea.

"About how to master elements?"

I was taken aback and almost spat out the tea in my mouth.

"Yalyn, I'm your master. I already knew that you haven't been able to advance in magic for a while now, before you even told the Principal and the others"

"Well if you already know, that just makes it easier. Shishou I need you to teach me about how to attain mastery in elements"

"It's easy, you just have to find out your magic aptitude"


"Here" she toss me a scroll.

"It's empty"

"It's different from the Crystal Tablet. It's called Spirit Scroll, that will record your every single ability, your blessings, aptitude, magic and stances"

"If I do that, isn't it dangerous?"

"Every person who have reached 18 years of age receives one. It is to help them find the most suitable job for themselves. Because I knew you can't wait to reach your 18th birthday, I will give this, off the records. Don't worry, you are free to show it to anyone or not to even let anyone see your scroll. Because once you've recorded yourself in the scroll, even your weaknesses will show in it"


"Yes, well there are cases that some information can't be seen even by the owners of the scroll"

"What are those?"

"Mostly it's about their soul or blessings. Some has a blessing that let's them hide their abilities in the scroll"

"What's that blessing?"

"It's called furtive. It helps the blessed to conceal anything he wants from anyone even from the Gods. This blessing is from the God of Confidentiality and secrets, the God Tajana"

(Gods? So this world has an actual connection to Gods not like in my old world) she has noticed my surprise.

"So you still don't know much about this worlds Gods and their blessings?"

"I only know the God of Creation, God Almachtig. The one I bowed my head upon after my circumcision"

"Right. Well, their are a lot of Gods. The ones created the world though was only Almachtig, but the World History is mostly influenced by the God of Distraction, God Chronobog"

"i would like to tell you all about them but, it's gonna take days to finish. So it's better for you to learn about them along the way" is it me or is she just lazy telling me about the history.

"Just hold the scroll in front of you with both hands and send your mana into it. Once it stops receiving the mana, it means that the scroll has recorded every information on you"

"I understand"

"You'd better find a place that is secluded. You will also have to erect some barriers"


"When I received my scroll, it took me a day to finish and everything that is surrounding me was destroyed. That thing your holding is a magic scroll, that is embedded with a strand of hair by the God Tajana. When you send your mana in it, you will have to release your full force into it. Meaning, your surroundings will be affected, the bigger your mana pool, the stronger the effects are.

Also when your sending your mana into the scroll, is the time which you are most vulnerable. I have a lot on my plate right now that I'm unable to assist you"

While I was at the castle gates earlier, I heard that the Kingdom of Erkenntnis, the largest kingdom in the world has shown movement at the North-East of it's continent that can be easily surveyed by the Kingdom of Awakai. That's why the kings of every kingdom will be having a summit and that's also why shishou is to busy right now.

"I understand" (I guess, that's the only place I can go)

The next day, I only said hello to Master Pul and said goodbye to my parents. I told them that I might not come home for a day or more.

I went to Nemir Valley at the North-West of the Poznaniye Kingdom. The valley of the undead, shishou mostly trained me here. There is a cave within a giant rock just at the south east of the valley, that's where we rest and eat. Because the rock looks like a sphere, it is very hard to climb over it. With Earth magic, we create Earth barrier to seal and unseal the cave entrance, I also create platforms I can step on to reach it's entrance.

I entered the cave and erected the earth barrier again to seal the cave. I casted light magic to have at least a luminesce for cave.

I erected some magic barrier that can conceal and prevent magic to leak out of a set parameter, surrounding the whole top part of the rock.

"I have stuffed my self full. This should let me last a week" I took the scroll from my quilt bag.

I held both ends of the scroll, closed my eyes to help me concentrate and started to send my mana towards the scroll.

I released a light of red and the more mana I send to the scroll, the brighter the light is. After a few moments, the light that was emitting red and orange earlier was now a brilliant blue with an interior of clear grayish white.

As I sent my mana to the scroll. Visions started to appear in my head.

I saw a silhouette of someone behind a sea of flames, is he panting. No, he turned his head to the side and raised his hand midway and fire flowed out to both of his hands. I can now see the silhouette of his smiling face. He was laughing in front of a village, no, a city on fire.

Then the scene changed, now it was in the middle of a forest. Some people were surrounding him while fire was slowly spreading out of the forest. I can't hear what they are saying, but I can clearly see their hatred to the man casting fire magic, he was the man earlier.

A barrier was casted on him, he wasn't able to do anything. Then the people, no, magicians surrounding him made the same actions and surely spoke in unison. The barrier slowly became smaller, then it became a bind that strongly binded him. Then light came out of the heavens and rayed down on him.

He slowly hover through the ray of light, My vision still fixed on him. I can feel his hatred but at the same time, their was relief. Why? why does he feel relief when this happened to him.

'You will understand in time'

"Who!?" I then opened my eyes and felt the scroll not receiving the mana I'm sending to it anymore.

The light I casted was gone, so I casted another one. It made my eyes hurt, wait a minute, do I have better eye sight, why am I able to see in the dark. I brought down the magic barrier and the earth barrier so that natural light comes in the cave.

I stood up and something caught my eye, it was the floor I was sitting on. No, not only the floor but the whole cave was scorched.

"What happened here, did I do this?" that's when I felt hunger.

I remembered shishou giving me something that can erase a strong presence in an area. She said that before leaving the place I chose, I will have to use this so that no one finds out about what happened to this cave.

It's an Ofuda [Paper Talisman]. I attached it at the part of the floor I sat on, the only space in the cave that wasn't torched black. I also then revised the magic barrier, to consume the mana left within it's space and only lose it's effect when all of my mana was consumed.

(Well, it's better sure than sorry)

After a while when he left the Nemir Valley. Some people bearing the crest of Erkenntnis Kingdom within their cloaks, arrived near the giant rock.

"Sir, the presence disappeared" a slim man with a bright orange colored long hair said to a tall well built man.

"Not even a trace is left for us to be able to follow" a woman with a braided gray with a hint of brown hair said.

"Tssk. This is a blunder, we could have added that someone to our forces"

Another man who was not to tall but muscular with a golden blond hair, suddenly appeared from nowhere.

"Sir, we should go back. I just came from the South-West of the Poznaniye Kingdom and heard that every kingdom of this Continent are about to assemble at a summit"

"Isn't this a good chance to kill every single one of their leaders?" the woman said.

"Woman, I know you are strong but I guess you aren't to bright" the man who used spacial magic said.

"What did you say!" she was about to draw her twin scimitars.

"Enough! Were going back" the man was tall and very muscular that even wearing a coat wasn't enough to hide the defined muscles he has. The three only nodded and the slim man brought out an amulet. I emitted a bright white light and in an instant, they were gone.

I arrived home after lunch and there I saw master and my parents with worried faces. They noticed me as soon as I entered the shop.

"Son!" my mother run towards me.

"Why, what's the matter?" I asked

"You have been gone for four days now" master Pul was the one who answered.

"What? 4 days. Thank the Gods I asked for 7 days of leave"

"What happened son?" Father asked.

"I was refining my mana at the usual place shishou trained me. I didn't know it would take this long" sorry that I have to lie to you guys, good thing that refining magic and the scroll recording almost followed the same process.

They were all surprised.

"Idiot, you should have told us. And why did you even spend four days straight when you can refine at any time"

"You guys know that I have a huge mana pool, shishou said that I should refine it in a secluded area"

"Any good news then?" Master Pul asked.

"I did find the gist of it but it would take me a long time. I will do it every school break instead. Master, can I ask a favor?" I don't like it but I'm getting used to lying.

"What is it?"

"Can you help me find books of Creation and Dark magic?"

"What kind?"

"For the book of creation, I would like something that has golem creation and for Dark magic, the one with distortion magic"

"That, I think I have those even for Light magic. It was left behind by Jady"

"Ahhh great! That would greatly save me time"

"I'll bring it to you later, you should eat and rest first"

I bowed deeply and thanked master.

My parents lead me to the kitchen. We spent some time together and I went to my room to sleep.

After a few moments when I fell asleep. A vision appeared again.

Dragons was flying throughout a city, spitting ice, water, wind and fire. In the middle of the city, a large area was burning to the ground. Flames as tall as a mountain, flames that is so condense, it's color was turning to blue. At the middle of the flame, something emerged, a silhouette. It stretched itself to the point he was so reclined that his toes could almost reach the top of his head.

And after that, it smiled. It's smile sent chills down my spine, I can't see it's face but it's smile was clear as day. Then suddenly, the mountain flame turned to pure blue, people who gets to close burned to ashes.

It was horrifying, but why do I not feel sick of it. As if I knew it was gonna happen or knew it happened. As if I was the one doing it, a bit of pleasure dwelled up in me.

I then woked up screaming. Sweat run down not only on my face but my whole body.

I was somewhat relieved that my room was at the other side of the shop building, far enough for my parents and master not to hear my scream.

Tear fell down from my eyes, the pleasure was gone only guilt within me remains.

'Why do I feel this way' I stood and walked towards my table where a water pitcher was placed and a glass.

I opened the gas lamp and sat down. After finishing drinking a glass of water, I took the scroll from my quilt.

It was written with this worlds writing. Thanks to Master, I was able to learn this worlds letter characters.

Name: Yalyn Adamler [Cináed - Spirit of Fire]

'What the hell, what is this beside my name? I'm not a spirit and why is the Spirit of Fires name in my scroll?'

Age: 12 years old

Parents: Bölek Adamlar (Father)

Ynam Adamlar (Mother)

Race: Human [Reincarnation of the Spirit of Fire]

My hands lost grip and the scroll fell down on the table.

"Is this even real. Then what was my life at the world I came from, was that an illusion"

I stood and paced myself in my room.

"No, that's not possible. My memories are so detailed that it's impossible to be fabricated.

Specially when the Gods name here are to different at my old world. There is no hint of anything similar to my old world.

But, the monsters are the same as the monsters at the games, animes and mangas I've played, watched and read. No, it might just be a coincidence"

I fell to a squat sitting position. I scrambled my hair with uneasiness and screamed while my mouth was closed.

"There is only one thing to do for me to find out more about this Cináed. I need to learn more about this worlds History"

I went back to the table, sat on the chair and continued reading my scroll.

Blessings: Indissoluble (God Asvameth)

Furtive (God Tajana)

Proficiency, Erudition (God Kalaam)

Statuesque (God Calixta)

Serendipity (God Lakshmi)

'I have a lot of blessings, I even have Furtive. That's lucky, I have the option to conceal most of my skills.

Even if I get another scroll, I will be able to conceal it their too. I will have to find out the use of this other blessing'

On my skills, all my stances was listed in a parenthesis beside my skill Swordsman and then all my spells beside my skill Magician.

'Is their anyway to know if I have mastered this stances and spells' then suddenly the letters moved and became columns beside my skills with mastered and acquired beside them.

'Wahhh, this scroll is so cool. I think the stances and spells that has 'mastered' beside it are the ones I've mastered while the others that only has 'acquired' beside it, I haven't mastered.

But it seems only a few are not mastered. I will have to master all of it. Is it even possible to know if I have new stances and spells'

I heard a knock on the door. I woke up still at the desk, I stayed up until I was able to concealed the skills over Provost Swordsman and Magiacian in training. I also concealed most of my blessing, I just left the Serendipity and Statuesque. I also found out when I received the blessings.

In the order, I received Indissoluble the day I was born, but if the Reincarnation was true, I might have received it longer than what the scroll has stated.

Then Furtive at the age of 4, Proficiency and Erudition at the age of 5, Statuesque at the age of 6 and Serendipity at the age of 9.

The furtive will only activate when someone other than me is holding the scroll, a Human, a Demi Human, a Monster, Elements nor Objects.

I was dressing myself up. I remember what was written in the scroll and the Visions I have been having. It just stirs my uneasiness about my origin. If I really I'm the reincarnation of the Spirit of Fire, how did I become human. Am I the one in my visions, was I that vicious. Didn't I really have any remorse and why did I feel relief when the magicians casted me away.

'It's still not time. Be patient' a voice spoke in my head again that startled me.

'Who! who are you!?'

Tears fell down from my eyes.

"Tears? where? why?"

"Son, come out now. It's time to eat!"

"Yes, I'm coming. Sorry about that" I said as I came out of my room.

He just nodded and walked past me.

"Father, do you know the Spirit named Cináed"

He looked at me surprised. He stopped walking.

"History, says that he was the personification of Evil and Destruction. But the Dryads said that he was controlled from the very moment he was born. That was the last words the Dryads shared to all humans before they lived in seclusion"


"It was written in a book, made of the strands of hair of the 13 Primordial Gods. Before, the book was still in the hands of humans, but it was said that the God Chronobog took the book and threw it in the depths of the abyss"

"Then how do humans know of it?"

"It's a passed down knowledge from King to it's descendant"

"Then how do you know of it Father?"

"It's in a song that was made at the beginning of time"

"What's the song?"

"Hahah, do you really want to hear me sing son?"

"I just really need to know it father" he was taken aback on how serious I was.

"Oh Death, Oh ohhh oh Death

Why Oh Gods, have you forsaken us

Why have you created such

A being that spreads Death

Cináed has awaken, Cináed has arrived

Cináed will cast his sea of flames

Cináed shall show what horror means

Cináed laughs as people turns to ashes

But why does the Dryads defend such being

Because we didn't heed their words

But the Dryads are the protector of Nature

Oh why does the Dryads defend such being

Oh Death, Oh ohhh oh Death

Why Oh Gods, have you forsaken us

Why have you created such

A being that spreads Death

Oh Death, Oh ohhh oh Death

Why Oh Gods, have you forsaken us

Why have you created such

A being that spreads Death"

After the song. Father told me about how the song was made.

The first verse, Cináed has awaken till Cináed laugh as people turns to ashes was taken from the History of the Kingdom of Mennesker that is now called the Dessert land of Deat Ammos.

It was where Cináed was born and wrecked havoc for the very first time. The Spirit of Fire was laughing as humans was burned to the bones. Yet his laugh sounds like of a naive child and that was what caused the survivors going mad.

Even the King almost lost his mind, because he lost his whole family in the Fire. Only his youngest son who almost died to the burns he received, survived.

It was the Dragons who started the fire but the Spirit of Fire was the one who spread it and intensified it that almost caused the annihilation of the whole kingdom.

And the second verse was about the History of the Nemir Valley. It was where the Spirit of Fire was last seen and where he was finally casted away from this world.

It was also the time where all the Dryads was almost annihilated, because they attempted to save the Spirit of Fire. But because the Magicians had the Blessing of Chronobog and so, they killed most of the Dryads.

Cináed attacked the Dryads that made them abandon him. And thus the magicians completed the spell and casted away the Spirit of fire out of this world.

It was said that Cináed casted a protection spell within the Nemir Valley. It was a twisted spell that made every being that dies on it's land become an undead, even the trees continues to stand even though it was already dead.

I can't believe that this story can be my own story. We finally arrived at the kitchen. Mother and Master Pul scolded us both for taking to long.

And seeing father being sweet to mother, made me realize that my previous lives doesn't matter. The present is what matters and I'll do anything to protect it.