6 Mastering magic and the History of Monsters

It has been 8 months now since I started training in secret while assisting shishou with war strategy.

(I don't know how I ended up being the tactician for the war, but if me being paranoid would provide a higher chance for the people that will go to war to survive, then I'll gladly help)

The preview of how I have mastered Most of the Elemental Magic and Avani Law.

I first mastered Fire and Creation magic in just a month but as I move on to another element or law, the harder it becomes. The lower my aptitude is to that element or law, the more determined I should be.

After mastering Fire, Wind, Creation and Light Magic in less than 4 months. I decided to study elements first before the remaining Avani laws.

So I think I've advanced faster since I started concentrating in one kind of magic. It only has been 3 months since I have mastered Lightning and Earth Magic and I'm also 9 spells away from mastering water element which I have the lowest aptitude all in all. Using the spells in actual combat helped me advance faster too.

Until one night I was at the North of the unnamed forest close to the border of the Deat Ammos.

I saw monsters not only from the unnamed forest but also monsters with intellect, gathering up into lines as if someone ordered them to do so. I then casted invisibility magic and slowly approached still hiding in the bushes

Thanks to Earth magic, I am able to mask my scent with Earth and Tree scent to avoid being detected under invisibility, I think they won't notice my presence with all of them gathering around.

Thanks to the monster language I've learned, I was able to understand their conversations. Good thing shishou told me to learn it.

"Damn those humans, they have taken the Elders as hostages and are using against us. This will make the humans and the other races hatred towards us get worse" one of the Ogres said, he looked like a tall mascular human.

(They are more human like than what I expected, same as that slimes world)

"We don't have a choice, they haven't passed down the knowledge and the secret fighting arts to anyone yet" another ogre said that was slim yet obvious that he has a great built.

"Do you think I don't know that, those idiot elders. They didn't trust even one of us to pass it down"

"We understand how you feel, specially that you are a son of one of the elders" A voluptuous ogre said. The masculine ogre might be the leader of this horde.

(Now that is something) they were more like human but with tinted skin, some were almost black, some brown and dark brown, some with other different colors, fangs and small horns that varies.

The more I watch them, the more they seem like the Ogres in that slimes world.

(Maybe, just maybe. If I name them, will I also have connection with them. But I'm a human, arrghhh not because your in another world, everything goes) I went back to listening to them.

"Are you mocking me, I never once desired to learn the secret arts. I have the capability to learn fighting skills without those. I also understand why they don't want to give it to me. I have to much anger towards the humans"

"But that is why you deserve it. You acknowledge your anger towards the humans and that is the proof that you won't exploit the secret arts" another ogre woman spoke as she came close to them. She was petite with short pure black hair.

(Am I just reading into it to much or are they included in the war. I have to approach them, I have the ability to fight them now. But still they are way to many of them, I just hope that it doesn't come to that)

"A-no, excuse me"

"Who goes there" they went to defensive position. While the other three stood in front of the son of one of the elders.

I walked out of the bushes while putting both my hands in the air and slowly removed my invisibility spell.

"A human!" they all fell into commotion, most even unsheathed their weapons ready to attack.

(Dang, they are to many. I would be lucky if I'm able to run unscathed)

"Please, don't attack. I'm not hostile" I removed my weapons and tossed it towards my back.

Some was surprised to hear me speak their language.

"Stand down" the son of an elder said and all the ogres sheathed their weapons as he continue.

"What do you need, human?" it seems that they acknowledge him as their leader.

"I just want to ask, I heard what you guys been talking about and would like to know of the details. I may be able to offer some help"

"Why would we listen to what you say, human" the voluptuous ogre spoke.

"I'm an apprentice of the Grand Court Magician of Poznaniye Kingdom. I may be able to seek help from her to help you. She is not prejudice to any race even to those who are considered monsters"

The three looked at the Ogre leader.

'I don't feel any special abilities from him, we can easily get rid of him if we don't like what he says' the well built slim ogre said.

(Ahmm, I'm just right here and can clearly hear you) I just sighed, well it's better for them to think like that.

(But why did they say, they don't feel anything special about me. Shishou once said that I ooze great mana. I haven't even learned to completely conceal my aura yet) I was completely confused from what they said.

"If you are okay to come with us to my hut, then we will hear you out" the leader spoke.

I just nodded and gestured to them to lead the way.

We entered the unnamed forest, a part where was believed to be filled with giant bushes with poisonous thorns. A lot of hut was there with ogres that seems to be non combat, woman, children and old ogres.

(They are really like humans) I thought as we continued to walk by them.

The leader entered the biggest hut there, then the other three gestured to me to enter. Then they followed and another two Ogres entered, one that looks like a veteran old man and an old woman with a long staff.

The leader sat to one of the chairs, not at the head of the table, as he gestured to me to sit at the opposite side.

"What would you like to know, human?"

"I'm Yalyn Adamler, but I would like you to call me Yal" I better use a different name to them, just encase something unexpected happens.

"Okay, Yal. What would you like to know?" I should also ask their names later, they don't trust me enough to give me theirs yet.

"I heard that your elders were abducted and those who did it, is using them to threaten you into submission?"

"You!" the voluptuous woman screamed but the leader only gestured to her to stop.

"Yes, that is right" they all looked at him with discontent but unable to speak out.

"Who did and what did they demanded?" I knew it was a sensitive topic but it is essential for me to know, I don't have much time til sunrise. I only paid attention to their leader, even though I can feel their piercing gaze.

"The Erkenntnis Kingdom, they wanted to use not only us but all the other monsters to fight against your people"

"I knew it" their eyes widened.

"What do you mean, human!?" the veteran old man demandingly asked.

"I have been thinking the worst case scenario I can think of when the war starts. I know that monsters and humans doesn't have good relation, so I thought that the Kingdom of Erkenntnis might exploit that. But I was still in doubt cause if monsters was easily persuaded, then the relationship between us should have already improved even a little"

"Do you claim that we monsters are the obstinate ones" the old woman with a staff spoke.

"No, no, that's not what I mean. I know that you know what I truly mean" she then lost her words and looked down realizing she spoke out of line.

"I apologize for their words" the leader bowed his head a little.

"Young Master" the old man said but he only gestured to the old man to stop.

"No, you don't have to do that. I understand where they are coming from"

"Then thank you for that" and gestured to me to continue.

"Yes, I am somewhat in contact with Shishou and frequently updated on the development in the front lines" he looked surprised as I continued.

"Do you have any idea where they brought your elders?"

"Yes, but it will be hard to rescue them" the petite ogre was the one who answered.

"Are you in charge of the reconnaissance"

"Yes, the day they abducted the elders in front of all of us, I was able to follow them without anyone noticing"

"They did it in front of all your villagers, then-" the leader suddenly interrupted me.

"I know what your about to say. Why didn't we fought back?" I only nodded as he continued.

"Humans know that we are powerful, but do you know why the war against monsters and humans stopped? We even had to leave in seclusion, even though it's believed that one ogre can go against 100 skilled humans"

(believed?) "Why is that?" I asked.

"Because all monsters are cursed"

"What? what do you mean cursed?"

"I guess I have to start at the beginning then" he breath deep and slowly. I can see a bit of hesitation on his face and yet in a moment, it became determined, then he continued.

"We monsters, as you know are born of humans" that left me stumped. I had no idea, is that why they look more human than I anticipated. I just waited for him to continue.

"The humans hated us because of their jealousy towards our strength and natural abilities, abilities that they needed to train hard just to achieve it.

Until the Human named Gahar Gözlegçi was born, he was a genius that easily became a magic saint and even reached Master Swordsman.

But a Spirit approached the monsters at that time and even some humans, they were named, Dryads. They spoke of how he truly attained his power. He didn't attain it because of talent nor hard work, it was bestowed to him by a God in exchange off casting the Spirit of Fire away from this world" anger filled his face as he continued.

"After he had done the deed, he then casted a curse to every race that was considered as a monster by humans. A hereditary curse passed down to every single descendant. As long as you have monster blood running through your veins, the curse seals your ability to evolve and attain further and stronger abilities. It has been more than 3 thousands of years since the curse has been placed on us.

But one day, a monster who earned trust from a demi-god, was named and attained her true abilities. That Ogre and the demi-god was connected through a soul cloister that cancels out the curse. Because of this, it is believed that the connection between souls are holy, and named it soul cloister.

The ogre was also impregnated by the demi-god and gave birth to the first Ogre with demi-god blood. That's why their are two kinds of Ogres. Ogres that gets stronger but only evolve up to a more human like feature and the second one is the ogres with demi-god blood who are able to evolve up to Kijin.

Ogres who has the demi-god blood flowing through them are set to be an Elder or the King of all Ogres depending on how far they evolve.

When an ogre evolves to Kijin, he is ceased to be called a monster but instead called a demi-god, which only happens when they are named by a demi-god or a more powerful entity, like a demon duke, an angel or a Spirit"

(Wait Angels and Demons? This is the first time I heard of them existing in this world. His still telling their story, I can't find the right words, for me to use to ask him about them. It's just to trivial to ask, I'll ask about them in the future) I continued listening.

"You can only count in one hand those who were named by a powerful entity and the Ogre that was named by a demi-god, was the first and the last. And from then till now, no monster was named.

Not only us ogres but all the monsters are only on equal strength of one 2nd class knight.

But there are instances that an unusual monster is born, a more human like monster and is able to attain abilities the human way. With a great deal of time and effort which was on our side, cause of our longer lifespan, we are able to reach saint in our lifespan, but only a few in a generation are able to do it.

Yet none in our generation has reached it. Even the previous generation of Ogres, only Baa-san there reached up to Master magician.

And those who attacked us was either as strong as a 1st class knight or even stronger"

I was more surprised of the strength of those who abducted their elders than the story. (But if they didn't told me their history, I won't even understand why they didn't fought back)

"It would have just worsen the problem if you did fought back. May I ask, how long is your lifespan?" they looked at me like I asked something I shouldn't.

"A non combat ogre can live up to 500 years while ogres like us can reach up to 800 years. A Kijin can live up to a thousand years, but it is believed that a Kijin, when it reaches it's highest form, will become immortal" I think they have the longest lifespan among monsters.

"Then do you know where they brought your elders?" I spoke to go back to the original topic.

"At the center of the Nemir Valley" the slim ogre woman was the one who answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, a clone of mine is still there"

(wow a clone, I would love to learn that hahah, back to the topic) "Then there is no need for help, I can do it myself, but I have a condition"

"Don't listen to that human, young master" the Voluptuous ogre shouted. "His just going to get our hopes up and then use us instead of the Enkenntnis Kingdom" she added but I ignored her.

"I want to go alone, if you don't trust me you have her, right?" I pointed to the Kunoichi . (that's what I'll call her from now on, she also fits the bill)

"What do you even mean? You are just an ordinary human. How will you even fare against those people?" the slim man asked.

"I have mastered the golem creation spell, and able to make it look like me or anyone I want it to, I also know where I can send them after rescuing them"

"Where?" the leader asked, as if already resolved to entrust their elders to me. That made the others stop from intervening.

"At the top of a Giant bolder at the South-East of Nemir Valley not far from the center of the valley. It's where I refined my mana, an active barrier is still there that conceals any presence once your inside"

"Why do you have to bring them their, why not just bring them here" the old man asked.

"If I bring them here. When those soldiers from Erkenntnis comes here, you will all have to fight them.

But if I bring them there instead of here, you can play ignorant of what have happened. Show your anger towards them, attack with all you've got, get attacked once and pretend that you have no power to fight back.

You will get your elders back, avoid being used in the war and survive to have a chance to accumulate strength and fight them the next time you meet.

Backing down and retreat is not a sign of cowardice but a tactical plan to come back alive, gain power and fight back"

Everyone looked at me with amusement like they see me in a new light, even the cocky ogre did until she snapped out of it. So I added.

"Ohh don't look at me like that, cause I'm just a paranoid coward. I don't attack unless I have 100 percent chance in winning" I laughed awkwardly that made all of them smile.

"Then why did you approach us?" the well built, slim ogre asked. (I'll call him samurai, he also has a katana and he looked capable. I guess their thinking that I have the confidence to defeat them)

"Ohhh don't take it the wrong way, I was sure I'll die if I approached you with hostility. I was just 100 percent sure that I can get away even without my weapons"

"Hah! you're ignorant of your powerlessness" the cocky woman said.

"May I" the leader just nodded.

I erected seclusion barrier the same one I used at Nemir Valley, it prevents once presence to lick out of a set perimeter. I might have unconsciously been completely concealing my power or maybe I activated the furtive on myself, whatever the cause my presence has been hidden. But I can still normally use my magic, meaning that my power was not sealed and only my presence was hidden.

(Whomever did it to me, I thank them and I won't naively flaunt my power. I have to be careful on using my full power, cause I know the possible outcome, specially with my connection to the Spirit of fire)

I slowly released my aura and looked at them, the cocky woman was already on her knees. I would have prefer not to show them my true strength but I need to assure them that I won't worsen their problem and I have a feeling that they are people that I can trust.

"Sorry, was that to much" I said while I stopped on releasing my aura. "Well that was just about 40 percent of my current power"

"Current power?" the old woman looked at me surprised.

"I am just about to turn 13 years old in a few months. Shishou said that I still have 5 years to reach the limit of my power. But she also said that it might not be the case on me, I'm already 12 years old but my mana grows just as fast when I was still a child" I explained as I put down the seclusion barrier.

"Yes, humans mana growth slows down as they age. But if yours hasn't shown any signs of slowing down" she then lost her balance and slowly fell on her behind flatly.

No one in the room knew what she was talking about but fear can clearly be seen on her face.

"No matter, if you really do this for us. We will be forever indebted to you"

"There is no need for that. I'm doing this so that my people has a higher chance of survival on the upcoming war. Then shall we go?" I looked at Kunoichi.

"Now?" Kunoichi asked.

"Ahh yeah, let's set out tomorrow midnight instead. I'll meet all of you at the entrance of this village.

Please prepare supplies for the elders, we will live it at the bolder on the way to the center of Nemir valley" they all just nodded. They sent me off to where we met earlier and I located my weapons. I only nodded, gestured that I will live and they just answered with a nod.

After Yalyn left the Ogres.

"Do you truly believe his nonsense, what if he failed and get the elders killed" cocky ogre said.

"Shut up, you ignorant fool!" the magician shouted "You felt his power earlier and yet, you still feel superior to him" the cocky woman only looked at her with displeasure.

"Baa-san, I'm also ignorant about mana cause of our curse, but the moment he released his aura, I already knew who was superior" everyone of them looked at him ashamed.

He laughed loudly.

"Young master" the old man said worried.

"And to top it off, it was only 40 percent of his current power and his mana pool is still growing" fear and admiration filled his face.

"Young master, if he does continue to grow in an unimaginable speed. He will be the second unprecedented being to reach the level of the gods"

"Baa-san, after the rescue of the elders. No matter what, we have to be his first followers"

"But why, young master?" the cocky woman still spoke despite of the topic, but the other 5 only looked determined to follow their leader that made her stop.


I arrived at the dorms successfully without anyone knowing, it's been my habit to check on Al before going to bed. As if assurance on what I've been feeling against him.

(He was their sleeping. Means that I'm wrong) this is the thought that comes to me every night but I still continue to do so.

After entering my room and undoing my invisibility spell, I then wrote what I have found out and what I was planning to do the next night and sent it to shishou. I also added some additional insurance on the upcoming war.

I was able to master 3 additional spells before I met the Ogres. I'm now down to 6 more spells before I become Master of all five main Elements.

(I never expected mastering an Element I have no aptitude what so ever, would be so hard. But I'm still lucky to be able to, if I didn't have my memories from my old world, I won't even be able to master one water element spell)

I erected a small seclusion barrier around me and sent a bit of mana to my scroll, I have been doing this since the first night I trained. To stay on tract on spells and stances I've mastered.

What I have found out this pass months from the Elements I've mastered, you can combine spells of the same element as long as both spells were mastered. That means I can create endless varieties of spell.

I've also been trying to combine two different elements this pass few weeks and I was able to create a spell from Earth and Fire elements. Because of this spell, I found out that this world has the same minerals as what was written in the periodic table in my old world, but there are still other minerals that originated in this world. Of course I won't use them until I'm able to determine their use.

I call the spell Earth grenade, I search for uranium in rocks and harvest them without breaking the rocks. I condense it as much as possible, then use high pressure fire spell to detonate it on air or on the ground, it can be casted within one Millaire away.

As long as you have scientific understanding, you can easily combine two elements. Next time I'll try three.

Since I've learned it, I've been creating small containers and searched for Uranium anywhere I go.

In this world, there is no such thing as item box or boundless coin purse and bags. Which was inconvenient for me. So I decided to make one, I first mastered two spells under Time and Space, desist and infinity. Then one spell under dark magic, the spell void.

Desist stops the flow of time within an area, a being or an object, while infinity makes something infinite, if I casted it on a spell, the spell will continuously be casted on the area or the object it was casted on until it's destroyed. Void, as it's name refers, it casts void within an area.

I enchanted my quilt bag. Inside the bag, I casted void, then infinite to void. Then desist to void and lastly infinite to desist. I then created different sizes of boxes, with 100 boxes each size and put it inside my bag. I then wrote a sequential spell on my bag on how it would work and tried it.

Two days ago, I put a newly baked pan inside, and today is the day I take it out of my bag. By putting my hand inside the bag while thinking what I want to take, the item I was thinking will touch my hand and I will be able to take it out.

The sequence was much harder than the spell itself, it took me an hour to properly set the sequence without off setting the spells I casted to my bag.

But it was fulfilling when I saw the pan still hot from the oven. "It worked!"

(This is truly amazing, I'm truly living the dream. I'm slowly changing my mind about this world)

I cleared my throat (this isn't the time for this. I have to get ready for tomorrow midnight, if I want to successfully rescue those elders)

I filled the container I created with Uranium, then added a conduit so that my spell will be casted directly to the condensed Uranium.

I also created clays that I can easily alter it's shape before turning it into a golem. I wasn't much of an artist in my old world but in this world that has magic, I can mostly do anything.

(I think, shishou will reply within a few days. I'll leave my window open just encase)

I put my handmade grenades in my bag, I then made sure that my bag won't easily be destroyed. I also created some extra bags and put it in.

(Having an infinite space is so awesome. If magic only existed in my old world, I could have earned a fortune for every single bag)

The day passed like any other days until the class ended.

"So this is where the commoner who's believed to be in our league attends in" A chubby guy with I don't know how to describe of a face said. I'll just call it abstract.

"Yes, they say that his a provost swordsman and also reached magicians apprentice" a thin tall elf added.

"Tssk, they just don't know the true standards of talent. Their just exaggerating" another human said who was well built with a not so bad face. I'll call him average.

"I know, right?" abstract added as he looked at thin elf who just nodded.

(I've been wandering why there have been no issues at school, when usually in this kind of set up, Jealous senpais always attacks new students. Just when I'm currently busy and in need of a good rest, that's when the extras comes in. Oh I wish I was an extra instead) I only sighed and tried to sneak out of our classroom.

"Their he goes" as the thin elf pointed at me sneaking.

(I really don't have time for this) as I sighed. Then I straighten up my posture. "Nice to meet you all, my name is Yalyn Adamler but please call me Adam"

"Hahh, they say his the current most powerful in this school, not only among juniors but all the students of this school!? They make me laugh" average said while the other two just scoffed.

(Who the hell spread that rumor) I looked around and saw Aý smiling (I really hate women with big mouths even if she's beautiful)

"I won't say the strongest but maybe ahead in skills" I spoke back.

"Hah! Our skills are swordsman and magicians apprentice" my classmates just smiled that made them confused about the reaction other students made towards them.

"My skills are provost swordsman and magician in training" they suddenly smiled awkwardly.

"T-that do-doesn't matter. The more spells and stances you mastered is where true skill shows" the thin elf unsheathed his sword.

"What are you doing you imbecile, you talk about strength when your an Elf. Have you fallen so, to brag about your skill to much"


"What!?" Asman shouted completely annoyed.

"I have mastered every single spell and stance under magicians apprentice and swordsman, except for the spells and stances under provost swordsman and magician in training" what I said left the mouths of the three seniors hanging.

(I guess that's that, I can leave now) I turned to face the door to leave but.

"How are we so sure of that! Your just a lier" abstract said. I just sighed as he continued.

"You may have the skills, but do you have the mana for it? I can't even feel any presence from you"

"That's why I'm not the strongest senpai, only ahead on skills"

I then took out my spirit scroll and tossed it to Asman. Good thing I altered it again before going to school. When I learned that my mana was being hidden, I also altered my mana quantity to an average count. I also hid furtive.

"A spirit scroll!" most of the students said surprised.

'Isn't that supposed to only be handed when a person reached 18th year of age' one of my classmates whispered.

'His so lucky to be the apprentice of the Grand Court magician' another added.

"I was given that by my shishou, I was issued one because of my skills. I'm only on par with 3rd Class Knights, but if worst comes to worst, I'll still be on the list of students that will be sent at the front line when the war starts"

They all looked at me with awe and admiration except for the three that clearly shows jealousy and hostility.

"That's why you were only able to block my attack, your mana is lower than mine" Asman said arrogantly.

(Nope, I pretended to be slow. But I won't tell him that, oh I wish I had no need to pretend at times like this. What I hate the most is when people look down on me)

Asman handed me back the scroll as hard as he can that made me lean down. (Why do you look like you want to eat me alive)

"You going back to your room?" Al asked and I just nodded.

"Aren't you studying to hard?" he added.

"I need to, we already train at the unnamed forest so, I need to have a better understanding on spells. Shishou said that it would help me master spells faster"

(Is he a bit negative today, we have been friends for about 6 years now. He should be used to how I am) I don't hang out with him unless when we're training or he asks me to. Even though I hang out with him, I mostly prefer being alone if it's possible.

(I haven't really changed since I came to this world. I'm still a loner, but it's okay, right? As long as I don't inconvenience anyone)

I just went to my room to take a rest. I always activate my golem to sit at my study table encase of someone peaking at my window or for waking me up when someone knocks on my door. Because golems can't speak, he just shakes me till I wake up.

I was about to sleep when I heard a knock at my door, my golem approached me and shrunk back to a doll as I step down on my bed.

"Who is it?"

"Adam" it was Al.

I opened the door and he just barged in. I really don't like when someone does that in my room, but why do I feel fine when it's him who does it.

"I wanted to ask you something" there it is again. The feeling of uneasiness when he wants to ask me something, the comfortable feeling vanished. I slowly closed the door.

Is it just because it's unusual for him to ask about something or is their an ulterior motive behind his question.

As I turned around, I thought that I saw a glimpse of his face at the edge of my vision. A face that he has never made before. A face with such sinister smile, waiting for an answer that he will take advantage of, which I will surely regret.

But when my full vision can see him, that face disappears and turns into an innocent smiling face. I sat on my bed while looking down and slowly raised my head as I look back at him.

(Is it really alright to trust you?)