“I deeply regret everything I have caused you to go through, but you must believe me when I say that only you are qualified to bear my children. I'll get rid of her and make you mine one day. Just trust me and wait a little longer,” he enticed her with the truth. This was his promise to himself at the time.

Before he realized she was a clone, he had given her infertility medication. He was aware that if the two married, she would never be able to conceive his child, but who could have predicted that all his efforts would be for naught but a clone?

He gave Gwen the medicine again after killing the clone he couldn't find until now. She will never be able to hold his child, no matter what she does. Only Clara was fit to carry on his lineage.

When she told him she wanted his child, he was thrilled. He might as well give her a child to accompany her if he couldn't be open with her right now. He had never considered having children at such a young age, but now he wished to.