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I sighed whilst tossing on the bed. Standing up yet again for the umpteenth time tonight, I glanced at the sleeping figure of my wife curled up on the couch.

I grimaced at the term. I doubt if I would get used to seeing her as one.

The blanket she had taken from the wardrobe was wrapped around her small frame and she pulled it up to her face. So, I could only make out only her forehead as the moonlight streamed into the room. I knew I was rude and mean to her since we arrived in my glasshouse, but I didn't care

More so, I don't know why I was acting cold towards her. Because I could remember, no girl not even Adrina, my ex had ever made me feel so bothersome before.

Perhaps, it was her scent. The intoxicating strawberry and grape perfume that she wore.

Even her hair smelt similar because I had caught a whiff of it whilst at the cathedral when I tugged the veil covering her face away.