Episode 6

"Good morning James, how was your night ?" Dr Henry greeted

"it was splendid Henry, yours ?"

"very nice" The two doctors chatted peacefully at the Hillview Hospital quite close to the school camp.

They went on with their coffee break a few feet close to an empty bed in the patient's room.

Then suddenly a blinding flash got them up from their sits.

"what the heck...!?"

"Jesus Christ !! is that? "

There lying on the empty bed was a young teenage boy with his face, neck and chest region peeling off and fading into thin air. The poor boy's face was now unrecognizable and his rib cage was clearly visible. The boy who is Mike was now shaking and screaming on top of his voice In excruciating pain and his both palms have faded away leaving his blood fading through his hands

"Oh my God ! is that a zombie. ..What the heck is that" astonished Dr James screamed as he lifts Mike's arm with gloves on his hands which faded instantly.