Episode 22

Episode 22


Soon night-time came and I felt the coldest I've ever been in my life.

My body temperature and that of the environment had dropped significantly, and that meant double cold for me.

Lying on the floor, the scars finally disappeared from my eyes. I gazed at the moon and stars and felt a wonderful scenery that I've never felt before.

** This is the main reason we came to camp here, but staying indoors is just ironic** I thought.

" Hmmmmmmmmm!!" Came a hum in my head.

" It looks like you have adapted faster than expected. " I heard a whispered voice say.

" You must be the pervert that stripped me of my clothing" I replied

" Hmmmmmmm!!"

" It is difficult for me to adapt to a new host. You're fortunate to be alive." It said

I ignored it, sitting up with my arms wrapped around my knees I asked: " So you were the one that killed my boyfriend?"

Ignoring my question it said; " You have managed to depart from your habitat and your kind."