In the Chavez family it was not a secret that the first-born child will carry on the title of the patriarch, so everyone below was quite aware that they will inherit some of the business but everything else will be in the hands of the patriarch.

For generations no one competed for that as the heir was trained from a young age so that he may not be incompetent when the time comes. In order to carry the burden of the whole clan, the heir was taught in harsh conditions without being shown mercy so that in the future it will be a piece of cake to be ruthless when it was needed.

At some point someone from the collateral branch tried to fight what had been set into stone and this nearly caused the downfall of the whole clan. As a result, the culprit and his family were banished from the clan and their names were removed from the genealogy of the family.

This branch harbored so much hatred for the main branch that they didn’t stop there but continued to fight for what they didn’t work for. That collateral branch ended up migrating to another country and built their own foundation and even after many centuries they still lingered around.

This can be considered to be the greatest enemy of the Chavez and not the other families of the kingdom.

The current main branch of the Chavez consists of Keaton, Kit, Kira and Kris who are Aminah and Kasper’s children. There are also the grandparents, who are the biological parents of Kasper Chavez.

Kasper is the only male child of his parents but has got two younger sisters who married well and have got their own children. As a family especially the elders, some of them live in the ancestral home but Kasper and his family lives in their own villa as this is also allowed.

Mingling with the nagging elders is something that one mustn’t do on a daily basis. And if you are the patriarch then you have the authority to do what you want.

All he has to do is visit the ancestral home once in a while to check on matters otherwise most of his time is spent on keeping the clan floating.

It was not like Keaton had a phobia of women or something like that. He is someone who had his own share of women but if there is none of that thumping sensation then it is for naught. What plot didn’t he see in his life?

Some threw themselves on him, some drugged him, some flaunted their voluptuous bodies at him but they only disgusted him especially after meeting the little girl who attracted him without doing anything.

Adding her to his family name was something that he considered to be worthy especially after being single at thirty-five.


In the city of Sparrow there were three families that lived in seclusion and among them was the Leigh family that lived in the diamond valley. The clan was isolated that the other citizens found it hard to even see a single fly.

The clan lived under the covering of an array and unless one has a token, one will not be able to enter or exist the valley.

It was in this clan where a certain sleeping beauty finally woke up after seventeen years and was busy searching for the daughter that no one has ever seen.

Darcie Leigh, the only daughter of Marcel and Aya Leigh suddenly left home for a year and when she returned, she was in a comma. No one knew what happened to her except to just pray that one day she will wake up and return to them.

After waking up they let her rest and calm her mind after that Darcie was called to the ancestral hall where she sat down with the elders for some long-halted talk.

“Child, tell us what really happened to you?” one of the elders asked her with no tone of ridicule but that was full of concern and curiosity.

Darcie looked at her mother who nodded her head and she took a deep breath and began to narrate her story.

“When I left that time, I was traveling and ended up in Jade city where I met a certain gentleman named Jackson and I fell in love with him. I wanted to bring him home but time didn’t allow me. There was so much that I wanted to do and see.

I was afraid that if I come, you will not allow me to leave and be with him too. So I stayed with him and I found out that I was pregnant so I decided to later return when I give birth to the child,” Darcie narrated her story while her mother was busy shedding tears without making a sound, “when I was about to give birth to my child the house caught on fire and I just ran.

Someone was trying to kill me so I took cover in the forest and gave birth to the child in a cave. In order to find myself something to eat I ended up being ambushed by those people and they beat me till I lost conscious. But before I completely lost it, I heard that b***h saying that she was going to raise my child and give her the best life.”

At this moment anyone could see that Darcie was fuming with so much anger especially talking about this certain woman who probably was the culprit behind Darcie’s misfortune.

“Who is that person?”

“Her name is Doreen Rogers; she was someone who had a crush on Jackson and considered herself to be the future of Jackson but he wasn’t interested in him so she always made things difficult for me.”

“Where does this Jackson come from?”

“He is from Falcon city and his last name is Saunders,” when she answered this question, they all looked at each other and then back at Darcie.

Saunders was one of the names of the great families in Falcon. The Saunders can be considered to be number eight out ten which was quite good.

If she had come with him then they wouldn’t have rejected her relationship with him. The Saunders were considered noble so there was nothing wrong with them.

“He comes from a good family then why didn’t he come to find us and enquire about your welfare?” Aya snapped now that she knew where the bastard who nearly caused her daughter’s doom.

“I never told him about who I really was. I sort of concealed it, I didn’t want to pressurize him so I just paraded as an orphan,” now her tone was very low. She really blamed herself for not speaking the truth because all this happened because of that.

“This……” Aya was speechless, her daughter was truly stupid and she didn’t know what to do about her.

She understood that her daughter was concerned with those matters but now that this huge misunderstanding had occurred, who was going to solve it?

“And this Rogers person?”

“She was raised in the Saunders family and had no relatives apart from the them. We need to find her first or Jackson to find my daughter. Please help me find her!” Darcie knelt on the ground and bowed to the elders.