That thin ring was a storage ring and inside there were many helpful things that she used to strengthen herself. The ring was even more helpful as the couple could use it to smuggle things wherever they go. It wasn’t always good to pay taxes wherever you go. In business you need to make profits and if you have to declare everything with the tax agencies, what profit will you ever make?

“Welcome to our humble abode,” Chandler spoke using English and the two men were quickly in a hug. She didn’t find that disturbing, they were friends so of course being happy like this was nothing.

“It’s good to see you friend. This is Enchantia my wife,” Keaton said as he introduced Encha to the couple before he looked at her and continued, “this is Chandler and Vanity Wagner, good friends and business partner.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Encha spoke in fluent Jerunkei language which made Keaton to look at his wife in a new light.