Chapter 2

*New people*

I woke up on the wrong side of the morning which is normal because mornings are not my thing. all.

I rushed into the bathroom, took a shower and put on the clothes I'm assuming a maid put on my bed.


Which dorky school still wore uniforms in the twenty first century?

Shrugging, I put on the white shirt and red checkered skirt with the matching red socks and ankle boots which I had to reluctantly admit looked good on me, although the shirt was real tight on the bust area and the skirt was just short of being indecent. I tucked my charm inside my shirt.

Satisfied, I walked out of my room and down to the dinning to see my mom. was still kinda weird

"Damn the chef knows his work" I could practically taste the bacon and eggs.

"No swearing young lady..a dollar for each swear word"

"I'm sorry I didn't know" flustered I went to sit by her

"Oh the clothes look so good on you!" She exclaimed and i beamed

"How did you know my size?"

"Oh we know a lot of things about you. Including the fact that you have a driver's license" she raised a perfectly arched brow as if waiting for some kind of contradiction

"Yeah no, you're right. I got that a year ago. On probation though till I'm eighteen" I said and she nodded as a maid brought in my food

"Yeah i know that too" I took a bite..heaven

"Um..where's Tasha, dad?"

" your sister's already in school and your dad headed off to work..come with me." Giving my bacon and eggs puppy eyes, I stood up and followed her. She walked all the way to the garage.

Not surprisingly they were so many cars.

"That" she said pointing to a black convertible

"That's your new car.." Everything else she said sounded like blah blah blah..

She had a car? Like an actual car?

"..I'd have the driver take you to school and back for the next three days, then you drive on your own. Think you can handle that?" I shrugged half lost half giddy.



History, Literature, Fine arts

And a bunch of other subjects. Luckily while Tasha was all science,I was all for arts and I'd been careful enough not to pick any extracurricular activities Tasha engaged in so two months in L.A school shouldn't be that hard..except if the gods weren't on my side. Looking at the time table Mrs. Fox, the vice chancellor had given me, I headed for my first class ..


Taking a breath I opened the door hoping the teacher wasn't already talking.

Fat chance.

"Excuse me Natasha" the way he drawled Tasha's name made me think they weren't friends.

"Good morning to you too..I'm mikael actually, Tasha's twin"

"I've never heard of you"

"That's because I was on the other side of the world although i do hope my sister missed me once or twice" after a few snickers from the class the teacher..Smith I read from his name tag squinted at me.

"This better not be a prank..Mikael"

Great now he was drawling my name.

"You have a thing with names"

"Hmm..go find an empty seat and please dont interruot my class or its straight detention"

"Not a jolly one are you Mr smith?"



I went to the only empty desk I could find, Next to a blue eyed doll who looked at me like I'd come to take her soul away.

"You're really not Tasha?" she asked after a while, I smiled


"Okay i believe you" I turned to face her.


"Well duuh you smiled and now that I look at it you dont look exactly like her"

"Thank you!"

"Natasha 2.0" smith yelled

"I'm sorry" Time passed after that in something less than silence and when

classes ended I and Liv..

Yes I was already calling her Liv were already tight.

"I have singing classes now..

Please tell me you signed up for that" I shook my head

"That's Tasha's class, I ticked dancing instwd" I said showing her my time table.

Room 25.

That's where I was headed.

"Bummer, well at least you get to stay with Damian " my heart sunk

"What did you say?"

"Damian..he's the team leader"

" leader" I repeated with my lips barely moving

"Tasha's boyfriend" I said just to be sure

"Ohhh you get around fast..I'm sure you guys would get along, I'm sure he wont go so easy on you though when you're dancing since he knows you're not Tasha.." She paused when she saw the look on my face.

"He does know you're not Tasha, right?"

"He's supposed to..Tasha hasn't told him yet"

"Oouuuh she scared her thick sister's gonna steal her should just tell him" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"That won't happen peacefully and besides I can just stay at the back, I bet he wont notice me."she shrugged then snorted.

"Alright, if you think Damian wouldn't notice his girlfriend's one in a million face at the back of his dance class, then be my guest"


I went to the locker room to change. Thank God the school did not expect us to dance in our uniforms, there'd be a lot of ass showing extravaganza if they did.

Wearing pink joggers and a matching breast tube with my charm on my neck, i headed out. I sat at the back and tried to shield myself from sight but unfortunately Liv was right, less than five minutes after i arrived, Damian locked eyes with me.

"Excuse me for a minute guys." He said getting up from the floor and walking up to me, pulling me up, he hugged me. It was just a quick one but I don't think my stomach got the idea.

"Babe what you doing here, came to watch me dance ..why are you dressed like this?" He said taking in my dress code. So I'm guessing Tasha hadn't told him she had a sister. Maybe I would just tell him, get all the stress over with, I think i would..

"Uhh babe funny thing, I may have joined this class for the mean time.. A strict two month duration." I said hating myself for chickeninig out. he looked away, letting out a breath

"Tasha you can't keep running here every time you have a problem with your lead singer, David or whatever..I mean remember what happened last time." He said lowering his voice. I met his eyes uneasily swallowing..we were so close.

"Well last time won't happen again.. I'm here to dance"

"Tasha you don't have to do this..don't have to embarrass yourself"

"You think I can't dance?" I asked backing up.

"Honey i know you can't dance " well darling you've got another thing coming.

"If i can imitate your moves..I get to stay" I said and he smiled although there was a trace of anger in his expression.. I bet he didnt like being challenged.

"I won't go easy" he said in a low voice

"..let's dance" he pressed play on the boom box. I recognised the song it was one of those tiktok remakes.


The one with the beats and a lot of Nigerian dance steps. He started small jumps and i followed him flawlessly, and when he went into leg works I smiled.. Feeling fulfilled that i learned the dance move weeks before coming here i joined him midway, Feeling i was slightly better at the feet.

Then without warning he kicked at the wall and walked away..weird, he really must not like challenges or defeats. Pausing to catch my breath I yelled.

"Did i make the team?"


Damian walked side by side with Tasha as she chattered about everything but what happened at the dance hall. Did she really not take it to heart?

He didnt think she was capable of letting things slide.

And the way she danced was phenomenal. He acted like an ass mostly cause he hadn't taken his second dose of drugs for the day, but that doesnt make it justified. And it was almost like she had a different aura he just couldn't explain it, and there was something about the Chain she wore..

"You were amazing today" he said

"Aren't i always?"

"Yeah but today was different, the way you danced..did you just tan? You looked a bit lighter hours ago"

"What are you.. Yes I did didnt I?"

"You sure did and the way you worked that ass.."

"Babe could we not talk about it?"


"I just feel tired..we'll talk tomorrow" she said, kissed him on the cheeks and walked away. The fuck just happened?


I just got off the call with my best friend Beth, she was pretty angry that I hadnt reached out in a long time ..if you'd call barely forty eight hours a long time, when Tasha walked in.

Barged in.

"The door is for knocking" I said and she snarled

"Smart ass..guess thats how you outsmarted my boyfriend while you danced with him!" My heart skipped a beat..

"Well i figured you wouldn't want me telling him I'm your twin"

"So that gave you the right to make him praise you?!"

"You got the praise everybody's happy"

"Don't ask smart I bet you enjoyed rocking him"

"I didn't..I was trying to get into the club you psycho" I said and was met with a short silence.

"Quit dancing"She said.

"Tell him you're a twin"

"What? no!"

"Well then, You have your answer"

"You'll regret this"

"So will you.." I said returning her wicked stare..if looks could kill

"cuz I don't know how long I plan to keep your secret."