The bell rang and Liv groaned.
“can’t someone have a free period around here?” I smiled opening up my timetable. “tell me about it…I’ve got biology and I don’t know where the class is”
A stunned silence then,
“you offer biology?”
“well yeah, I need it for my course of study” I said
“and you wanna study…”
“figures, guess what…I offer biology”
“so does Damian!..opportunity knocks” my smile went off a notch.
“what?” I sighed.
“yes Mikael Tiana’re gonna tell him today, end of debating.”
If not now when?
I sighed in defeat, so at the end of class, I’d just walk up to him and be like hey I’m Mikael, you know you girlfriend’s twin?. didn’t seem so difficult.. I mean how bad could it be?
The confident resolve used to enter the class was crumbling with every passing minute. I’d managed to convince Liv that we sit behind Damian during the class. Time flew by as I tried to rehearse what I was gonna say. Nothing seemed right though, it all sounded a bit…
“what?” I asked not looking up
“classes were over five minutes ago..what’s going on up there? I can literally see wheels turning”
“classes Damian still here?” hoping for a split second that this cup passed me by.
“yup’ he’s usually the last to leave” just my luck. Okay, okay, I can do this, I can do this, I can..not do this..
Oh no.
Just then Tasha walked in, straight to hug Damian.
“woah this is neat!” liv yell-whispered at me and I groaned.
“could this get any worse?”
“apparently…look” I turned to where they were in time to see them sharing a kiss.
“uggh!” I think he heard me cause he turned back and I instinctively turned around.
“what are you doing?” liv whispered.
“I don’t know”
“he’s still looking, now’s your chance. Turn me” I sighed loudly. this is not what I rehearsed. Taking deep breaths, I slowly turned around. I could hear Tasha telling Damian they should leave the class because she wasn’t feeling so good. She was trying to make him look away, but his eyes zeroed on me.
I looked away.
“there you go” Liv said and I rolled my eyes then smiled. Why was I scared? It’s not like I was doing anything wrong. I took a deep breath and looked at Damian once more. Time’s ticking dad had said, I turned around and walked away… Liv close at my heels.
School had closed for the day and Damian was at the dance hall. He’d missed all the classes following Biology. He’d taken his morning drugs but even that didn’t stop the turmoil he felt in his chest. Funny thing is, he wanted to stay angry..he didn’t believe it. There were two of her.. and from Tasha’s expression she knew what was going on.
And she didn’t say a thing.
And the other one..the one that could dance he presumed, that’s why she’d blocked his kisses…cause she wasn’t Tasha..
“Damian! Fuck..this shit is too loud!” tasha yelled coming in, her face twisting in slight disgust when she saw him, he was shirtless and sweating profusely as he’d been dancing for hours. He sighed turning off the speakers.
“I was worried” Tasha said after a while.
“who is she?” he asked ignoring her statement.
“did you not hear me?”
“who is she Tasha?” he asked again and she rolled her eyes, gritting her teeth.
“my twin” she added when he won’t stop staring
“your twin?! Like living in your house, going out for strolls, easily mistaken for you kinda twin?” she scoffed
“got it in one..look I didn’t feel it was important..”
“not important enough to hint it to me? She’s the dancer right?... Right?!”
“so what if she dances!.. you don’t know what its like to share everything you love!”
“she’s your sister!”
“don’t yell at me!..and don’t take her side. You’re my boyfriend, mine!” Damian stared at her flabbergasted, she had tears running down her cheeks, couldn’t take a little conviction.
“you hid all this from me…EVERYTHING. That’s a little low on trust. I tell u everything, even to my fucked up disorder..”
“you should be fucking happy I’m still here with you..the way you yelling at me like that” he could’ve slapped her at that moment.. but how he schooled himself to calm was a mystery.
“you know what? I’m outta here” he said taking his shirt and heading for the door.
“don’t you dare walk out on me!” she yelled but he didn’t stop walking
“if you walk out that door Damian, it’s over.” He stopped walking
“and I mean it this time” if she’d pulled this trick some hours later, he may have turned around and begged. But she was out of luck, and he was a long way from calm..
“I think it was long overdue” then he walked out the door.
Tasha watched as he walked away and sank to the floor. If Mikael wasn’t in her life this would never had happened. And here she thought she’d come, yell and he’d kiss her anger away. She batted away a tear as her hands touch the cold floor.
Was it really over this time?
I’d just gotten off from a call Beth she’d ooe’d and aah’d at my day at school. I changed into a blue tanktop with grey slacks and was about to for an evening stroll when my phone beeped. It was Liv, she sent a very clear message.
LIV: call me
Sighing, I dialed her number.
“took you long dead yet?” I heard Liv’s chirpy voice from the other end.
“not yet” I said smiling at the memory
“heard they fought in the dance hall”
“what?” I asked when I could find my voice
“babe it’s all over school! How can you not know?”
“why..why is it all over school? I mean can’t people mind their business?”
“you can’t really blame them, prom king and queen breaking up…hottest relationship crumbles under heat? It’s huge!’
She said and despite the situation I laughed at her caption.
“Tasha threatened Damian, told him if he left, they were over and guess what?”
Despite the obvious answer, I said
“he apologized?” silence then,
“for someone with a promising GPA, you sure are dumb. Anyway, he left so it’s over..for now though. Most times they make up in a few I said they aren’t exactly Ken and Barbie”
I sighed dragging a hand down my face
“sooo…in a sense, I caused my twin’s break up?”
“yeah, yeah..pretty much”
“jolly!” after a few more minutes I hung up.
In less than two weeks this much ruckus..great