
Chapter 17


Anthony cringed as the bell rang, he looked around the dance hall, Tasha's twin didn't come to dance. That was weird especially since he could swear he saw her name on the list. That wasn't surprising, what was surprising was the fact that he'd made the team. He was a good dancer he knew but he didn't expect Damian to be fair with him.

He never has been.

Always made things extra hard when it came to him, hated his mother for no reason at all.

Well mom never gave him a reason to love her either so...

"Get your scrawny ass moving Anthony..there's no one else here" Tony looked up to see Damian turning off the speakers. When he had his back turned...when he wasn't staring down at him, he wasn't so scary. Tony couldn't get what he saw the day before out of his mind. A shirtless image of Damian about to kneel in front of his mother.

"Not until I let this out" Anthony said and Damian stopped what he was doing, turning to face him.

"And that would be.."

So much for him not looking so scary.

"Look..I get that you can't access your drugs and..and its making you all wonky, but could you not uh.. My mother.." He couldn't seem to get the words out.

Damian smirked

"You can't be serious" he said turning to walk away

"I am!..I am. There's already bad blood between us and I'd do anything to change that but if you mess with my mother I'd.."

"You'd do what?" He asked and before Tony could register that he felt a blow land smack on his face sending him reeling back and another one that sent him to the floor.

Not giving him a moment, he grabbed Tony by his shirt.

"I am not in the slightest way interested in having even a fleeting relationship with your mother how about that huh? How about the fact that your mother set my drugs ablaze just because i didn't want to sexually please her?" A small gasp left Tony's lips and Damian laughed.

"Surprised Tony boy? So who's being abused, who's being wronged now huh?" Tony closed his eyes, bracing himself for another punch.

But it never came.


I stared horrified at the sight, the way Damian's fist wrapped around the smaller boys chest. I heard him curse under his breath.

"Get out of here will you? We're just having a friendly chat"

"This does not in any way look friendly..put the boy down" I said, he looked indecisive...and angry

"Please" I whispered, holding my breath as neither of them moved for a while, before Damian roughly dropped him to the floor and walked towards the door, stopping to look back as if he wanted to say something, then apparently changing his mind and walked away. Immediately he was gone i turned to look at the boy.

"Are you okay?"

His cheek felt swollen, he could taste blood..but still he nodded, even smiled.

"I'm sorry, he says he had a bad temper but.. Well I didn't think this bad " she said handing him a wet towel which he used to clean up his face.

"I'm Mikael"

"Anthony" he finally said shaking hands with her.

He let her pull him up.

"Oh yeah I remember you now, how's your leg?" she asked and he chuckled.

"It's okay, I sprained it during sports earlier that day that's why I couldn't jig"

He said and she nodded.

"Um.. I don't mean to pry but uh.. Do you have some personal beef with him or something, it looks like he comes for you often."

"Yeah, no no..I looked for trouble this time" what Damian said kept ringing in his head.

So who's being abused? Who's being wronged now?.

He badly wanted to toss those words in the bin.

But Damian hardly lied

And his mother wasn't particularly a healthy role model.


Tasha was having the worst day of her life. She had a splitting headache, she wasn't sure she could call the biology test she wrote awesome.

Her friends wouldn't even glance at her, not to mention talk to her and everybody else kept giving her side-way mocking glances.

What the hell was going on?

How had her Barbie happily ever after life come to this?

She couldn't even blame it on Mikael anymore.

Oh wait yes she could.

The bitch was indirectly the cause of all her problems.

She just wanted all this to end. Every fucking part of it.

Her phone beeped.

She took it out and her breath came out in short spurts as she saw the picture. The room around her began to spin.

Accepting bribe?

The caption stared blandly at her reinforced with some purple eggplants.

For fuck's sake she thought they were alone.

Looking up she saw the same mocking faces..

But now she knew what they meant.

The bells rang for closing of school and Damian couldn't be more relieved. Well not really relieved, since home wasnt a safe haven either. He sat on one of the chairs in the field , watching them play soccer, missing his days as a jock more tgan a tad bit.

Of all the days, she just had to burst in when he was feeling like crap.

"Here" he looked up, having to shield his eyes from the sun to see who was talking.


"You uh..forgot your water bottle in the hall when you..left"

"Thanks" he said after sometime, taking the bottle from her.

"About today.."

"Nothing to worry about, Tony promised me he wouldn't report, although you need to do something about that temper of yours, you may hurt yourself"

Hurt himself.

He felt like laughing. Is that what she thought about?

He remembered when Tasha had seen him in one of his melt downs with Tony, she didn't speak to him for weeks.

"And uh.. Honestly, I didn't tell Tasha to keep my arrival a secret, it was actually the other way round" she told him her side of the story which actually made a lot more sense.

"But dont do anything to her please, she had her reasons, even if theh were a tiny bit selfish" she said and he laughed, holding her hand as she got up to go.

"Will you come for dance lessons tomorrow?.. The competitions close and you're one of our best dancers though you'll never hear me say it again"

He said and she smiled.

"I think I will"

Amelia watched from afar as Damian and the little baxter chit chatted.


Why couldn't they just leave him alone, she spent so mich time getting rid of one baxter and the other one just hops in like it's a jolly ride!..

She'd had a crush on Damian since their first sophomore year. But of coirse little miss barbie had already straddled him up.

Now she had a tiny chance and she wasn't gonna let that slip away.

She took her phone and chatted up Tasha.

Me: my intel has just told me who slept with Damian that day.

Not more than a minute later she replied.

Tasha: and the pictures?

Me: same person

Tasha: who?

Amelia made sure two minutes had past before she replied.

So Tasha could sense the hesitation.

Me: your sister..I'm sorry.

Tasha: Are you sure?

Amelia looked at the duo, Mikael was about to go but Damian held her hand.

Me: my intel's never wrong, you know that.