Chapter 1

Akira , akira ...get up there is someone to see u " Mother Ann said this in the sweetest voice possible with a tiny bit of anxiety .On hearing her words I haphazardly got up from my bed , skaking my head as if to analyse the words of Mother Ann " someone has come to see me " I said this without even thinking that I said it out aloud . Did she really said what I think she said .Actually this has never happen to me , even though ' yes ' it has happened a lot of times in my dreams ....wherein an old couple would come to take me with them ....oh my it is such a nice dream .

" Get up now..didnt you just heard me , someone is here to see YOU " this time Ann shouted on top of her voice as if I am deaf . Which actually brought me to reality this is for real happening ...this is not a dream . I hurried towards her as if I was going to eat her up " Who are they ? Are they old? Are they my relative? " I fired her with questions " Ann tell me please .... I beg you " I know that I should call her mother Ann or atleast give her some respect , but I am ' good for nothing girl ' as this is what she says about me , which I don't mind actually . " I don't know, Akira " thats all she replied but after a long pause as if ages have passed she said " When you will be ready , I will give answers to your questions hurry up and get in the shower " .And she left , without even looking at me again .

I quickly took my shower . Put on my favourite pink t-shirt and jeans , which I wore for the first time as I had thought of wearing it on the day when someone will come to take me ....and now that day has come . Before going for the breakfast I looked at myself in the mirror as if to admire myself , yes I did look mighty fine with my hair tied in a ponytail , my eyes sparkling with excitment .

" Oh my last you wore it ...I thought you might never wear it . Or even didn't like it at all , but here you are looking so beautiful in this " said Ann in her sweet voice ." I didn't wore it as I thought of wearing it on some suitable occasion " I replied in a very mocking tone . " Oh that is the case my darling , but as I can recall I gave you this on your fourth birthday , at that time you didn't seem very happy with it and now look at you " she said this in a mocking tone as well. But I was no longer happy with where the conversation was heading to , as she knows that I don't like my birthdays at all ,at the same time I don't like gifts very much . So in order to not spoil my mood I didnt reply her.

" So Ann will u tell me who has come to see me " I said " Yes I will , but first you eat your breakfast and with that I will also feed you with your answers " she said I sat on the chair near the study table , as on that my breakfast was arranged " But I have a request , as I start to eat have to start speaking " I stretched my hand out in order to seal the deal between us. She began to laugh , and brought her hand to shake mine . She replied " Deal ... now shall we start ,yes on the count of one, two and three .." on three I took my first bite of sandwich . " Oh look at you , always hungry for information . It feels like it was just yestarday you came in this orphanage it has been five years and look at you all grown up " she said while affectionately rubbing her hand on my hair " Please Ann , can we stay on the topic " I said with food in my mouth . " Ok fine as you wish , your uncle aunt have come to take you with them ...but before meeting them ...I am telling you this " she took a long breath " Akira baby , you don't have to go with them if you don't want to . I will take care of you" again she took a deep breath as if to calm herself down so that she doesn't breaks down " I love u Akira very much , that is why I want the best for you . For this decision of yours I want you to think carefully " she said with tears now running down all over her face

" I know that you do ...but I think I should go with them they are my family Ann " I said this with utmost consideration , so that by any chance I don't break her heart . She didn't say anything as I knew she didn't want me to go , but I also know that I have to. *******************************************************

" May I come in sister " I asked nervously " Yes, please Akira come in , and sit on the stoll beside me " said Mother Joana , she is the head of the orphanage , even though she is nice but I am more close to Ann . As Mother Johana puts this ' Ann seems like your mother ' she doesn't means this in a literal way but because of her love towards me.

When I sat down , for the first time I noticed a couple sitting on the other side of the desk , looking at me with amazement and eagerness as if they have been waiting for me , for five years. " So Mr and Mrs Robel , this is Akira ." Mother Joana introduced them to me " Akira this is your uncle and aunty , they have come to take you with them. " she looked at me for answers , so that she could know that I wanted to go with them or not . In the meantime Ann said at last something " Akira baby , do u want to go with them ?" and she as well looked at me for answers but she didn't found one .

In between my aunt spoke " Akira , I am your aunt Romana , your mother was my sister . And do you know that you look just like her , just apart from your nose which looks like your dad " . Till the time she finished her eyes were filled with tears , which were now running out .She anxiously opened her purse and took out a tissue paper " I am such a stupid woman , I get so emotional , whenever the thought of my sister comes to my mind , I am so sorry everyone " . And she started to wipe away her tears . In order to console her uncle said " Romana , now is not the time . We have found her now , please stop crying " . " Yes , you are right " aunt said and in between wiping her tears . " Mr Robel is correct , now you shouldn't worry " said Mother Joana , after a while she cleared her throat and said " Now if you may wait outside Mr and Mrs Robel , we need to talk to Akira" . They automatically got up from there seats. But before going outside Aunt Romana came to me and affectionately kissed me on the head and smiled . I just melted from seeing the love and affection towards me , which made me more sure of my decision to go .