Chapter 6

I couldn't believe my eyes , at what happened next.The couple who occupied it , vacated it and within seconds the table was layed out for us.

Lazarillo sat on a chair and motioned me to sit on the opposite one. I was just stunned by what happened , that I almost stepped on my leg but , at last I managed to get to my destination .

" So , Mr Robel , you must be wondering . How did this happen ? " he said and looked at me with raised eyebrow " Actually the thing is ....." he sat comfortably on his chair , while stroking his thigh with his right hand " I own this place , so that's why , I get what I want around here " .

I nodded in admiration . But when I came out of my trans , I figured out ' How did he knew my name ?' .Now my mind was working in full speed , that only makes me angry . I had to get to the end of this game of suspense with the old guy , before I loose my temper totally.

I stood a little up from my chair to come closer to him as well as to show myself in power " I have had it with you , I just want you to spit whatever , you want to say to me " I said , in sheer anger which was visible all though my body .

" Ok John , you got me " he said while putting his hand up in defeat " I have a proposal for you and before you say anything regarding it . I want you to know that I am determined to give you as much money you ask for " .

I almost lost myself at his offer , but still I composed myself , as he has still not told me anything about it . " I am listening to you , but before you tell me about your proposal . I want to tell you that .....I want a hell lot of money " I said casually , so that he could know , I am not an easy man to persuade.

" Seriously , this is the last thing you have to be worried about " he said with a smile , which made me uncomfortable, but he continued " The work is that , there is a girl in a orphanage , I want you to take care of her . Treat her like your own daughter and I will on the other hand shower you with whatever you want " .

I thought for a second is this man joking .....I think the old age has really taken over him . But on the second thought , Is that all he wants ? . But I need to know more about it , as my evil instinct tells me this can't be it . He knew my name , so that means he choose me for this .....But why me ?

" Why have you choosen me for this ? ....anyone could have done it , with the offering you are giving " I said annoyingly.

He cleared his throat and straightened his coat and said " The thing is you are a family .....your wife Romana's younger sister Laura and her husband died in a accident and they left behind there five year old daughter Akira . I have been finding you for quite some time . So that she could get a real family " .

I tried recalling .....yes, Laura she was such a rebel , but a beautiful girl . Even though she married after us , but she was still young for her age . After she ran away one fine day , she never came back . We just got to know that she got married . But never got to know to whom , as Romana was least interested in her sister.

" I can do that , but who are you anyway ? " I asked .

" I am the head of that orphanage . So this is my job " he said casually . I felt ashamed , at my fooilsh question .

We then talked for hours , about the proposal that I had entered into . With a cup of coffee as promised , it serious was awesome .

Till the end of the conversation I was totally into it , on top of it I also had a great evil plan attached to it . We shook hands and as I was going back , the old man put his firm hand on my shoulder and said " I will be checking you , always " with a smirk and left before I could say anything.

*****end of flashback*****

Still I had a lot of unanswered questions...why was this old man still following me ?.


Ann's POV

It has been couple of months since , I have given them ' The taste of there own medicine ' . And since then Akira , has been in a much better environment .

Not that I have asked her about it , but since then I have been in close contact with the Robels for precautionary purpose.

But then also , I have been having nightmare regarding it . I don't know what should I do . I have tried a lot of times to talk to Mother Joana about it , but I just could not do it .

I have to do it now , I quickly jumped from my bed and made my way towards Mother Joana's room .

I knocked a couple of times , but she didn't respond . I became anxious , so I almost banged my hands on the door , till the time she opened. " Who is it , at this time of the night ? " she said in a sleepy voice. " Ann , whats wrong ? Are you alright " .

" I have been trying to talk to you . But I could not find a suitable time ....." I was out of breath till that time , maybe because of the thing I had to tell her or by banging on the door.

" Come in, Ann and sit down on the bed " she said while she brought a glass of water " Drink this you will feel better " . I drank the water in one go . " Ann , calm down then tell me . There is no hurry , relax "

I collected my breath and sat with my hands in my lap , while continuously playing with my fingers nervously. " I went to meet Akira , a couple of months ago , without telling you . I ..." I looked up at her , she gave me a encouraging look , to continue " They were not taking care of Akira properly, so I got angry . So I for the sake of making them afraid , I ....." I stopped because I knew that , the last part which I have to say is my mistake.

I took a deep breath " I told them that Lazarillo is a MOB BOSS " I said as fast as I could and kept my head down .

She looked at me astonished , with her eyes open wide in shock " Ann , how can you do this ? . Now because of you Akira is in so much danger . Do u have any idea what you have done ? " she almost shouted at me. "To threaten them, you could have said that there allownance won't be provided " .

" I told them , but they did not understand " I said in a protest in between my sobs ." Did u tell them anything else ? " she asked with a straight face . I moved my head from left to right in denial . " Good " she replied " Otherwise the situation would have become unbearable " .

" This is not the main reason that , I have come to you , but the thing is since some weeks I am having nightmares and they are directed towards Akira . And I am very afraid , I don't want her to suffer . Because of my stupidity" I said sobbing.

" I just have one request , Mother Joana . Please tell Lazarillo about this , so that he could arrange for her safety " . " Yes I will tell him , about this " she said while patting my back , to calm me.

I silently prayed ' Please God , protect her from the danger , she knows nothing of ' .