Chapter 8

Ann's POV

" Why is there a rush in the backyard , Mother Joana ? " I asked . She turned around from her desk and said " Lazarillo senior is coming , at night . So the preparations regarding his stay is being done ".

" But why is he coming at such a short notice ?" I asked out of surprise . " He wanted to attend Akira's high school farewell . Ann don't divulge this information to anyone " she said with tight lips .

" Why would I tell anyone about it ...when I know the consequences regarding it " I said in a low voice.

Akril's POV

" Boss, I am near my target , should I kill her or kidnap her ?" I asked through the bluetooth handsfree attached to my ear to my BIG BOSS.

" Where is she now ?"

" She is at the mall and I am there as well . What should I do boss ?...should I kill her ?" I asked quietly.

" Are you insane , you can't kill her at a place like mall , lot of public are there as well as we are still not sure of our target . You just bring her to me and I will take care of the rest " I listened quietly to all the other instruments " Ok boss " and the call was cut.

Ella's POV

My mobile beeped again which signalled me that ' Edward ' messaged me. On a sly I opened the message it read ' Where are you ? Tell me fast I want to meet you . '

On reading this ' sweet message ' from my love I couldn't contain myself anymore and smilingly I started to type the reply.

" Don't message him " I heard from Akira , who was standing opposite to me ." I am not messaging him . What makes you think I am messaging him ? " I asked to deny her aligation.

" I got to know because of this " she pointed towards my flushed cheeks " But if you want to then do it " she said with a smile.

"He seems sorry for his behaviour Akira and I think by meeting him everything will again come back to the right track " I said happily.

She eyed me for a second and said with a shock " That means he is going to come over here ?".

" Yes of course . He wants to meet me , where else would we meet " I said and messaged him the location.

" I don't want to meet him and you know that . So I am out of here . Have fun and be safe " she said with genuine concern .

Her chance came for the payment , till then I waited at the corner for Edward . Before leaving the store she waved me goodbye and went on towards the exit door but in between she got in talks with a guy .

I have never seen her talk to anyone like him . Who is he ?.

Edward's POV

I think I should send a more convincing message this time , so that she won't be able to resist me anymore. I knew that what I am doing I will regret it for the rest of my life , but I had to do it.

I typed the message and send it with heavy heart , but I was confident that she will reply to me this time for sure .

After waiting for a few seconds I got ' my answer ' . From next time on , I will use this formula much before I loose myself and break any of my expensive table, vase or my crockery.

I quickly got ready in something and made my way to my custom made shelf of my favorite guns . After choosing a appropriate gun for my attire , I made my way to the mall.

Thank God, Ella didn't force me to stay' I dont understand why they have to meet whenever I am around , that really irritates me.

As I was going outside the store I waved to Ella ' goodbye' to let her know I was seriously leaving.

When I was about to leave the mall through the exit door , I was approached by a guy who wore a expensive suite , he didn't look like anyone of the guys I would know.

" Excuse me , are you Akira ? " he asked me , while showing from his body he exactly knew who I was .

" Yes " I said hastely. " How do you know me ? " I asked nervously . He didn't answer me .

He moved a little , so that he was now standing in front of me , almost overshadowing me with his height.

" You have to come with me " he said in a professional tone " Or else I will have to take you forcefully with me and I don't think so u will like it " he grinned a little .

I had no words in a mouth it felt like I had lost the ability to speak , my mind started to work in full speed. What should I do , should I run from him which..... it was a foolish idea as he had trapped me by holding me around my waist by his musculan arms . Or should I kick him on his manhood ...which was a easy target as it was near my knee

Till the time I could proceed with my plan he said " I think you have made up your mind to come peacefully with me , good choice as you nor I would like bruises on this skin " he stroked my upper arm with a mischievous smile .

Edward' s POV

When I was on my way to enter the mall's premises , I saw a ' black hummer ' stop in front of me and a guy came out of it. Whom I didn't recognise but he did look familiar to me.

The car went leaving that guy behind , as the car was descending my eyes feel on its ' number plate ' which had the same number as the ' black audi ' which was always parked outside Akira's house . Indeed there was definately something wrong .

When I reached the place Ella instrumented me to , I didn't find Akira anywhere . " Where is Akira ? " I asked straightaway .

" Why you are always so concerned about her ? ...anyways she has gone home to give us some privacy , which we need " she said seductively .

I wasn't ready for her games right now , I had to find her before something happens ' as my instincts tell me that she might be in danger ' .

" Which way did she took to go home . Do you know it ?" I asked hastely.

" I do know the place and where she is now " she said playfully " But first you have to promise me , we will go for a dinner date tomorrow after my farewell ceremony " . By this time I was boiling in anger , I just wanted to cut her tongue so that I don't have to listen to her mindless talks anymore .

" Ok fine , I will " I said angrily but that insane girl didn't see my anger and started to jump in excitment. " You are the best , you know that right ...I will not take any of your time for now, she is standing outside the store over there " she pointed towards her " talking to a guy , since two or three minutes , maybe its her boyfriend . Its so exciting right and maybe......"

She continued to talk but I left her and came out and found Akira's back towards me . But I could see the guy very clearly due to his height , when I moved a little closer I saw it was the same guy I saw outside coming out of the ' black audi' , but now I recognised him , without his shades ' it's Akirl ' . How did they know about her ?.

Akira's POV

From the corner of my eyes I saw Edward , whose eyes was fixed on the guy in front of me . " Let's go darling and smile. We are going to have so fun " he put his fingers on the corner of my lips to lifted them up to make me smile . He took my hand into his own and he effortlessly dragged me near the exit door .

When we were standing there , I couldn't find Edward anywhere . Where did he go , although I tried alot to convey through my face that something was wrong but I think he didnt understand my signals. Whats gonna happen now , he was my single hope .